Author Topic: I finished Twilight Princess yesterday.  (Read 31620 times)

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Offline JonLeung

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I finished Twilight Princess yesterday.
« on: December 04, 2006, 07:41:37 am »
I finished it yesterday afternoon.  I clocked in at 45:31 at the last save before finishing it.  I could've finished earlier (the Wii's been out for two weeks, I mean, really!) but I have a full-time job.  Oh, and I didn't want to waste a November Blockbuster coupon so I had to spend a couple evenings and most of Saturday playing and finishing Red Steel, which just eked in as the first Wii game I've finished.  I have all Pieces of Heart, all 24 golden bugs, all 60 Poes, but I still have to catch all the fish, clear the semi-hidden mini-game, and clear the bonus dungeon of sorts (I think I was really close, too).

Go ahead and ask me anything about Twilight Princess!  Be aware that depending on the questions, you may be asking for spoilers!

Offline Revned

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RE: I finished Twilight Princess yesterday.
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2006, 08:35:15 am »
You didn't even say if it was good or bad...

Offline JonLeung

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RE: I finished Twilight Princess yesterday.
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2006, 09:09:30 am »
It's a Zelda game.  It can't be bad.  :P

The graphics, yes, could've been better as I'm sure you've heard everyone say.  The Wii controls were great for manual aiming, but it isn't proof-of-concept of the Wii Remote...Wii Sports is closer to that.

Some boss battles were awesome.  Including the end bosses.  The ending could've been longer, though.

Let's see if I can make hidden text for spoilers...what's the RGB value of the default background?  It's not pure white.  Can someone check real quick?

Offline TerraEsperZ

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RE: I finished Twilight Princess yesterday.
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2006, 09:47:50 am »
I wouldn't be against hearing the plot behind the game, if only to see if it can be made to fit with the existing games or if the Zelda continuity nuts are going to go crazy with it ;)


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Offline JonLeung

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RE: I finished Twilight Princess yesterday.
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2006, 10:18:29 am »
If by "fit" you mean "doesn't conflict" then it's fine.  There was a part where there is reference to something from a previous game which awed me when I saw it.  I also caught a minor but explicit hint in an unlikely place that also confirms that it comes after that game.  But it makes no reference to future events so there's no definite place where it would fit if you tried to make a timeline, other than that it's later than that one.

Offline TerraEsperZ

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RE: I finished Twilight Princess yesterday.
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2006, 10:19:13 am »
But what about the plot? I want to be spoilered damnit :D !


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Offline JonLeung

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RE: I finished Twilight Princess yesterday.
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2006, 12:31:36 pm »
How much detail do you want me to go into?  You're not asking for the whole script from start to finish, are you?

I'm more than happy to discuss this game, but if you have any intention of playing this game at all in the near future, I don't want to ruin things for you.

I will say this: though depending on your expectations these are either the smallest or biggest spoilers of all.

Highlight to read:

If you've played A Link To The Past, Ocarina Of Time, or Wind Waker - in short, the first Zelda game on each of the last three Nintendo consoles, then you will be very much aware of the flow of the story.

1. Link, a simple peace-loving boy/man, finds himself involved in some greater crisis.

2. He goes through some dungeons and collects some stuff.

3. He gets the Master Sword.  Major plot points before and after that.

4. He goes through more dungeons to collect something else.

5. He confronts the bad guy.

Overall, the story is very formulaic.  It's like they've just tried to create the epitome of a Zelda game.  There are still a few surprises, though, which is why I'm hesitant to reveal everything.

Also, regarding my playthrough, I never died at any major boss.  Though I did get Game Over (and lunged for either the Home or Power button out of habit) in specific situations involving bridges and races.  Very weird.  The first time on the two bridge scenes, one a duel on horseback and one avoiding a fire I had half a heart when I got on the bridge so I thought that screwing up there was an instant Game Over (which it really wasn't).  Though I naturally came to fear bridges after that.

I do agree with some reviews that the first part drags on badly.  It took me three hours to get the Hero's Clothes (or Green Tunic, if you prefer).  Sure, I wasted about an hour in there for stupid reasons but two hours seems like much and it certainly felt like more.  After you get into Hyrule Field the pace becomes much more acceptable.

If you were wondering, the bonus dungeon is the Cave Of Ordeals, with progressively more difficult rooms of enemies, and on my only attempt so far I got Game Over while fighting three Darknuts simultaneously, which was apparently the last floor.  >_<

And the part where I was nearly moved to tears was (you sure you want to read this?  Stop highlighting now if you don't...)






when the Legend Of Zelda theme finally played...AT THE FREAKING END OF THE GAME DURING THE CREDITS.

