The idea of a site makeover has been tossed around for years. I haven't mentioned it much lately because I don't want to get people's hopes up. It'll happen when it happens, like Duke Nukem Forever. >_<
It will have to happen, for fear of being antiquated, but whether it's soon or later is dependent on a lot of things. Namely, the things going on in my life (as well as my own video game addiction... >_>).
The two biggest concerns to be addressed are navigation/loading (seems "all the games on one page" format is unpopular) and the time it takes for me to update (I hope to just rename and upload the files and have them auto-sorted with all the relevent info, instead of typing it all manually). More complicated things such as integration with the forums have been mentioned, which are very nice but probably not priority.
I don't know that I would ever allow one-click downloading of archives for my maps, but most likely not as I want people to come to my site themselves, as ultimately the site depends on the ad revenue, which is dependent on actual visitations. Ads would also get an overhaul or rearrangement, but they would still have to be present.
More likely, I would make minor changes over time until I can find the time to implement an overhaul.
I thank everyone for their patience, and I hope no one is seriously irked at my slowness to implement things. Truly, the person that would benefit most by upgrading is myself, as I get the feeling new visitors don't "get" the layout of the site and get turned off, and then my site doesn't grow as much or as quickly as it could.
One day, one day.