Author Topic: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)  (Read 104411 times)

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Offline marioman

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RE: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2008, 04:32:13 pm »
I consider Mega Man & Bass to be Mega Man 9 as much as I consider Sonic & Knuckles to be Sonic 4.  They are more side-quests than an actual sequels.  (Actually, the rom says that Mega Man & Bass is Mega Man 8.5.)

And the people who say that Mega Man X2 is Mega Man 12 need to go back to school.  (Or at least figure out the difference between Arabic and Roman numerals.)

Offline JonLeung

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RE: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2008, 04:39:09 pm »
I should have better things to do at the moment (and I do) but I did mean to find that strip anyway.

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Clearly wrong, other fans did send in emails to correct them, and if you read the whole news post that day, they did eventually get it figured out.  I guess they aren't the biggest Mega Man fans, but seeing as how Mega Man is in more games than Super Mario, you would think that such a fact should be elementary for people such as themselves.  Oh, well, everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and maybe I'm no better for holding them to this one.

I guess we've gone so far off-topic but I'd like to slap everyone who thinks "Game Boy" is one word, where, unlike the confusion that is "Mega Man", "Game Boy" has never been one word and has always been two.  I'm sure I've mentioned being irked by that countless times before.  I guess I'm more visually-oriented than people, that at times I feel as if people are blind to that space being there even though what's really happening is that they're probably hearing the words together all the time more than seeing them just slightly apart.  I still dislike those times when people were so adamant that it was one word, even with an absolute lack of evidence and plenty to the contrary.

Boy, maybe I just need to lighten up.

I guess I derailed this thread just by questioning the space between the X and the number.  I should get back to finishing Mega Man X 8 and even finding Mega Man X 7.  When will Capcom hit Mega Man 9 or Mega Man X 9?  At the rate Mega Man: Battle Network is going they'll hit 9 soon, if Star Force hasn't taken over.  But maybe it'll stop at 8 too.  Maybe Capcom just can't count.  How many Street Fighter IIs were there before they finally moved on to III?

Offline TerraEsperZ

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RE: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2008, 04:55:32 pm »
I just read the whole news post about that and I'll admit I still think they either knew full well that X wasn't ten but played along knowing fans would fly into a rage, or just had an argument in real life and exaggerated it for the purpose of the strip since Tycho tend to be an ass when he thinks he's right. Anyway, I'm glad to report that thanks to reading Nintendo Power at the time, I knew that X came out before VII and thus calling X ten never even came into question.

I guess we've gone so far off-topic but I'd like to slap everyone who thinks "Game Boy" is two words, where, unlike the confusion that is "Mega Man", "Game Boy" has never been one word.

So, you're angry at people who think it's two words, when in reality it's two words? Me thinks you worded that wrong :P


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Offline JonLeung

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RE: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2008, 04:57:34 pm »
Oh, great, now you're going to hold me to my mistake.  :P

Offline TerraEsperZ

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RE: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2008, 05:02:02 pm »
I just couldn't stop myself, because your previous rant reminded me too much of this :):

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"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

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Offline Rew

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RE: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2008, 07:26:15 pm »
I have nothing really to add to this conversation except absolutely, completely 100% seconding what Jon said above about Mega Man X Command Mission.

Ever since I was in middle school, the original MMX on Super NES had reigned as my favorite Mega Man game of all time. That remained true as I played every game in the X series. However, this past January, I finally got to Command Mission for the first time--and it dethroned X1 for the first time in 13 years. I *love* that game! (The irony, of course, is that the first time I ever saw that game in a game store, my first thought was, "Mega Man? X? As an *RPG*?" And I nearly gagged. Little did I know it would become my fave. =D


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Offline JonLeung

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RE: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2008, 07:33:55 am »
True, making something an RPG doesn't necessarily make things better.  But it was a nice change of pace for the Mega Man X series, though, and sometimes that's what's needed.

For example, I've tried to get into the Battle Network series without much luck.  I did enjoy some episodes of the anime, but the only game I played through was Network Transmission, the platformer on the GameCube.  Maybe I don't like the card-battling formula (I do love Baten Kaitos, so maybe I just didn't like MM:BN's particular formula), and changing that from an RPG to a platformer (sort of the reverse of the X series when they made Command Mission) made it something I could get into.  X-Play ragged on it for not having different-enough areas - obviously they didn't play very far into it.

I noticed that this art book has some stuff from Mega Man X: Command Mission, so it's good to see that it wasn't missed out.  I wonder if it has art from some of the other spin-offs of Mega Man, like the Game Boy games (especially V), Soccer, Battle & Chase, and all those other ones we talked about in the other Mega Man topic.  Oooh, maybe art from Powered Up would be cool, too.  X has spin-offs as well, the Mega Man Xtreme games on the Game Boy Color, though I'm not sure how much they'd have that would be new that isn't already covered in the main X series, or that anyone would care about what little is specific to that series...

