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Messages - Mikemc

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I wanted to comment the site is running super fast! It's like you finally stopped using dial-up ;D

Map Requests / Re: Solar Winds Sector size [Map Request or Mapping Tips?]
« on: January 17, 2022, 12:53:04 am »

That's a lot of technical jargon, but I'm certain it will be useful some day. The test image is the only map I know of now :).
I figured for a galaxy in a DOS game, the sprites would be stored off-screen until their numbers came up. Where did you get 127 in your equations from?

Huh. I installed HxD and the BH-EXPL.dat file has a pattern of an explosion when Bytes Per Row is 128. It's the only file with a clear image.. ???

Gaming / Raptor is being updated! (Also textures)
« on: April 18, 2021, 07:06:46 pm »
Scott Host is porting Raptor: Call of the Shadows to all the systems, and making an Enhanced edition! w00t
In this stream, he shuffles through all(?) of the textures and sprites from the game so if you need some clean tiles then maybe clip them from the video.

Map Requests / Solar Winds Sector size [Map Request or Mapping Tips?]
« on: April 11, 2021, 03:30:48 am »
I periodically go back to trying to map out Solar Winds, but it's hard to determine how big a sector is when the background is mostly black :/.
Does anyone know how many pixels a sector is in Solar Winds (Epic Megagames)? I have been using tSearch to try replicating the random stars, planets, or anything where pixels can be seen.

I suppose I could go Mythbusters and measure the time it takes to fly over a planet, then compare with flying between 2 sectors..

You can try a program for taking screenshots, that auto-names and saves them, then stitch together afterwards

Back in 2010, I used an N64 emulator called Nemu to move the camera around & take pictures. Here's the post in the ancient Nintendo 64 thread:

Looks like 2016 was the latest post, but lots of good information in there.

Gaming / Modernising the lists?
« on: July 27, 2019, 12:04:01 am »
Have you thought of modernising the site with CSS or at the very least splitting the lists among A-Z pages to make them simpler to load on mobile?

Map Requests / Re: No Shadowgate?
« on: July 27, 2019, 12:00:50 am »
Like pictures of the screens with Maniac Mansion-styled lines connecting all the doors?
I think an isometric map would show off the floors and passages.. would need to find textures to draw them though.

Map Requests / Re: Spy Vs. Spy on the Nes.
« on: July 25, 2019, 01:48:44 am »
Are you looking for a map with all items as well? I think they are randomly placed. I will look into the mapping right now.

- Mike
Just a quick update, I've been real busy lately but it's on my to-do list!
- Mike

Map Requests / No Shadowgate?
« on: July 25, 2019, 01:37:06 am »
Is there seriously no map for Shadowgate? I checked NES, PC, and performed a search.

Message Board Help / Why not split games into alphabetical folders?
« on: June 28, 2018, 03:03:44 am »
Rather than having 0-9 and A-Z loading on one giant page, which takes a long time to navigate on mobile, place each letter into its own folder.

Make a .bat file (a renamed .txt) and put this into it:

md A
move a*.* a
md B
move b*.* b
md C
move c*.* c
(and so on)

It'll make a new directory (folder) labeled A,B,C... then move every file that starts with a,b,c... into it.
Should be easy enough to edit the tables by copying each letter's chunk to a new document then saving into their respective folders?

Gaming / How do you like 3D games to look mapped out?
« on: January 25, 2018, 07:19:10 pm »
Top-down or isometric?
What about the different floors?
Turok 2 is on Steam, and there's a console for inputting commands like fly, clip, stop time, wireframe.. The only maps anyone has done (short of just scanning/stealing from Prima's guide) is of the Hub, but the whole game can be easily mapped out using the PC version. Except it's in 3D and rooms get blocked by other rooms if you're going for a straight screenshot.

Map Requests / Colecovision?
« on: January 03, 2016, 03:00:48 am »
I don't see it in the list on the front page. Is there a section that I'm just not seeing?

Here is an overhead view of the Covenant settlement, with a rough boundary drawn around it. I took this to aid in deciding were to place new objects, walls etc. I invite everyone to participate in this idea! Each map should have either the whole area before scrapping, or have the large debris, such as houses, cars, etc.. removed. I haven't completed the game so my submissions will be whenever.

Naming could be like this:
"[Settlement name]" - As it was when you found it.
"[Settlement name] Clean" - All scrappable items cleared.
"[Settlement name] Empty" - Used a mod and removed absolutely everything.

Here is how I took the photo:

** Remember to use a save that is separate from your main saves, just in case!

Wait for a clear day or use a console command / mod to remove the fog.
Enter first-person view.
Open the console and type: tfc [enter] to activate Free Camera mode. Close the console.
Fly up to a good vantage point. Many screenshots may be required, then stitched together as best you can.
Open the console and type: tm [enter] to remove the HUD elements.
** This will also hide the console, so take the shot, then enter the code again before moving.

To get the boundaries:
*** If you activate Build Mode while using Free Camera mode, you may lose the use of your mouse wheel. Restarting the game will fix it.

While on the ground and not in Free-Cam mode, activate build mode (workshop) to display the green boundary.
Open the console and type: tfc [enter] to activate Free Camera mode.
Fly up and either take multiple shots or just get one big one from far away.
In an image editor, compare the boundaries image with your map & draw them out as best you can.

Interiors are more difficult as the clipping causes objects to vanish from view, and rooms may not render.

Map Requests / [PC] Fallout 4 Settlements +Boundaries
« on: December 14, 2015, 02:33:27 am »
Here is an overhead view of the Covenant settlement, with a rough boundary drawn around it. I took this to aid in deciding were to place new objects, walls etc. I invite everyone to participate in this idea! Each map should have either the whole area before scrapping, or have the large debris, such as houses, cars, etc.. removed.

Naming could be like this:
"[Settlement name]" - As it was when you found it.
"[Settlement name] Clean" - All scrappable items cleared.
"[Settlement name] Empty" - Used a mod and removed absolutely everything.

Here is how I took the photo:

** Remember to use a save that is separate from your main saves, just in case!

Wait for a clear day or use a console command / mod to remove the fog.
Enter first-person view.
Open the console and type: tfc [enter] to activate Free Camera mode. Close the console.
Fly up to a good vantage point. Many screenshots may be required, then stitched together as best you can.
Open the console and type: tm [enter] to remove the HUD elements.
** This will also hide the console, so take the shot, then enter the code again before moving.

To get the boundaries:
*** If you activate Build Mode while using Free Camera mode, you may lose the use of your mouse wheel. Restarting the game will fix it.

While on the ground and not in Free-Cam mode, activate build mode (workshop) to display the green boundary.
Open the console and type: tfc [enter] to activate Free Camera mode.
Fly up and either take multiple shots or just get one big one from far away.
In an image editor, compare the boundaries image with your map & draw them out as best you can.

Interiors are more difficult as the clipping causes objects to vanish from view, and rooms may not render.

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