The Legend Of Kyrandia - Book Two: The Hand Of FateFor this month's "Maps of the Month" featurette, I wish to draw your attention to TerraEsperZ's The Legend Of Kyrandia - Book Two: The Hand Of Fate (PC) maps.
A genre that I would consider oldschool would be the point-and-click graphic adventure. While the genre isn't exactly dead per se (with the releases of Sam & Max: Season Two and Zack & Wiki: Quest For Barbaros' Treasure before the end of the year), the games are still few and far between, and not as cherished or as beautiful as the games that came out in the 1990s. Or perhaps that's just nostalgia speaking.
Regardless, it doesn't take much to see that The Legend Of Kyrandia - Book Two: The Hand Of Fate is an example of beauty. Hand-drawn VGA graphics beauty, that is - colour and detail abound. Even Darkmoor Swamp looks good! As Zanthia tries to save the world from disappearing, you'll be there beside her with these maps by multi-Maps-Of-The-Month-maker TerraEsperZ. Though the game isn't as maze-like as its prequel, it's still nice to see the areas all laid out so you can hunt down your next item or plot point with ease.
So to recognize the effort put into making these maps from a game from a genre sorely missed, TerraEsperZ's The Legend Of Kyrandia - Book Two: The Hand Of Fate maps will be known as VGMaps.com's Maps of the Month for September 2007.