RT 55J, you and osrevad are brothers? That's news to me. o_0 Then again, seeing as how I don't know most of any of you except by your username/avatar and whatever personality I can glean from your posts, I guess it can't be too surprising that there are people here that are related. (Maybe we'll find out that TerraEsperZ and Revned are conjoined twins...)
Maxim and Terra, as nice as it is to hear that you like the state of people on these forums, I'm afraid it's because it isn't too big. If this place got too popular, we'd be more likely to have less friendly people in our midst. That's the unfortunate thing about any place with a lot of people...
And Peardian, I'm really surprised you didn't come to these forums earlier or at least more frequently, especially considering how much you've contributed.