Author Topic: Detailing Secret of Evermore Maps: Alchemy Ingredients  (Read 31768 times)

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Detailing Secret of Evermore Maps: Alchemy Ingredients
« on: December 14, 2010, 12:43:28 am »
Currently I am detailing the maps of Secret of Evermore, by putting the location of alchemy ingredients on the map.  No more having to put up with the dog wandering off for a scratch or worse, a yawn, no more "dead trails" where the dog leads you along, then stops because the path algo can't reach the ingredient, and no more having to guess where the ingredient really is.

A small setback though: The ingredient quantities are in sets/randomized/etc, they're just not the same every map entry, so I've got to re-do Prehistoria and just list the alchemy ingredient in the spot, I had been putting quantities, but it's just not accurate.

I'm also slightly concerned as to how I'm going to expand the Mad Monk Merchant's details in Crustacia, since he sells more than just the Chocobo Egg in additional purchases from him, and there is a way to make him come back.  I might just write in the white.

Also the OP of the maps seems to have captured Ebon Keep before Ivor Tower's Destruction, but not after, when the town opens up.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 12:51:18 am by PlNG »

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Re: Detailing Secret of Evermore Maps: Alchemy Ingredients
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2010, 05:41:03 am »
i'm very interested to see the Results. ^^
Legends never dies.

Offline Trop

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Re: Detailing Secret of Evermore Maps: Alchemy Ingredients
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2010, 10:01:10 am »
Ahh ya beat me to it.  Oh well I hadn't really planned to do anything like this for years.  So the numbers change but everything else stays the same huh?  That could be a lot worse.  I'll re-map Ebon Keep for you but I need a better walk through walls code then the crappy game genie one that's already out there.  I could make ingredient icons too if you want.

Offline Grizzly

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Re: Detailing Secret of Evermore Maps: Alchemy Ingredients
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2010, 12:49:52 pm »
Ebon Keep town opens up after destroying Ivor Tower? I didn't know it, sorry for that. Otherwise I would have mapped it.
About the walk through walls code: It did work perfectly for me, but I think that I had to try more than one code to find one that really got me through every obstacle, without dying. I can try to look up if I saved the emulator (with the codes activated) together with the raw project files. I think I did. I just need to find the CD.

By the way, it's great that you are going to find all ingredients hidden in the wild. I did not have the nerve to do that because the mapping project already took way too long.

There's another thing I found out later through a speedrun which therefor is not included in the maps: In the Desert of Doom (northern edge) there's a possiblity to call a whirlwind that gets you to a secret cave. The author of the speedrun I saw it in was "Saturn", if I remember correctly.

EDIT: I think I used this game genie code: 5DC5-CD7E. At least the expanded value, "8FAE70 70 03", matches the one from that old cheat database I used for mapping.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2010, 01:21:10 pm by Grizzly »

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Re: Detailing Secret of Evermore Maps: Alchemy Ingredients
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2010, 10:36:09 pm »
Yeah that's the code.  I can't get it to work through savestates.  I tried to make my own but this game is not cooperative like Secret of Mana.

The secret cave isn't the Rice and spice cave is it?

I think the only real change to Ebon Keep is that the people come back, but I could be wrong.

Offline Grizzly

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Re: Detailing Secret of Evermore Maps: Alchemy Ingredients
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2010, 03:26:58 am »
Yes, the Rice and spice cave. I think that's the name. I wanted to mention it because that would be another nice addition to maps with all wild ingredients included.

I don't know anything more about the code, but if it doesn't work correctly for you, I could try to map the repopulated Ebon Keep.

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Re: Detailing Secret of Evermore Maps: Alchemy Ingredients
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2010, 02:54:00 pm »
You know the rice and spice cave isn't a place right?  I mean you couldn't map it because you don't see it.  You just get swallowed by the desert, take a few steps right, find the items, and get spat back out.  Just like with sand whirlpools near bugmuck.

Offline Grizzly

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Re: Detailing Secret of Evermore Maps: Alchemy Ingredients
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2010, 04:48:06 am »
The repopulated version of Ebon Keep has been added to the maps section of the site (

Offline Trop

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Re: Detailing Secret of Evermore Maps: Alchemy Ingredients
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2010, 07:58:13 pm »
Looks good.  Guess there's not much left to do for SOE is there.  I always wanted to make an in depth world map but I never got around to it.  Maybe I'll update my sprite gallery or something.