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Messages - JonLeung

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I'll believe it when I get used to all the features (including adminny ones) and when the site is a bit more active again.

Don't think I was kidding.  Even if I'm not as pissed as before, even if I know I can look forward to things, I'm not going to forget what happened and I still hold you at least somewhat responsible.  I still keep you as a coder because I feel that you owe me, not just because of your good intentions.

VGMaps Social Board / Do the polls work?
« on: April 20, 2006, 07:33:57 am »
As in, periodically changing?

BTW, I didn't make today's poll.  I think Final Fantasy VII is overrated, though I probably would put it on the poll, but I'd definitely use "VII" and not "7".  Also, I'd put the period in "Bros." and fully write out "The Legend Of Zelda".  And it's "Chrono", not "Crono".

The date is misleading, what happened mostly took place yesterday, at least in my part of the world.

Since Grizzly asked what had happened, I will go through this once more.  The regulars have already heard what happened, or at least hints of what might have, so I think the best way will be to just lay it all out.

Now one thing I want you to know is that I think I've been harsh enough to Inty for all of us.  What still hasn't been said, if anything, is likely to come from me.  I don't need anyone hating on Inty in any topic.  Any vents about the loss of old topics we'll keep in this topic if anyone still needs to.  It's such a downer, which is why I don't need to hear about it everywhere, even if I'm the one doing the most complaining around here.  Giving Inty the benefit of the doubt, I think I could be to blame as well, in a certain way.  And I apologize for calling him a "saboteur" because he has given us the current forums, even if he has broken the last two that he has given us.

Anyway, Inty, who has been the sole coder of the last two iterations of the forums, has the Easter week off.  So he thought he'd fix up the boards.  I wanted him to fix the EXP (which seemed to be working again, but increased every day, instead of every day with posts - a key difference) and the annoying red block beneath everyone's user info on large posts.  He confessed to me that punBB (or whatever those forums were based on) confused him and that he was sure he could transfer everything (users and posts) to the GameFAQS++ code, which is what the current forums are based on.  He's more comfortable with this code, meaning that if I keep him around as my forums coder, we could see more and better features if we wanted them.

Now here I am, trying to find out why my host is so slow getting back to me about a hosting plan upgrade, which is the key obstacle in my enormous maps backlog, while trying to deal with a number of other real-life issues less related to, including preparations to go to E3 (you heard me, I got approved).  The last thing I needed was one more thing to worry about.  My gut instinct said NO.  I really should've trusted it.  Unfortunately, I know that Inty isn't always available to fix things, so I said yes...on ONE CONDITION...that users and posts would be kept intact.  We know what happened there.

Now Inty would be the one to ask what went wrong if you want the specifics.  Something about how my host's cPanel went down while he was doing some work - unfortunately (though fortunately for Inty's sake), I can confirm that it has expired, and I hope it's not related to my push for a subscription upgrade - and/or how the character set isn't recognized by something or  other and so the conversion process totally messed up.

I've already kicked Inty for not having a backup.  I'm also kicking myself for never having learned how to properly back up the forums.  I had always assumed that all the forums were all locally stored together in the folder, and that was what I periodically copied to my hard drive.  I really don't get why it's not all there, or why I never noticed that the files were small and didn't change (except for the avatars which I did salvage) but nonetheless, Inty is going to teach me where the actual user data and posts of the forums are, so that I can make periodic and proper backups myself, i.e., as long as I am around to maintain itself, the forums should also be intact.

All that I could say to Inty has been said...if it was totally his fault, I'd wished that he was actually a paid employee so that I could sue him for damages.  That he was no different from a saboteur (again, I'm sorry for calling him that).  That he was making a fool out of myself and my site.  That it was unprofessional, especially frustrating coming from Inty, one of my largest critics of professionalism.

I don't like how this had to happen during the month of the April Fools' joke (no one really responded to Mega Man Solid X: Guns Of The Mavericks, but this doesn't help matters), or that it is during other issues.  I really miss certain topics, such as Revned's/TerraEsperZ's team effort on the Zelda Oracle games or Grizzly's/Geminiman's Wily Wars teamwork - and especially saddening is the loss of the SMB3 and MMSX:GOTM topics.  These all captured the essence and usefulness of the forums...while me and TerraEsperZ and bustin98 could bicker about Transformers until the end of time, topics from something specific to that time that actually resulted in an accomplishment can never be restored.

Oh, I'm sure I may edit this post.  Yeah, I was once told I like to be tragic, so this is my last big "dwelling on the past". But essentially, that's the situation, drama and whines and finger-pointing and hair-pulling and all.  Good intentions failed, that's really what it is.

What we have now are new forums, that our coder is more comfortable with.  If not for the inconvenience of the loss of the posts, we'd be absolutely elated right now.  But looking forward, things can only get better.  Sounds preachy, but hey, it's not going to get worse.

Regardless of how much it may have seemed to be Inty's fault, he is still our coder, so you will treat him with enough respect.  Please limit your negative feelings.  If you have to vent, that's what this topic is for - nowhere else, so that we can move forward more positively.

VGMaps Social Board / RE: Make this place more active!
« on: April 19, 2006, 02:39:37 pm »
And after Inty shows me how to properly back things up, I'll be doing it myself periodically.  I can guarantee you I was the most pissed of everyone here when they were lost...again...when I only approved the new forums on the very promise that nothing would be lost.  But I shouldn't keep going back there, now should I?

Inty's learned his lesson.  And if you still don't trust him, I hope you'll be happy to know that I'll be doing the backing up as well.

Gaming / RE: Tomb Raider: Legend
« on: April 19, 2006, 02:36:47 pm »
She looks more human, and attractively so.  The most distracting thing about her previous forms was not so much her chest, but rather her face, IMO.

