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Offline TerraEsperZ

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Re: E3 2011
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2011, 10:33:51 am »
The Wii U doesn't excite me either, especially since next to no games have been shown for it and that's what would motive a purchase from me. I mean, I only bought a Wii for two reasons: 1) a killer game that I simply couldn't do without, namely Super Mario Galaxy and 2) the ability to play both the Wii and GameCube games that I had passed previously because I didn't feel they warranted the purchase of a new console. I know that sounds silly, especially considering that I now own 23 games for both consoles combined, but I'm somewhat weird when it comes to buying a game system. No matter how many titles look interesting or fun, I'll still need that "killer app" to seal the deal and very, *very* few games are worthy of that title to me.

If Sega were to change their mind and port Sonic Generations to the Wii U once it's finally released and *if* the game is as fun as it looks, then I might change my mind.
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Offline Peardian

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Re: E3 2011
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2011, 12:57:31 pm »
Unfortunately, Zelda OoT just looks like a port from the trailer I saw.
Clearly, you haven't seen comparisons of the graphics or heard of the new stuff they added. :P They changed it so that boots are items (like in Twilight Princess) and the Water Temple has some glowing decorations to help guide you. There are also hint "visions" that let you see upcoming key events from a different perspective and the ability to re-challenge any of the bosses you've beaten. Not to mention, all the pre-rendered rooms are now fully modeled!
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Offline JonLeung

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Re: E3 2011
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2011, 07:06:30 pm »
The Wii U excites me, for sure, in the same way that knowing a new Nintendo console is coming.  You know, the potential, and knowing there's going to be another Mario/Zelda/Smash Bros., etc.

Granted, I'd be more excited with actual games to show, and it's too early for that.  I'm kinda glad now I didn't try to go to E3 this year; if the Wii U hasn't released by next June, then I'll go next year and actually see some cool stuff that would be worth the trip.  But to say I'm not excited at all right now would be a lie.

Has it been confirmed that you would actually have multiple Wii U screen-controllers?  That would be pricey, but it could be interesting.  I'd like to hear about more games like sequels to Zelda: Four Swords/Four Swords Adventures or FF: Crystal Chronicles, though obviously it's still too early for that, but the potential is there.  Since it would be standard, those kinds of games should be considerably more successful than the console multiplayer games that also require a GBA or know, since apparently I'm irregular for being both a handheld and console gamer...  >_>

The foreseeable "problem" is that many third-party developers will want to go multi-platform with their games, so usage of the unique features (i.e. the personal screen) might be minimal.  Whatever unique features any other consoles will have will also not be necessary for play, so many of these games are just going to end up being developed for the lowest common denominator.  So Nintendo needs to push their developer-friendly stance and apparently "hardcore image" more, or else it's just going to be like with most other generations where Nintendo sells best on Nintendo hardware and next to nobody else does.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 07:10:54 pm by JonLeung »

Offline TerraEsperZ

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Re: E3 2011
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2011, 07:11:32 pm »
Has it been confirmed that you would actually have multiple Wii U screen-controllers?  That would be pricey, but it could be interesting.

I heard some people say that the screen controller won't be sold separately, so the chances of that are slim to none. Heck, streaming video for four controllers would surely take a toll on the console itself anyway.
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Offline JonLeung

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Re: E3 2011
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2011, 08:02:31 am »
I'm hoping it's far from final and can support more than one screen controller...I'm sure I could live with scaled-down graphics for that smaller screen, like, say, GameCube graphics.  Depending on the game, you probably wouldn't need much on there if it was multiplayer, like on the original Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles where someone has a map, another has radar, etc.; I don't imagine it would be like four or five separate equally high-res views of different rooms, kind of thing.

And I think it's kind of hard to say we won't be using the features on that screen...wouldn't that be like saying you'd play a DS without using the touch screen?  I'm sure Nintendo will make games that utilize it fully.

And you won't necessarily have to be drawing...though I do think it's funny that there's that uDraw tablet thing for the Wii...  Wii uDraw...yeah...

Heck, any ideas used on the DS could be migrated over to full console games.  They could even make a DS Player (like the Game Boy Player for the GameCube), and if 3D TVs ever get popular, I'd imagine they could make a 3DS Player too - though maybe they won't, as portable games seem designed more than ever to stay portable (with things like StreetPass).  I guess Sony is remaking PSP games into PS3 games, and I think that's a little different as those are remakes/rereleases, but who knows?  At least the option is technically there if Nintendo wanted to make portable games playable on the big screen again, just don't expect to StreetPass.

One easy thing that might work, and could be cool if a game is really cinematic, is to keep all the HUD stuff on the smaller screen.  If players get used to glancing down to see their health/ammo, etc., spectators could be treated to a full cinematic experience by watching the TV.  Of course, sometimes seeing how much health and ammo you have left is part of the excitement...but perhaps you could have, say, a fighting game from a traditional perspective, but on the big screen spectators can be treated to different camera angles as if it were an action movie.

EDIT: After reading some more it sounds like the Wii U is designed with only one screen controller intended at a time, as others have mentioned already...phooey.  But at least I won't have to spend a ton on new controllers since I already have four Wii Remotes with MotionPlus (two built-in).  But that golden Wii Remote being released at the same time as The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword is'll look great with the golden Classic Controller from GoldenEye.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 08:46:17 pm by JonLeung »