So I don't know if you heard the news from two evenings ago, but YouTube changed the monetization eligibility rules for the YouTube Partner Program, so that Tubers with less than 1000 current subscribers and 4000 hours of playtime in the last year no longer generate any ad revenue. While it is true that a large percentage (they say 99%) of the people affected were making less than a couple bucks a year anyway, what is really aggravating is how it feels like YouTube is throwing small content creators under the bus. Being only two weeks after the Logan Paul incident where he published a video which included a dead body, while he was punished, most would say not severely or quickly enough, it makes it more obvious that they favour big Tubers (and let them get away with just about anything) and don't care about small Tubers (not only revenue, but we might lose out on some tools and features). EDIT: Okay, maybe we don't lose as much feature-wise as I was originally led to believe, but it's still about their attitude towards small creators more than the miniscule amount of revenue.
Those currently in the YouTube Partner Program (like myself) are not grandfathered in, and will lose monetization by Feb. 20 if the current requirements are not met.
So of course, I would absolutely hope that you subscribe to my channel. But I would also encourage everyone to subscribe to any YouTuber they like to watch, most especially if they have under a thousand views.