Author Topic: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming  (Read 176719 times)

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Offline JonLeung

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #75 on: December 02, 2008, 01:51:34 pm »
I emailed wileee again recently (maybe a week ago), and asked about them since it's been a few months since he said he would make them available.  Unfortunately I haven't heard back since.

Those Super Metroid maps sure would be helpful...

Offline Revned

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #76 on: December 02, 2008, 03:27:10 pm »
I asked Edsword for them 3 or 4 years ago and never got them :-/

Offline JonLeung

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #77 on: December 06, 2008, 04:04:14 pm »



Offline RT 55J

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #78 on: December 06, 2008, 06:10:02 pm »
If you're trying to come up with the planet's name, just mash the keyboard and attempt to pronounce the results, then change the pronunciation until the name sounds good enough. For example:

- dlakg -> Dlakug -> Dlaguk -> Dlagic

- osduyhg -> Osdyug -> Ozdug

- cmvhgrf -> Cumvigerf -> Comvigger

- wpfuiogyh -> Whipfwiog -> Whipfrog

- tyuryh -> Toorie

- zuiglkas -> Zweegle-kas -> Zweelkas -> Zwilkaz

- xlkghkf -> Xliguk -> Xelguk

Granted, the method is rather hit or miss.

You might be better off just anagramming "April Fools Day" again. :P


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman

Offline JonLeung

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #79 on: December 06, 2008, 06:27:40 pm »
No, I already know what I'm going to name what I'm currently working on.

Think of that as a hint.  ;)

Anyway, I don't think I'll be using your "Whipfrog"...but I have an idea on how I might come up with some area'll see.

Offline JonLeung

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #80 on: December 16, 2008, 02:52:20 pm »
For those of us eagerly awaiting wileee and Edsword's Super Metroid maps, wileee has begun to release them, starting with expect that here on pretty soon.

Offline marioman

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #81 on: December 16, 2008, 05:09:38 pm »
Yays!  Thanks for working the details out with wileee.

Offline JonLeung

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #82 on: January 01, 2009, 11:25:33 am »
I'm working on the planet's surface for Metroid Dread.  Unintentionally, it shares many similarities with Crateria as seen in Super Metroid (in terms of how the elevators and items are placed).  Looks like I'll have to focus harder on shifting away from that.

Though I wonder how many people will notice, once it's fully "dressed".  As it is, it's just a bunch of green squares against a pink background...

Offline JonLeung

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #83 on: January 05, 2009, 02:41:39 pm »
I don't know if anyone's following along but something that's slowing me down is "dressing" the areas.  When reusing graphics (or modified versions of them) from past games, Super Metroid may be more likely, as in Fusion and Zero Mission, particularly the rocky areas, it's not like they use a single tile for a segment of a platform.  There will often be rocks and such that make each segment take up more than a 16 x 16 tile, so that overall it looks less blocky.  It makes it hard to shape new formations out of the same tiles, though.

Offline JonLeung

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #84 on: January 27, 2009, 08:06:35 am »
I try to work on this every day but it looks like I'm easily distracted.  So I made up a schedule with various deadlines for the next 64 days so I know where I should be at.

Still looks quite feasible, even with eight areas.  I'm close to halfway done the third area, which means it's ten days for each remaining area.  It was slow at first (selecting, cutting, making, and modifying tiles, and that sort of miscellaneous preliminary stuff), hence why I'm only where I am now despite seriously starting in early December, I think, but it should speed up as I go.  I don't actually expect that the last area should take ten days (it'll be more like Tourian than Chozodia, no items or fancy paths to route), so I might have a couple extra days for the final touches.  It would be nice to have at least a whole week instead of just a few days for all the final touches, actually.  If I reduce the number of areas by one (a real possibility), that would grant me quite a bit more time for the final touches since it's the polish that would sell it, not the number of areas.

I've done schedules like this before for reading textbooks while back in university.  I would figure out how many days I had to read a book, and how many pages I'd have to read, divide the latter by the former, and then I'd know how much I'd have to read each day.  Once I figured out how much I had to read each day, it was easy for me to start out by reading more than twice as much in the early days and then it became a game to see how far I could get ahead.  Though it didn't make much sense to race ahead when it comes to reading for university, especially if I didn't always remember what I read.  Perhaps it was my OCD kicking in, but if I read far enough ahead, I would recalculate the daily quota to see how much I'd reduced it by, which would encourage me to read more.  It'd be like, "all right, if I read 60 more pages tonight, then I can read two less pages a day for the final month of the semester!" - and then I would read about 90 pages that night.  :P  Again, maybe not the best tactic, because I was reading at the moment just to eliminate having to read later, and not necessarily learning at the right pace.

But if I can take that attitude and apply it to this, and make this a race against my own schedule for this project, I will certainly be motivated, and then maybe I'll be able to have eight areas with plenty of time for polish after all!

EDIT: Here's the schedule I made.

Note that it says I'm working on Area 2 this week.  It's actually the third area, since this game has an "Area 0", my codename for the area since you can't revisit it - much like the openings of Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

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Offline JonLeung

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #85 on: February 08, 2009, 04:16:07 pm »
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Offline marioman

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #86 on: February 08, 2009, 04:40:25 pm »
Wave, ice, spazer, plasma and what?  Fusion?

Offline JonLeung

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #87 on: February 08, 2009, 04:45:14 pm »
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I decided to cut out the Spazer in the last few minutes.  And I changed the colours again.

And the "F" beam is a surprise!

Offline JonLeung

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RE: 2009 April Fools' Project brainstorming
« Reply #89 on: March 07, 2009, 12:55:18 pm »
I heard about that.  Not going to use that though, that's from the perspective of the Space Pirates.

I think I must be coming off sounding like a real jerk, at the dozens of people who have asked to make a fan game based around Oracle Of Hours.  I tell them they'd be better off making their own fan game around their own ideas, and I get the feeling some of them don't listen and still intend to rip everything off exactly as it is.  Then they bug me on MSN asking if I want to test it.  No thanks.

It's like they think that even though I spent months making something like this specifically to promote, that I would happily hand it over to them on a silver platter 'cause they're too lazy to make their own game from scratch.

Thankfully, I'm sure most of them won't get anywhere near completion.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Oracle Of Hours has ignited a lot of interest, but after a while it really gets annoying when other people think they can get something more out of it than I intended.