Okay, people. Any ideas?
Note that I will not necessarily lead such a project, despite doing so for past years' projects. (Perhaps I'm still burnt out from the last one, but in any case I don't want this to be just my thing.) Seeing as how an April Fools' joke reflects on this site, I still have to like the idea enough and approve it. :P
Metroid Dread:
The supposedly canceled game for the DS has finally been leaked. The game was mostly finished, but Nintendo had to cancel it because <insert reason here>. The game takes place after Metroid Fusion, and one of the screens in Metroid Prime 3 hints about a "Project Dread" that is being worked on by the Space Pirates. Maybe the revival of the Queen Metroid?
I would say that this would be a fairly good April Fools project. Every Metroid fan wants this game to come out. There wouldn't be all kinds of dungeons or overworlds like OoH. Just a thought...
I think that would be too hard. To be convincing, the graphics would have to be close to the quality of the Castlevania games, and I don't think many of us here have the artistic skills to do it.
How a about a game starring a professional sports player but isn't a sports game? Some (real) examples include Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City (platform), Shaq Fu (fighting), or Barkley Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden (RPG). I think that a curling RTS would definitely surprise some people.
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
In defense of the Metriod Dread idea, maybe we could simplify it by making it a canned GBA game that was supposed to be ported to the DS?
I think designing a convincing Metroid game would be far too time consuming. Even ignoring pixel art, we'd still have to think of abilities, bosses, areas, and setting. There's also the fact that we'd need to design the whole layout of the map before we even consider actually mapping (unless we split it into loosely connected areas like Fusion, Hunters, or Corruption, but that'd be lame). Another consideration is that the game would probably be several times larger than Oracle of Hours.
And personally, I prefer the idea of Metroidvania starring Samus Belmondo.
Also, the more I think about it the more appealing the prospect of a curling game becomes. I've even come up with a good title: Wayne Middaugh's Chip & Lie. :)
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Cool, marioman!
I like the idea of Metroid Dread...following in the vein of The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of ____, that is, being a canned Nintendo portable game of a major franchise that at least some gamers know about. Being for the DS gives it a more "current" status and hence one that would be more popular than for a fake GBC game. And we wouldn't have to come up with a title! :)
Now, I said I liked the idea. I don't know how feasible it is. The thing is, I know how much work was involved in Oracle of Hours. And that was with Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons fully mapped, plus, the idea was that it would link with those, so it was easy to get away with using resources from those games.
Metroid Dread would probably require more unique tiles, and even if it could look good as a chopshop mishmash of Metroid: Zero Mission, Super Metroid, and Metroid Fusion, the scary thing is that we don't have fully ripped maps from any of those games! >_< Not that it would be hard to get where you needed to go and take a screen capture, but it sure would be handy if we had everything readily available already.
While not impossible, it would have to require a team of dedicated mappers. So would any project, I suppose, but Metroid always has this level of quality that I think it could easily not look that great. I'm sure I would love Metroid Dread as another set of fake maps, but only if it's done well. But if done well, it could be greater than Oracle of Hours!
However, looking at how people weren't 100% keen on Oracle of Ages the first year we tried it, that it just ended up being my own thing, I hope we have enough enthusiasm and dedication to see this through as a team effort, whatever it will be.
Oh, and RT 55J, curling, what? Maps? For a rink? >_<
Don't let my disinterest in sports games discourage more ideas, though, people...
JonLeung Said:
Cool, marioman!
I like the idea of Metroid Dread...following in the vein of The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of ____, that is, being a canned Nintendo portable game of a major franchise that at least some gamers know about. Being for the DS gives it a more "current" status and hence one that would be more popular than for a fake GBC game. And we wouldn't have to come up with a title! :)
Now, I said I liked the idea. I don't know how feasible it is. The thing is, I know how much work was involved in Oracle of Hours. And that was with Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons fully mapped, plus, the idea was that it would link with those, so it was easy to get away with using resources from those games.
