Vinquette Hall has a lot of similar looking rooms. You can only enter Vinquette Hall at night, everything you do there takes place there at night. Those other scenes are cut scenes that take place in areas you can never actually go to.
You want how much stuff added? OK, that's not a small project at all. Let me go over this:
First of all are you going to do all areas in all times of day? Because that would mapping the game out four times. If not I'll have to make time of day icons that can be placed next to things.
Paco, if you're marking chest contents right on the map then you can do like you did in BoF and mark other items received from people or non chest objects the same way. Like the grandpa in Topple who gives you the Magic Rope.
I'll place different color highlights around Flag NPC's, Quest Giver NPC's, and whatever other kind of important characters there might be. I'm not going into detail like in MA though, that would mean linking tons of maps together to explain one quest. Remember the blue haired kid in Topple that gave you the barbecued newt? That quest goes on right to one of the final towns.
Goddess statues don't need to be highlighted. I don't think we have to mark areas where the player has to do something special like cross a pit with the flail or wait until night to see the invisible bridges in the glass desert either.
I'll probably mark rare monsters, along with monsters that drop quest specific items off to the side of the room they appear in but we'll see.
Do you want to make some kind of special thing for those damn weapon specific orbs? I'm not marking damage zones like the lava in the subsea volcano, or things like the sand conveyor belts in the jadd desert, those should be obvious.
There are switches in the sealed cave, the mine, and other places that make up puzzles just like the west forest in MA. Do you want to mark those in some way or ignore them?
I thought I'd let you make all your marks and changes before I do any at all so we don't have to do some kind of tricky merging. What else am I missing here?