Anyone seen
Press The Button's "Capcom Turnaround" article?
It makes use of the several Mega Man maps from VGMaps, of course.
Probably a bigger deal than it is, this "turnaround" is a logical way to not "waste" screen space, when the map goes down only one screen height and then continues to the right.
When you fall from above, you're usually going to go to the far right of that previous screen, but when you come down, it'll be a waste of the left side of the screen if you just went right immediately from there. Similarly, you could come down earlier, more to the left, but that would be a waste of the right side of the previous screen. You could fall straight down the middle, but it's still as wasteful, not to mention boring.
You could have a map where the above screen loops back to the left before dropping down to the next screen. But it seems more "natural" to go back then forward (within the same screen), instead of forward then back, even if the net effect of a crude "Z" shape is still the result.
Even so, I guess it's a neat article, in that provides a look at something that may otherwise have been harder to spot.