Metroid Dread would probably require more unique tiles, and even if it could look good as a chopshop mishmash of Metroid: Zero Mission, Super Metroid, and Metroid Fusion, the scary thing is that we don't have fully ripped maps from any of those games! >_< Not that it would be hard to get where you needed to go and take a screen capture, but it sure would be handy if we had everything readily available already.
While not impossible, it would have to require a team of dedicated mappers. So would any project, I suppose, but Metroid always has this level of quality that I think it could easily not look that great. I'm sure I would love Metroid Dread as another set of fake maps, but only if it's done well. But if done well, it could be greater than Oracle of Hours!
However, looking at how people weren't 100% keen on Oracle of Ages the first year we tried it, that it just ended up being my own thing, I hope we have enough enthusiasm and dedication to see this through as a team effort, whatever it will be.
Oh, and RT 55J, curling, what? Maps? For a rink? >_<
Don't let my disinterest in sports games discourage more ideas, though, people...
I was thinking of something more along the lines of a real time (or turn-based) strategy game that has little little do do with curling other than the fact that it stars a curler. You know, sort of like the other games I listed.
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
I just had a thought. Instead of making up a new game altogether, why not make something for a game that exists? We could claim that we uncovered extra levels while ROM hacking, or found a prototype cartridge. That would seem more believable to me, though it wouldn't have quite the flare of previous April Fools' maps.
Up to now I have only shared my own idea with Jon and kept it secret for next year, but here is what I want, though I am reluctant it may turn up not next year but any following year to come.
Sorry I forgot to attach a picture of the title for my intended April Fools maps. If you chose this game what system/s would you put it on. I would suggest this:
IBM PC Windows XP, Vista
Apple Macintosh
Nintendo DS
Nintendo Wii
I do look forward to hearing more.
the scary thing is that we don't have fully ripped maps from any of those games! >_< Not that it would be hard to get where you needed to go and take a screen capture, but it sure would be handy if we had everything readily available already.
There is a utility called Zero Fission that will allow you to edit maps and dump tiles for both GBA Metroid games. I am sure that there is a similar utility for Super Metroid.
marioman Said:
JonLeung Said:...the scary thing is that we don't have fully ripped maps from any of those games! >_< Not that it would be hard to get where you needed to go and take a screen capture, but it sure would be handy if we had everything readily available already.
There is a utility called Zero Fission that will allow you to edit maps and dump tiles for both GBA Metroid games. I am sure that there is a similar utility for Super Metroid.
Don't be so sure. Level editors that display everything are nontrivial.
marioman Said:
JonLeung Said:...the scary thing is that we don't have fully ripped maps from any of those games! >_< Not that it would be hard to get where you needed to go and take a screen capture, but it sure would be handy if we had everything readily available already.
There is a utility called Zero Fission that will allow you to edit maps and dump tiles for both GBA Metroid games. I am sure that there is a similar utility for Super Metroid.
It's called SMILE.
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Revned Said:
Don't be so sure. Level editors that display everything are nontrivial.
I made that statement based on the age and popularity of the game. If things really got bad, the entire game has been mapped by Wilee. However, that SMILE app that RT-55J found would probably do the trick.
RT 55J Said:
marioman Said:
I am sure that there is a similar utility for Super Metroid.
It's called
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Curse my skepticism!
RE: Platforms for "Super Mario Bros. Super Show"
I think using IBM PC or Apple Mac would be silly. Nintendo's games have very rarely been legitimately ported to a PC or Apple platform.
That gives me a great idea! We could make Mario Teaches Typing 2!!!!!!!
Too late. It already exists.
Currently, I think that the SMB Super Show game is the best idea that has been presented here (even though I'm partial to my curling game :P). Let's do it.
BTW this link might be helpful.
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
marioman Said:
Bah humbug. Maybe I should stop posting in this topic.
Brilliant I love the sound that we'll get this Super show on the road. Here is a prototype map of what I thought it might look like. It has the waterfall from Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past, the backgrounds, sprites and objects from SNES Super Mario All-Stars and GBA Super Mario Bros Series, and a few from Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga. There are some added things to the map that never existed in any Mario game, such as snowballs, Goombas hiding in snowmen, icy stalagmites and snowcapped mountains. At the end of the map you will see a screenshot of the Birdo about to feed her baby (Toad mistaken for her baby). To me the map looks very straightforward and more like a toddler's layout.
