I graduated from the U of A (that's the University of Alberta) in one of their last years of using an old 9-point grading system. It was kind of ridiculous because anything under 4.0 was a fail. Yeah, over three numbers for failure. So when someone says they're proud to get a 4.0, I always have to think for a second about it.
My first year of university, I found that my non-studying habits that I got away with in high school couldn't be applied here. I actually failed a couple classes, but I ended up getting an average of a bare 5.0 (thanks to a lucky "joke course" that was easy yet interesting where I got a 9.0), and 5.0 was actually more the prerequisite to continue than 4.0 in most faculties. >_<
I guess the 4-point system would be better, 'cause then my 7.something GPA at the end of my four years probably translates to a 3.something now which sounds closer to the maximum.