But...Blue Creek Aprtment Building...wait, you mean from one of the Silent Hill games? "Geared to help introduce the concept of maps to young children"? WTF... o_0
I was asked by Europe's Official Nintendo Magazine to use some of my Animal Crossing textures. The very same day they asked, I received an issue of Nintendo Power (the one with Resident Evil 4 on the cover) and saw two Animal Crossing textures, suspiciously like mine, contributed by someone else.
I say "suspiciously like mine" because, well, they looked like mine, though they were sprite rips. Still, the choice of background colour and gridlines tipped me off. I was a little bit "grrr" at the time but it's not a big deal being a single sprite rip. Had it been something bigger that was without-a-single-doubt mine, I would've been angry, though.
And I don't think the Official Nintendo Magazine ever did use my textures even though I had given them permission. Oh well.