I know you started this long before I made this topic, but it almost sounds like you're getting ahead of yourself, Will...
I liked the SMBSS as a kid, but I don't know about this idea. It almost seems like this idea is too dependent on people being fans of the show. Do we have enough fans here? Would gamers these days be enough of fans to remember the cool episodes? Doing something based on Captain N seems like a slightly better idea IMO, but probably not by much...
Though it does give me an idea. How about a NES or Super NES-based Super Smash Bros.? It would be far less work and a fair bit of fun to create 40some arenas, even if they were, like, 2 x 2 screens each... It would allow for some creativity, yet be easier as things are meant to look like they were adapted from other games, be more flexible in allowing other people to join in or drop out during the course of working on it, and it wouldn't be a disaster if it weren't completely done (more like if we didn't have the ideal number of stages) by the end of it... (With the timing, maybe this would've been a better joke for this year...)
(And if we wanted it to be current, we could try for a DS-based Super Smash Bros.! Though people might expect it to have 3D N64-like graphics...)
You'd almost need to have each arena looked over by everyone else, though. Quality control might be necessary, as it might be too easy. Maybe we'd throw in some kind of story/adventure mode if we wanted some challenge...
In an ideal situation, (that is, if we had the time, resources, but mostly dedication) I still really like the Metroid Dread idea, but in terms of feasibility, some kind of 2D Smash Bros. would work better.
But what do you guys think?
I've only ever seen a couple of the Super Show episodes, so I wouldn't be too excited about it. On the other hand, check out what I made a long time ago: <image>https://img530.imageshack.us/img530/6600/mkfv0.png</image>
I'm surprised that Super Smash bros. has a mixture of Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Sonic and worst of all Pokemon. Isn't Sonic a Sega character? I've never liked Pokemon ever. I never thought NES game would appear for 2009 April Fools. Mostly GBA and GBC have been on April Fools in the past four years. While some of you are progressing in this decided and concluded project, I'll think about it.
Fun fact: There is no way on earth that Pokemon could exist in a NES or SNES Super Smash Bros Game. (Neither can Gannondorf, Shiek, or Wario.)
No one said anything about a project being decided upon yet, Will. And certainly nothing has been concluded.
You're right about how the poll seems to show my Super Kid Icarus as being unloved, marioman, though it might have to do with the general unpopularity of Kid Icarus compared to the other franchises involved.
Maybe Super Smash Bros. is a bit too simple. And with Will, apparently controversial, heh. (News flash to Will Mallia: yes, Sonic is a Sega character, and Pok?mon has made Nintendo more money than you'll ever see in your life. If you denounce Sonic because he's Sega, that only makes Pok?mon more appropriate for Smash Bros. :P) I still like the Smash Bros. idea, especially to fall back on if whatever project we choose is deemed too difficult or not worth the trouble, but now I'm leaning towards Metroid Dread again.
I'm not sure how we'll eventually decide. Do we want more people until a clear preference comes up? Do we put it to a poll? My feeling is that whatever we choose to do, I hope there will be enough dedication from those that made that choice. I don't remember if we actually decided on Zelda: Oracle of Hours or if I just made the choice for everyone, 'cause in the end I was the only one I could expect to work on it, once it became it was too big for others to want to invest in it.
I hope the projects can be a fun group thing that can be enjoyable as we work on it, not just a thing for me to milk some more hits out of the April month. That being said, do we go for something simple or challenging? We also want to like the finished project for it to be worth the inevitable obstacles we'll encounter along the way.
JonLeung Said:
You're right about how the poll seems to show my Super Kid Icarus as being unloved, marioman, though it might have to do with the general unpopularity of Kid Icarus compared to the other franchises involved.
Nothing personal by the way. Just an observation...
Well, I don't think my vote should count as much, because I probably won't help. I've got a full-time job this summer and a research position next school year.
