Not sure how remade maps having the exact same name is a coincidence... when two or more people call you by your name, is that a coincidence? I mean, the name of the area is the name of the area, what else would it be called?
I rename all files to be consistent when appearing on
Unfortunately I have a gap in my backups between 2012 and 2017, so I can't see exactly what happened, as all the current Wonderland maps were submitted in 2017, and if these did replace other ones then the originals must have been contributed sometime after my 2012 backup, and I do not think I would have them anymore.
My guess is that RoberTime submitted maps and I determined that they were better and worth replacing the original ones.
I don't replace maps often. When I do, it's not usually an easy decision. But if new map submissions are better, and I am confident that the new submitter did not merely add to the originally existing map, then the old maps have to go, no sense in redundancy. I don't recall replacing maps if new ones are only slightly better, it's always had to be significant.
If the original maps were yours, I apologize. If you feel that your maps have value that I have overlooked, let me know.