Author Topic: Nintendo 3DS: More than 30% off or 20 Free eShop Games!!  (Read 64869 times)

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Offline JonLeung

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Re: Nintendo 3DS: More than 30% off or 20 Free eShop Games!!
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2011, 08:45:25 pm »
I'll state the obvious: it's ugly and bulky.  Probably not a huge deal and not too noticeable once you get playing, but it hurts its portability.

I believe it will be optional, probably handy for the Monster Hunter game mentioned there, or akin to the Classic Controller, and not required for the majority of future games.

I don't play many FPSes, a genre where people seem to swear by having two analogue sticks, but I said from the start that if a second analogue stick was in their plans all along, it should have been part of the original design.  It would help with the symmetry.  Of course, talk is cheap, and there were probably design considerations against doing it that way.  This is a rather odd way to go about it, but what can you do...

Sounds like a lot of people are really hating on people tend to do with anything, really...but I guess we'll see.

Offline DarkWolf

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Re: Nintendo 3DS: More than 30% off or 20 Free eShop Games!!
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2011, 06:16:12 am »
I wonder if L and R buttons will be more comfortable with this add-on?  While playing Zelda:OT 3D, my hands get really cramped when having to fight bosses/monsters that require targeting.  And for some reason they took out the N64 option where you didn't have to keep the button held to target.  I'm a bit worried about Star Fox since that games uses L and R heavily.

Also, people who swear by two analog sticks for FPS have it all wrong.  Keyboard + mouse always wins. :)

Offline Peardian

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Re: Nintendo 3DS: More than 30% off or 20 Free eShop Games!!
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2011, 11:11:16 pm »
Eh? The option's still there. It's the first option on the menu: L-Targeting - Hold/Switch. :P
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Offline JonLeung

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Re: Nintendo 3DS: More than 30% off or 20 Free eShop Games!!
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2011, 09:51:15 pm »
Apparently Japan and Australia can get the GBA games now, presumably with the rest of the world expected to have them available soon...

The full list of GBA games:

-Mario Vs. Donkey Kong
-Mario Kart: Super Circuit
-Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3
-Wario Land 4
-WarioWare, Inc.
-The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
-Metroid Fusion
-Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
-F-Zero: Maximum Velocity
-Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

My thoughts:

I recall Mario Vs. Donkey Kong being really hard, especially the later, extra/special/whatever stages.  Will the GBA games have realtime saves/loads?

Mario Kart: Super Circuit means that I will now have all the Mario Kart games.  In actuality, I've played all the Mario Kart games before, having previously owned them or rented them, but from the now-common "Nintendo Nights" that I host, I have bought (or rebought) most of the other Mario Kart games just in the span of the past year.

Yoshi's Island, whether Super NES or GBA versions, is one of few Mario games I have never finished 100%.  Sure, I've beaten Bowser, but I haven't gotten everything in every stage.  I guess now I can carry this cursed game with me everywhere...until one day, when I finally do clear it.

As I said in the Maps Of The Month topic, it's a coincidence that Wario Land 4 came out, because I didn't actually know this would be one of the ten free GBA games.  I also mentioned I restarted Wario Land 4 like three times or so, and now that I'll have the game with me all the time, like Yoshi's Island, I will one day redeem myself and thoroughly play and finish this.

The Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap and Kirby & The Amazing Mirror are great games.  Though I'm starting to feel a little Zeldaed and Kirbied out, with Link's Awakening DX (3DS Virtual Console), Four Swords: Anniversary Edition, Ocarina Of Time 3D, Skyward Sword, Mass Attack and Return To Dream Land, all in the past few months.  (Though I guess I didn't seriously play the two Zelda NES games on the 3DS VC or download the 3D Classics version of Kirby's Adventure, hmmm.)  I'll probably replay these GBA games one day, and in the meantime, I can bug my brother who never originally finished Minish Cap or even looked at the Amazing Mirror.

WarioWare Inc. was fun, but now it's like "meh" - and I even hate to use the term "meh".  I probably would more rather enjoy WarioWare: Twisted! if they adapted the tilt controls to the 3DS's gyros, since I hadn't played that one.  But hey, like everything else on the

Metroid Fusion...I love Metroid, but I don't know if replaying Fusion is high on my priority list.

F-Zero: Maximum, this is the one that doesn't have the usual F-Zero racers, though, isn't it?  Oh well, it's free.

I could never get into the Fire Emblem games, but I might, might give Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones a try.  Free, right?
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 09:51:31 pm by JonLeung »

Offline Peardian

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Re: Nintendo 3DS: More than 30% off or 20 Free eShop Games!!
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2011, 02:37:28 pm »
I am very satisfied with the selection of GBA games. Of them, I've only physically owned three (MvDK, SMA3, KAM), and the rest are games I've really wanted to own. :D

And yeah, what are the odds of Wario Land 4 being picked? Now you have no excuse not to play it. :P
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Offline Wario Bros

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Re: Nintendo 3DS: More than 30% off or 20 Free eShop Games!!
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2011, 10:54:44 pm »
Yeah I'm super happy with the whole list too.  Too bad I bought a Minish Cap cartridge back in the summer but whatevs.  My bro had Fire Emblem:SS & Mario Kart but now I have the chance to play them on my own time.  I've beaten Wario Land 4 COUNTLESS times but the game is too freaking awesome to NOT play again. :3  Plus I've been dying to try Mario vs DK and Metroid Fusion.

This is a beyond great month Nintendo has dished out for the 3DS in December, Mario Kart 7 (getting for X-mas), the masterpiece known as Pushmo, Swapnote, and the GBA Ambassador games.  Can't wait to see what's in store in 2012.