A 4-player Smash Bros game on the NES would be the biggest flickerfest of all time. :P An SNES version would make more sense on a technical level, and would also allow for a larger roster of characters.
Also, it's a pity that nobody is interested in Will's SMBSS idea or my curling RTS idea. :(
Metroid Dread could be somewhat feasible if we had a good pixel artist. We could import the graphics into Super Metroid and use SMILE as an ad hoc map making tool. But honestly, I'd rather do a crossover like Metroidvania* than Dread.
If all else fails, we could do a "sequel" to an NES game akin to 2007's Super Kid Icarus. I wouldn't mind Metal Storm or Blaster Master getting the SNES treatment they deserved.
In any case, I would prefer it if we decided on what we're going to do sooner rather than later.
*Bolded for emphasis.
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
I personally thought the last crossover was very unconvincing. Everyone immediately knew it was a fan construction. I think for it to believable, it has to be something more normal.
I personally think that believability is one of the last things we need to worry about. :P
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
I think for an April Fool's joke we should go for either extreme: one that's believable enough to make fools of anyone who thinks it's a real game, or one that's not quite believable but is at least amusing/fun/interesting.
We all know why I wanted to mix Mega Man X and Metal Gear Solid (interesting boss concepts, blah blah blah). I've always thought Mega Man Solid X: Guns Of The Mavericks would have worked better if Mega Man (X) fans and Metal Gear (Solid) fans were the same people. Most people I know are only one or the other but not both. Perhaps, if this site were a more general video games web site, and not one about maps, we could've presented bustin98's artwork alone as supposed concept art and the point wouldn't've been missed. I remember him saying his friend who worked at a games store printed off the artwork and fooled some people there.
"Metroidvania" and/or "Castleroid" have been terms used for the genre of games, I'm trying to envision what a game that was a mix of the series would look like. It truly isn't believable; at least with MMSX:GotM you could see each map to see bustin98's rendition of another character, whereas I don't know that we'd necessarily want to render a bunch of areas in Metroidvania when the "joke" is already over. Unless you want artwork of crossed bosses like "Death-Ridley" but then the maps become secondary again (and besides, there aren't many other memorable bosses).
On a not-quite-related note, a steampunk version of Samus's suit would be interesting...
The point of an April Fools joke is to fool people. (Shocking I know.) Therefore, the joke has to be believable or else people will not be fooled. Metroidvania is not at all believable. People talk about it all the time, and it has actually become its own genre. Therefore the chance of fooling someone would be slim. Especially when you consider that you will be combining events from the 1600s with events in the far future.
Actually, marioman, Castlevania games go by the idea that Dracula returns every 100 years, though there have been (many) times when he's broken that rule. The chronology of games run from the 1000s to the 2000s. :P
But you're right, though, technology doesn't change Dracula's castle much, and a Metroid theme mixed in would certainly be a jarring juxtaposition or something. Even if it could look interesting, believable or not, would it be worth the effort? I think that's the real question.
So far there has been those ideas. Choose any of the following:
NES Super Smash Bros
SNES Metroidvania/Castleroid
Super Mario Bros. Super Show (Discarded)
Why not try a Sega title for a change? Unless of course Sega is not that popular, but you might want to try to map a Ninja Gaiden or Wonder Boy game. Ninja Gaiden is one of the site's favourites is it not? Perhaps this could succeed.
Why not just give the April slot to an author of a real map set? It's a the simplest solution, maybe not as much fun, but I don't think anyone brought it up so I will.
DarkWolf Said:</quote>Why not just give the April slot to an author of a real map set?</quote>
You can't expect us to break a tradition after 4 years. :P
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
RT-55J said:
That's precisely why I think it would be such an awesome idea.
I don't know. I see it as the same thing as making a game called RPG or 2.5D sidescroller. It is a genre as opposed to an actual game. I think that Metroid Dread would be more focused. (Besides, I don't think that Mother Dracula would be a believable final boss. :P)
Perhaps we should design a voting poll in the secret room where we can vote for a game title to decide on. Even the one who suggested the certain titles can also be counted to vote for their own idea. So far there are three title choices to vote for but this is how I should set it:
What April Fool game should come for 2009?
