Author Topic: Upload sites?  (Read 35077 times)

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Offline Jester

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Upload sites?
« on: February 07, 2016, 03:37:39 pm »
Hey guys,

I was wondering where you guys upload stuff (apart from vgmaps itself, of course). I just found out even Imgur has a limit of 5mb for non-animated gifs, so my 17mb PNG map is being compressed to an ugly JPG.

I've submitted to VGMaps, but the map is for a newer game, so I'm not sure if it'll be accepted. If not, I'd still like to share it on Steam etc, but I have no idea where to upload it.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Offline JonLeung

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Re: Upload sites?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2016, 06:14:57 pm »
Hi, Jester, I got your email...but when did I ever say I would reject a game based on age?  And why would I?

The reason we don't have many "modern" maps is simply because not many have been sent in.  If there is a modern game that is mappable and it is done so and is submitted, of course I would put it up.

Offline KeyBlade999

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Re: Upload sites?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2016, 09:40:21 am »
Hi, Jester, I got your email...but when did I ever say I would reject a game based on age?  And why would I?

The reason we don't have many "modern" maps is simply because not many have been sent in.  If there is a modern game that is mappable and it is done so and is submitted, of course I would put it up.
To further this, it's mainly because a big focus on the mapping on this site is with emulators - taking screenshots and piecing them together, the effort in which varies from game to game. (Games like the GB Pokemon games require only you remove sprites and annotate along a few minor things, whereas for the 3DS ones you'd need to hack the camera altogether and still make the structures and things look right because the alignment gets screwy somehow.)

Modern consoles also don't have as many emulators, or at least as many CAPABLE/STABLE ones, and fewer have functions like screenshotting or RAM/ROM editing. It thus becomes easier and more probable that someone covers older titles, because those games are simply simpler to deal with.

Granted, modern games can get maps. I've been making maps for some 3DS titles myself, but they're hand-drawn, and most of the maps on this site are done via screenshot mapping for various reasons. Doesn't mean that they can't get covered themselves, but they're less likely to be covered.

Offline JonLeung

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Re: Upload sites?
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2016, 08:49:31 am »
Before your Out There Somewhere map that I put up two days ago, the most recent PC game maps put up are of Axiom Verge, a 2014 game that is also on PS4.  Like Out There Somewhere, it's inspired by Super Metroid, though Axiom Verge seems to be even more so.  Anyways, I'm guessing you didn't notice that, because that probably would have cleared up doubts about whether I would accept maps for Out There Somewhere and similar games.

New games with a retro aesthetic that are also on the PC (many are certainly available through Steam) are certainly doable by taking screen captures and stitching screenshots together.  More so if there aren't parallax foreground and/or background layers, or if there are they are easy to edit/toggle/hack, etc.  In that case it's no different than mapping emulated console games from the era these new but "retro"-styled games are trying to call back to.

I mean, that's pretty much a given.  Just don't assume that I have something against new games, I really don't, and have never said so in the context of having maps.  In fact, I think it's great if we could have more new games and would encourage them!  I feel like would only appeal to an increasingly older and smaller crowd, as we now have an entire generation of gamers who haven't experienced the 8-bit and 16-bit generations who probably wouldn't appreciate VGMaps, or at least not as much.

Among my friends, I'm probably one of the few that appreciate old games and still keep up with new games.  Many gamers I know seem to be either stuck in the retro eras or only play what's current.  Of course part of it is having the time, and for some reason I feel like I keep having less of it, I've only recently gotten into the "owning games I don't have time to play yet" phase.  I never could play everything but I always used to be on top of everything I did want to play and would finish something before the next big thing comes out.  Ah, but now we're going off topic.

Anyway, please send in maps of new games!  Especially anything that needs more attention or is bound to be a new/modern classic.

Given the ridiculous Undertale hype the past half-year or so, I'm actually surprised I haven't gotten any maps of that yet...

Offline TerraEsperZ

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Re: Upload sites?
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2016, 02:44:24 pm »
Given the ridiculous Undertale hype the past half-year or so, I'm actually surprised I haven't gotten any maps of that yet...

I'm actually working on something like that, but given my track record as of late, I didn't want to announce anything too early. I guess I should hurry just in case someone does it first...
Current project:
Mega Man: Powered Up (PSP)

Offline JonLeung

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Re: Upload sites?
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2016, 11:11:23 am »
Yesssss, Terra's on it!   :D

Offline Trop

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Re: Upload sites?
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2016, 05:04:36 pm »
Once again a Booru would make a great image storage tank.

Undertale would be easy with just a few camera codes.  It's actually less visually complicated then Earthbound.  I always wondered why no one tried Binding of Issac since it's just Zelda, and minus a few transparencies you could map it one screenshot per room.

Offline TerraEsperZ

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Re: Upload sites?
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2016, 08:10:59 pm »
Undertale has a Debug Mode where you can disable collision, so no codes are even needed.
Current project:
Mega Man: Powered Up (PSP)