Lovin' em!
One thing though...probably should've said something earlier, though I can understand if you just take this as my opinion and nothing more, but I don't think the Comic font really fits.
Personally, the Comic font doesn't fit much except for comics and lighter fare. I had a co-worker who liked to work with professional-looking Excel forms but she seemed to really liked to use the Comic font which drove me up the wall because I thought of it as the equivalent of filling forms out in crayon. Not that comics are juvenile, but I still don't think it looks right on forms, and similarly I'm not fond of it on these maps. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if this font was on maps of something lighter-hearted than Final Fantasy...
But again, just my opinion.
Even if you totally disregard that, and/or wholly disagree with me, I would still be more than ecstatic to host these maps once they are complete. The font is far from any make-it-or-break-it point - not that detailed, quality maps such as these ever would have any reason to be rejected.