1 - NES Super Smash Bros.
2 - SNES Metroidvania/Castleroid
3 - SNES/GBA Super Mario Bros. Super Show
4 - A New Ninja Gaiden game
5 - A New Kid Icarus game
6 - A different idea
7 - I don't care for April Fools maps
I think this voting poll will ease the matter a great deal and the conclusion will be at its peak once the voting has taken place. I hope that works out well.
You left Metroid Dread off that list, which is a separate idea from Metroidvania. :P
One thing that I forgot to mention earlier:
RT-55J said:
Metroid Dread could be somewhat feasible if we had a good pixel artist.
You could probably find one on a Metroid fansite like Metroid Fan Mission or the Metroid Galaxy Guide.
Talking of graphic artist marioman. The reason my SMBSS maps are at a standstill is because I cannot decide upon a better layout plus I cannot gain the sprites and graphics I need, such as a snowmobile, a telephone and so on. But that doesn't matter I think Metroid Dread is the overall conclusion above all other suggested titles. Better luck next year for me or others.
I don't know if Metroid Dread is the conclusion, it's just what I currently like (and I am just one of many) - and that's really only if we think it's feasible.
Maybe we could do a smaller project (like the Super NES version of Super Smash Bros.), get that prepared for April 2009, so that we can take our time to make sure that a bigger project like Metroid Dread can be in good shape for April 2010? In a sense, that's kind of like what happened with LoZ:OoH, except that Super Kid Icarus was more of a last-minute effort...but at least came out presentable and on time, buying me time for LoZ:OoH (though I wasn't sure about returning to it until December).
Oh, yeah, I should probably change the poll one of these days... >_>
I agree with the idea of a smaller project if it means more time to work on larger project. The only problem is making sure that people don't spend all of their time procrastinating. :P
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
If I could do Super Kid Icarus on my own in one month and Oracle Of Hours in four, then having close to two years with a team ought to be plenty of time.
The question is dedication, which is why we have to be sure we want to do this. It'll be easy to figure out the details for consistency and coherence once we're going.
When I'm not sure what I want to do, I can't yet expect everyone else to commit. I think all I've said so far is that I'm leaning toward Metroid Dread but I'm still concerned about who else is/isn't on board. But you're right, if we all waffle because we're waiting for anyone else to make the first step then no one will commit. :P
Here are some questions to consider if we do something like Metroid Dread (although most could apply to other projects too):
1. How will the game map be structured?
- Will the maps be directly and cleanly connected (ie Super Metroid) or not (MZM, Fusion)?
- Will the areas be relatively small (SotN) or large (SM)?
- Will the areas be on one big planet or on several smaller and self-contained planets?
2. What system will we pretend the game is on?
- What limitations (tile/screen/palette size), if any, will we place upon ourselves to make this seem realistic?
3. Is there a possibility of the game being released before we finish?
- Should an alternative, but similar, project be considered?
4. What upgrades would Samus earn?
- How would these upgrades effect her progression in the game?
5. How will the map itself be assembled?
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Good questions...
If we move forward with Metroid Dread, at least any graphics or ideas from Metroid Fusion that we might consider borrowing won't be a concern for much longer...rocktyt (who did The Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap maps) will soon be sending in maps for that. Awesome.
JonLeung Said:
Good questions...
If we move forward with Metroid Dread, at least any graphics or ideas from Metroid Fusion that we might consider borrowing won't be a concern for much longer...rocktyt (who did The Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap maps) will soon be sending in maps for that. Awesome.
Woohoo! Another map project I can finally officially cancel without feeling guilty about it (Metroid Fusion) :)
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Current projects: ?????? (Gen), Sonic The Hedgehog (Gen), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Bucky O'Hare (NES)
Interesting burst of excitement there Terra. I have never seen a person get so excited about canceling something. :P
That's great about the Fusion maps. Maybe rocktyt will map Zero Mission soon?