Offline Rew

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RE: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2008, 02:17:25 pm »
Actually, I've seen screenshots of the book containing art from the Rockman World series (Mega Man I-V on Game Boy) as well as Xtreme 1 and 2. =D

As for Mega Man Soccer, Battle & Chase, Powered Up, or Maverick Hunter X, I have no idea.


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Offline TerraEsperZ

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RE: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2008, 04:04:04 pm »
Marioman, please keep us informed on any eventual English release of this or the Rockman Zero book. I'd hate to buy the book now only to see it turn out in English a month later. Now, if it was never translated, I'd have no problem buying it in Japanese for the art alone (like I did with the Transformers Generations book that covered all the G1 and G2 figures as well as several pages of character art), but understanding the text might be nice if possible.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Current projects: Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man V (GB), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES)
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Offline marioman

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RE: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2008, 04:12:48 pm »
The Mega Man Zero one is available for preorder on  Search "Megaman Zero Official Complete Works".  

I can't remember where I saw the note about the English version of R20, but I think that  it was on the Mega Man Network boards.  I'll let you know if I find it.

Offline Ryan Ferneau

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marioman Said:
I consider Mega Man & Bass to be Mega Man 9 as much as I consider Sonic & Knuckles to be Sonic 4. They are more side-quests than an actual sequels.
Actually, many people consider Sonic and Knuckles to be the second half of Sonic the Hedgehog 3, meaning it was made up of levels that were supposed to be in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 but weren't finished in time for release.  So the link-up cartridge was made to be able to preserve some of the original intent.

JonLeung Said:
True, making something an RPG doesn't necessarily make things better. But it was a nice change of pace for the Mega Man X series, though, and sometimes that's what's needed.
Hopefully Sonic Chronicles can do the same thing for that series!

TerraEsperZ Said:
Anyway, I'm glad to report that thanks to reading Nintendo Power at the time, I knew that X came out before VII and thus calling X ten never even came into question.
Unless you think the series is allowed to jump ahead a few numbers like Star Wars!

JonLeung Said:
Anyway, back on topic...I remember Keiji Inafune (I think that's his name) mentioning on that one G4 clip I saw on Mega Man X Anniversary Collection (GameCube version) how if someone presented art of the same quality of the art that he himself had done for the first Mega Man, he would've said, "nope, sorry, try again".
"What, you just painted MegaRockMan red and white and stuck a pair of shears on his head?  That's not creative!  That's not a good robot design!  Get out!"

Rew Said:
Still, I hear that there's all sorts of valuable storyline info about MM canon in these type books that we English-speaking folk don't see unless we happen to be on a MM forum with an uber MM nerd who knows Japanese and has these kinds of sourcebooks to cite in debate threads. =P
Yeah, that reminds me of someone who used to hang out on my favorite IRC channel.  She was one of those "Japanophile" types who had obviously read all that rare Japanese information about MegaMan and was always ready to correct people who misunderstood the series and offer up facts about Rock's Buster firing solar energy and GravityMan hiding from his officemates on the ceiling... and I'm like, "Huh? How do you know this?"  Also, she seemed to have some beef with Mandi Paugh having such a popular site based on a snarky interpretation of the localized games which features inaccurate fanfiction that DARES to incorporate Captain N.  But now I'm rambling and gossiping, so I'll stop here

Offline marioman

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NEWS!  The Mega Man Network just put this link up.  Be sure to check out the screenshots section.

Offline JonLeung

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RE: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2008, 04:33:18 pm »
I guess no one can consider Mega Man & Bass to be Mega Man 9 anymore...  :P

And now the artbook's not complete...

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RE: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2008, 08:54:23 pm »
And R20 will be translated into English! =D

Also, @Ryan:

As much as I love Mandi Paugh and her MMHP, I just couldn't ever get into her fanfics with Captain N, Link, and other such folks. It just felt...wrong, for some reason. =P

I'd love to see what she could do with a "pure" Mega Man fanfic, though (especially in light of all the criticisms she has of Capcom's way of handling the plots in the classic and X games ;0).


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Offline Rew

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RE: R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works (Mega Man art book)
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2008, 08:54:45 pm »
And R20 will be translated into English! =D

Also, @Ryan:

As much as I love Mandi Paugh and her MMHP, I just couldn't ever get into her fanfics with Captain N, Link, and other such folks. It just felt...wrong, for some reason. =P

I'd love to see what she could do with a "pure" Mega Man fanfic, though (especially in light of all the criticisms she has of Capcom's way of handling the plots in the classic and X games ;0).


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- Spark Mandrill
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