Flashback: The Quest For IdentityFor this month's "Maps of the Month" featurette, I wish to draw your attention to Will Mallia's Flashback: The Quest For Identity (Super NES) maps.
Conrad's lost his memory. He was chased by police and wakes up in a jungle, with only a holocube as a clue as to what he must do. And that is to use "Prince Of Persia-esque" platforming skills to get back to Earth, and the save the planet from those who would destroy it.
Similar to Out Of This World and Blackthorne, this cyberpunk platformer has smooth animation but is dependent on precise control. You may send Conrad off a drop to his doom or run straight into trouble simply by being careless with the buttons. Conrad's going to suffer through a lot of deaths before you can get him his memory back - Will Mallia's maps should help a bit, though we can't promise that it still won't be challenging.
So to recognize the effort put into this 16-bit flashback, Will Mallia's Flashback: The Quest For Identity maps will be known as VGMaps.com's Maps of the Month for August 2009.