That's because it's a game I've always wanted to have maps for, either by me or someone else, and the fact that it's the black sheep of the Metroid franchise seemed to remove any enthusiasm from other potential mappers, thereby putting the responsibility on me to do it or no one else would.
As for Zero Mission, aren't there already two sets of (nearly identical) maps for it? It's just that none have been submitted to the site yet. You can check out Wileee and Edsword's map set at http://www.screenshotmaps.com
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Current projects: ?????? (Gen), Sonic The Hedgehog (Gen), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Bucky O'Hare (NES)
I am not sure. I was just looking at the maps on screenshot maps.com, and they are incomplete. (Only Norfair and Ridley's Lair are mapped.) By the way, why haven't Wileee and Edsword offered to allow us to host PNG versions of their Super Metroid maps? They seem to have bandwidth issues, and hosting them here would surely help distribute the leeching.
I actually remember when they first mapped Zero Mission. There was another guy who helped, and each of the three hosted the maps on his own website. So that might be why you thought there were multiple sets.
As for the PNGs, I asked Ed for them years ago, and persisted for a year before giving up. He's probably collected them all by now, he just hasn't uploaded them. I hope he does sometime, but I'm not optimistic.
Actually, I remember some pretty heated arguments on a Metroid forum where two people (I don't remember if either was Wileee or Edsword) were mapping the game each on their own, and one side ended up accusing the other of taking his maps and simply adding enemy sprites since everything was identical, including the background alignment. Anyway, I've brought this thread way off topic.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Current projects: ?????? (Gen), Sonic The Hedgehog (Gen), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Bucky O'Hare (NES)
In any case, it would be nice if we could have Super Metroid maps...
As of just a few minutes ago, the full maps for Metroid: Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion are up, thanks to rocktyt and zerofighter. The maps are pretty sweet.
So we just need...hmmm...Metroid Prime Pinball and Super Metroid to finish off the 2D Metroid series. Super Metroid would really be nice.
Who do I have to talk to to get the Super Metroid maps that already exist somewhere in PNG format?
I guess we're kind of straying off topic...
Ed and Wileee have them.
marioman said:
Maybe rocktyt will map Zero Mission soon?
JonLeung said:
As of just a few minutes ago, the full maps for Metroid: Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion are up, thanks to rocktyt and zerofighter.
</psychic> Nice!
I guess we would've heard by now if Metroid Dread is coming at E3.
Then again, I think Nintendo's press conference is tomorrow, so we'll see by then. It will make it an easy decision to NOT do a Metroid Dread if the real deal is coming.
If the Metroid 2009 April maps are to be cancelled because of a new release, what could be done instead? Either one of our previous suggestions or a new idea?
Still no sign of Metroid Dread, so that's good. (At least "good" in this sense.)
Assuming there's still enough interest for this to go ahead, anyway.
Regardless of whether or not we do it, I sent wileee a friendly email. I let him in on the secret but told him that in any case, high-quality 1:1 .PNGs of full Super Metroid maps would be more than welcome here on VGMaps.com.
Anyone still here?
Jeod's insistence to make a game out of my Oracle Of Hours is both flattering and awkward. After all the time I spent on the maps as they are, everything he'd have to add (NPCs, sidequests, caves, even stuff as simple as enemies) seems like a deviation. Not that he would be butchering it, but it's just really weird, IMO. (It's like if you spent a lot of your time painting a picture and when it gets put on display, someone else is there explaining that it's something else than what you intended it to be.) And when he's not planning to hack a ROM to do it, and rather recreate Link/enemy physics and behaviours from scratch, I can't help but feel that it won't feel right even in the unlikely case that he finishes it. :P
My point being that his success/failure will determine whether or not I allow fan games based on any of my works ever again.
So, how about that Metroid Dread? :P Or do we have any other ideas? I can't believe it's August already, so the seriousness of this will be going up soon. I know who's out, but who's still in, and how much of that is dependent on what exactly?