Offline TerraEsperZ

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RE: I finished Twilight Princess yesterday.
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2006, 01:32:29 pm »
Well, the chances of me buying a Wii are lose to zero, so I wouldn't mind spoilers at all. I just wanted a general idea of what the plot is about, because even though there are big similarities between games, they are all different in the small details.

Oh nevermind, I'll browse GameFAQs to get the gist of it. What I'm the most eager to see online are maps of this new Hyrule; ever since I first visited Zelda Legends and read the various Hyrule geography articles, I've been fascinated with how the land has changed/evolved between games.


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Offline JonLeung

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RE: I finished Twilight Princess yesterday.
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2006, 02:38:46 pm »
Oh, the premise.  I would've figured the premise was pretty much well-known, so I didn't touch on that but that's probably what you wanted...this strange twilight is enveloping Hyrule, and when Link enters the twilight he transforms into a wolf.  A mysterious being named Midna helps him on his quest to solve the mystery of the twilight and to restore order as usual.  Midna is Link's shadow in the "normal" world and rides him in beast mode in the twilight.

The twilight doesn't really figure into a true two-world dynamic as seen in A Link To The Past, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, or the Silent Hill games, sadly.  After Link rids the twilight in an area it's permanently back in the light, and soon he gets the ability to transform to and from beast mode at will.  (Sounds like Transformers: Beast Wars/Machines, doesn't it?)

As for geography, Hyrule is divided into provinces here.  I slapped my head when I first entered the Lanayru Province.  Any Zelda fan would understand why I did that...the previous two provinces were called the Faron Province and the Eldin Province.  Nayru, Farore, and Din are the three goddesses mentioned in previous games and the provinces are clearly named after them.  DUH.

Offline TerraEsperZ

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RE: I finished Twilight Princess yesterday.
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2006, 03:48:38 pm »
Thanks, that's exactly the kind of things I wanted to know.


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Offline Zeric

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RE: I finished Twilight Princess yesterday.
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2006, 02:59:27 am »
There is this site if you don't mind to see the whole game spoiled for ya, It's in progress. But you should wait for the gamecube version which comes out next week I think.

I have also read you could finish this game a little bit over 7:30 if you skip all the scenes and you know what to do.


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Offline JonLeung

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RE: I finished Twilight Princess yesterday.
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2006, 07:54:46 am »
They promised that the game was over 75 hours.  I finished the Cave of Ordeals last night and clocked in at just under 50 hours (like 49:55 or so).  I haven't done any of the fishing other than what is necessary, that could add many hours easily.  The "Rollgoal" mini-game is a silly little thing but it's a neat way of using the sensors in the remote, that could add a few more.  Also, I admit to looking at a FAQ to track down 15 of the 60 poes, so looking for them without help might add some time considering you can only find them at night (and there's no song that changes day to night like in OoT) so you can easily miss some of them.  Similarly I looked at a FAQ for some of the Golden Bugs.  (Heart Pieces are actually a cinch to look for in this game since there's a person who tell you almost exactly where to find them.)

I suppose a seven-and-a-half hour run is technically possible, but that's for the Zelda fanatics who can get by with the absolute minimum.  (I'm not a fan of speed runs that are more than a few hours...I imagine it's a lot of pressue on the gamer that does them.  I did Resident Evil in just under 3 hours on my first and only speedrun to unlock everything (2:59:07), but I don't have the skill or patience to redo it without an emulator to get it under the coveted one-hour mark.)  I got the Hero's Clothes/Green Tunic at 3:00, cleared the first dungeon at 4:55, and made it to the bridge duel at 7:01.  7:30 would be pure efficiency, and while it might be interesting to see certain dungeons and boss battles in little time, I wouldn't want to watch or play the whole thing.

Geography is an interesting subject, Terra, especially considering that when they ported the GameCube version to the Wii, the easiest way for them to adapt the sword controls for the right-handed majority was to flip Link.  But instead of just flipping the character model (which would also require changing a lot of animations and interactions with non-symmetrical things) they simply mirrored the entire world, a point of controversy among Zelda purists who believe that every Link must be left-handed and that the original vision of Hyrule should have been preserved.  I assume that's one reason Zeric mentions the GameCube version, where east and west and left and right are where they originally were.

I'd recommend the Wii version if you have any intention of purchasing a Wii at all, not only for the Wii controls (which, though not as major as I'd hoped, are still an improvement), better graphics (not by much, but still!), 16:9 widescreen (if you have a widescreen TV), and to support epic games on the Wii (not that there's anything wrong with Wii Sports, Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, Rayman: Raving Rabbids, Mario Party 8, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz, etc.).