Finding this website was you might say like following a trail on the internet. It started two years and six months ago, when I used my first emulator MAME and only just learned fully the general use of it and how to obtain more roms. I had a good balance between favourites for Arcade games and computer games but, whilst going through Abandonia, came across one its affliates, a solo administered website called "The House Of Games". There my emulation experience rose greatly through the NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Master System consoles. Whilst looking through the different versions of Prince of Persia, I found the "Prince Of Persia Unofficial Website" which fascinated me. Looking at full maps of the different versions led me directly to this site. Upon browsing, I was eager and keen to make own maps. By this time I began experimenting with Game Boy Advance and made and submitted my first ever maps of the game "Spyro 2: Season of Fire". Ever since I have been learning something new about game cartography every week.