The box art is deceiving.  Now while I can't access the mysterious "Next Generation Content" menu thing with my current video card, I don't think she looks as good as she does on the box and advertisements, no matter how good a video card you may have.

I didn't talk about the above-average voice acting, the simplistic gunplay, or the very smooth animation and control, but then again I'm at work and don't have time to write a deep review.  It is fun, though some people complain that she's becoming less Indiana Jones and more James Bond.

VGMaps Social Board / RE: Movies You've Seen
« on: April 19, 2006, 01:12:25 pm »
I haven't seen as many movies as I always hope to (being a university graduate with a Film Studies major, you'd think I'd find the time), but this Easter Weekend I saw Rocky (for the second time), Stealth, and XXX: State Of The Union.

Those last two were strictly popcorny.  My dad's insisting I watch Fantastic Four on DVD which he got from the library yesterday (who needs Blockbuster) which I imagine is more of the same.

The last film I saw in the theater was V For Vendetta.  I guess that was pretty good, for an action movie.  Could've used more action, actually.

Gaming / Tomb Raider: Legend
« on: April 19, 2006, 01:06:25 pm »
I'll make a Gaming Board category and move this into it.

After finishing Silent Hill 3 this weekend, I took on Tomb Raider: Legend.  (Hey, I'm allowed to play games when I really can't update the site!)  Since Lara Croft was never on a Nintendo system (except for the Game Boy Color game), and I wasn't interested in the past games while they were new or didn't have a decent computer then or whatever other reasons I'm not sure about, this is the only Tomb Raider game I've truly played.

The main game took me eight and a half hours on normal difficulty.  I still have many secrets yet to go back and find.  Shorter than I had hoped, thank goodness for the replay value.

The game was decent, but if you've played the recent Prince Of Persia games (I'm recalling Sands Of Time, as that's the only one I've played so far), you'd find the mechanics more than similar.  Hanging on to ledges, jumping onto and swinging from horizontal and vertical poles, etc.  (I know the GBC Tomb Raider game is similar to the 2D Prince Of Persia games, but I don't know how similar the previous "main" Tomb Raider games are to Prince Of Persia, so I don't know if I should be surprised or not, actually.)

The story was supposed to be epic, and it is in the world-spanning and discovering-something-that-ties-back-to-Lara's-past sense, but as I said, way too short.

There are scenes with something similar to "Quick-Time Events" in Shenmue, or like Dragon's Lair, where you push a direction or button at the right time to avoid death.  The PC version, which I played, was limited to just directions.  I deliberately failed these over and over to see the often painful-looking deaths.  As the game is rated T, they look about as painful as you can get without spilling blood, but it's still a little crazy to see Lara get smashed repeatedly by a train or bending backwards farther than he spine should allow.

Apparently most Tomb Raider games have "Croft Manor", this one is no exception.  Too bad it was easy for me to find everything hidden within without having to consult a walkthrough.

Fun game for a first-time Tomb Raider.  Nice "reboot" of the series otherwise, I heard the recent games before this were going downhill.

Has anyone else played it?

VGMaps Social Board / RE: New Forum
« on: April 19, 2006, 12:52:16 pm »
Yeesh, sounds like you guys know more about the features than I do right now.  I'm glad we can still have avatars, even if we have to turn them on.  Can that be changed to default?

VGMaps Social Board / Why so many names, Intanos VI/Inty/Chris/ResR?
« on: April 19, 2006, 12:48:09 pm »
I'd guess that "Chris" is your real name, and that "Inty" might be short for "Intanos VI", but who or what is "Intanos VI" and "ResR"?

I have no originality in my name...

VGMaps Social Board / RE: Board Theme
« on: April 19, 2006, 11:10:52 am »
I'm not sure yet how customizable the themes are, but I would very much like the offical VGMaps theme to look like the site as much as possible (yes, lots of white), and that would be the default.  I'm sure we could have other variants based off of that, but I have concerns other than the theme for now.  You guys can certainly start making a VGMaps theme if you want, but don't be surprised if I have "suggestions" for changes if I don't like it.  :P

VGMaps Social Board / RE: Board Theme
« on: April 19, 2006, 10:36:23 am »
Through all my concerns that I've been throwing at Inty, I haven't had much time to actually look at the new features, or the different ways that particular features have been implemented.

Posts like this are helping me feel better about what we do have.

Back on topic, no, I haven't really looked at the themes, but I will soon, now that you mentioned it.

VGMaps Social Board / RE: New Forum
« on: April 19, 2006, 08:57:29 am »
Don't worry about staying up tonight.  I've almost bored myself with the rants I was going to throw at you.  I still have some things I want you to understand, but I'm sure you'll hear them all eventually.  Right now I want you to be productive.

Though I'd like some kind of assurance that you will focus on the forums until it is improved at least enough to justify our losses.  You did propose this change, after all, so regardless of what happened and why, I'd like the forums to be better than before.  I'm glad you have all week off and that you're more comfortable with the code.  I guess you already did promise things will be better in one of the first posts here and I'm rambling again...see what I mean about not staying up for this?

Just get to work.  :P

VGMaps Social Board / RE: New Forum
« on: April 19, 2006, 05:59:52 am »
I am pissed.  BEYOND pissed.  Where is the response to my email?  Did you send it to my work email address?

Give me admin abilities.

Tell me EXACTLY how to back up EVERYTHING to do with the forums, so that it can be restored if we go down AGAIN, since obviously I can't trust anyone but myself anymore.

Even if it's the cPanel going down or whatever, I find it impossible to believe that you wouldn't've made a backup beforehand, so I don't hold you blameless.  Believe me, we're going to have a discussion next time we talk.

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