So, this "Promo Video Challenge" was indeed a challenge, not just for the participants, but for me to decide which one I liked best! Here they are in the
VGCartography's video has a very direct approach. This is, we have maps. That's what this video is, straight up. There is a very nice number and variety of maps, and I like particular selections such as starting off with the Lost Woods from The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (which is how the site started), and the various Chrono Trigger maps ("but medieval", "but dinosaurs", etc....). It encourages others to submit maps of any kind, and mentions the forums. Very nice, and composing a track using KORG Gadget, that's impressive. Does that music track have a name?
Verneri Kontto / Raccoon Sam
Raccoon Sam/Veneri Kontto's video is a very flashy one. I definitely exclaimed something when I first saw the animated logo and title. The compass starting circular and turning ovalish, the way the text appears, and the spinning of the compass needle, wow! The music it's all synched to, ZigZag by Asi C, is extremely catchy, and the overall presentation is incredibly slick and professional. I love the Kirby's Dream Land 2 part where it is shown how screenshot maps are generally made! Created in just one evening - that's insane!
Atlas Videos / NESAtlas - WINNER
Atlas Videos/NESAtlas's video spent more time on particular map sets, which were very well-chosen. There's a portable game (Castlevania: Aria Of Sorrow), a computer game (Ultima VII), a console game with pseudo-3D (Solstice), and another console game with actual 3D (Metal Gear Solid). The logo is animated here, seemingly flying through a bunch of game titles and Maps Of The Month icons. I can't imagine that the game titles would have been quick or easy to select and assemble. It's on the longer side, but doesn't feel long.
Because they each have a few standout things, and I would have been happy if I only got one entry and it was any one of them, I made my final decision way later than I expected to. If you had asked me until then which I liked the best, it could have been any one of them, as I was changing my mind constantly, between all three! I was always adjusting the weights of what I liked. After finally deciding, I showed these to my friends, and some of them liked each one, and came up with the same good points as I did, without me saying my opinion first. So it's good to know I was noticing the same good things.
Ultimately, I went with Atlas Videos/NESAtlas's, because I felt it was the best mix of showcasing maps and celebrating the legacy, with nice production values. Though they all showed maps, I liked the panning and zooming across these great choices. Explaining that we have many platforms and many types of maps was good. The titles going by, that part is simply lovely.
I still have use for the others, like Raccoon Sam/Veneri Kontto's is just BAM! Wow! In your face with the maps! I could share that if I feel like someone needs to know as quickly as possible what we've got and how they're made. VGCartography's shows the most maps, so it's a great scope and at a nice length so I could use that as well.
Knowing how making videos isn't so easy (as a YouTuber myself), I felt I had to give them all something for their effort. It wouldn't be fair or proper to split the prize (I had to reread the rules to make sure, and it said only ONE person gets $2000 (US)) so I decided to give the others what they WOULD have gotten if I had split it three ways. But $2000/3 is $666.67, and, not to dwell on the numbers, but just in case anyone has a problem with a number associated with evil, I rounded it up to $675 (US). I had budgeted for the option of giving out more, and it alleviates my conscience that everyone gets something, especially knowing that the competition was as close as it was.
For the time being, I will be linking to the videos on your own channels, as you deserve the views and comments. They are also on
my "JonLeung1" YouTube channel as of today. Can't believe it's been twenty years. I legit don't know if/when/why I would stop doing, so here's to twenty more years, and possibly more! Thanks to everyone who's contributed any of the over 37,000+ maps, as well as to everyone who enjoys looking at and using them. That's what the Internet should be, informative and beautiful content.