General Boards => Map Gab => Topic started by: magicbay on October 09, 2008, 02:51:30 pm
Can someone come up with the maps for this game??
One of my nephews is wanting the maps for this game because he doesn't have a computer for himself and asked me to post a message pertaining to the game maps..
What exactly do you want mapped here? The scenarios? All other fields are randomly generated so they'll never look the same twice.
Oh, I remember the last scenario or mission or whatever that has no bodies of water, it just starts with trees arranged in the shape of Mario's face. That might be neat to see.
I created some scenario maps from the Amiga version of Sim City. You can see them at the Hall of Light:
I thought the SNES version had different scenarios than the other platform versions?
the SNES version has different ones than the other platforms. I've got the game but I don't play it much but I'll check into the scenario listing when I play it next..
Oh no, they're not so random. There are 2000 fields not counting the scenarios. Ouch. Of course they're all just forests and rivers, only the scenarios come with cities.
Anyone here live in Bosotn?
You might want to relocate before next year. :P

Thank god I don't live in boston or in any other place on simcity.. :)
It's bad enough to have to live in Atlanta, Ga but to live in those places, I'd rather dig me a hole, crawl into it and live in it than anywhere else.
I finally got around to it. All the Scenarios:
And here.