Are there any freeware programs that do these things?
1. Sound ripper
Much like how the PrintScreen key or a built-in function of most image programs do screen captures from anything, I was wondering if there's something that can easily rip sound and music. I suppose I could reroute a computer's speaker output into some kind of recording device, but I'd like a software-only solution.
2. Image database using keywords
I've asked for this before...I'd like some way to mark keywords to image files, and then be able to filter them to find what I need. If I have a photo of myself and a friend, I should be able to find it doing a search for myself or my friend or both. While CompuPic has "Categories" and allows an image to fall under multiple categories, there isn't a way to filter them (such as somehow finding an image that has this AND that keyword, not just this OR that keyword).