I know I'm asking a lot. Believe me, I did Oracle Of Hours, and even a fraction of that was a lot of work. I keep saying I didn't want to be the only one doing the next one, but it may be that case again. Perhaps Oracle Of Hours raised the bar too high, but at the same time I don't want to do something too too simple like pretending the site got hacked or making VGMaps.com look like it got taken over by Virginia Garrett Maps or something. >_<
If Oracle of Hours has become a bigger success than any other mapsets done, then perhaps it would be wise to take a break from making maps for April Fools and try something a little different, like maybe some graphic sprites that never existed in the Other Stuff section of any games we all desire, depending how many you can manage. I like the idea of Virginia Garrett Maps, Mr. Funny Jokes *heh heh*.
Other ideas, hmm. How about maps of games based on films that never were released. Perhaps Alien, Aliens or Alien Resurrection. If you haven't watched the films, the title maybe confusing. Or what about seqeuels to the NES version of Jurassic Park, I enjoyed that game.
I am definitely in, but I seem to be the only one who planned ahead first. Perhaps soon other members will gain ideas and make suggestion, what with the weekly increasing submissions
Any word on if we will be getting Super Metroid maps soon?
I emailed wileee a while back but got no response. I don't know if he's ignoring me, or busy, or what. I seem to recall his web sites haven't been updated recently, so he could be anywhere.
As EGM's (and others') #1 best game ever, you'd think other people on the Internet would've gotten around to mapping Super Metroid...
(Or maybe everyone thinks wileee/Edsword will one day release their high-quality .PNGs so no one has bothered to try, since it would be a daunting task, best game ever or not.)
JonLeung Said:
I emailed wileee a while back but got no response. I don't know if he's ignoring me, or busy, or what. I seem to recall his web sites haven't been updated recently, so he could be anywhere.
As EGM's (and others) #1 best game ever, you'd think other people on the Internet would've gotten around to mapping Super Metroid...
(Or maybe everyone thinks wileee/Edsword will one day release their high-quality .PNGs so no one has bothered to try, since it would be a daunting task, best game ever or not.)
That's exactly why I never tried it.
Nothing worse than starting a huge mapping project and having someone release finished maps for it while you've already spent several months/years on it. Doubly so when it takes you a long, *long* time to finish one like me.
Current projects: Ristar-The Shooting Star (Gen), Sonic The Hedgehog (Gen), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Bucky O'Hare (NES)
wileee got back to me. He's been a busy parent, he says (I wouldn't know)...
He's agreed to get me the maps of Super Metroid! Yay! Don't know how soon, but he said he'll upload them to some place for me to retreive and then host on VGMaps.com. :D
Can't believe it's the end of August already. I'm going to have to free up some time if it turns out I'll be making Metroid Dread by myself. It's too bad we couldn't find something enough people wanted to do, but I understand how it is.
EDIT: I just finished Final Fantasy XII...I suppose that helps with the time issue... >_>
How do you want the title designed? Do you want it in the Golden letters of the SNES version? The Blue Block letters of the NES version? The Lighting Orb Icon from the Gamecube version? Or the futuristic title from the GBA version? I'm sure you want the title in a brand new style. Or have you already taken care of that?
If I do end up doing most of Metroid Dread's design all by myself (which I certainly foresee, and which I'd consider starting soon), I'd be curious if anyone with good graphic design skills might be able to make some new backgrounds and custom boss sprites. And a few other tiles and objects.
It's not rocket science to modify and/or palette-swap existing Metroid game tiles, but for it to look convincing there should be some "new" stuff. More than just a little bit, even.
I liked making the custom sprites for Mega Man Solid X: Guns Of The Mavericks, but that was mostly Frankensteining some parts together. Someone with real art skill doing this would be nice.
So if I focus on the layout, would someone be able to make up some stuff?
I'm guessing interest has waned, and I'm okay with that. There are games some people said they're working on (*looks at TerraEsperZ's sig*) that I would rather not take away time from, as if I really have any say in the matter.
I'm all up for doing this all by myself again, but after Metroid Dread (which I feel ready to tackle and look forward to doing) I will probably be questioning the viability of elaborate April Fools' jokes in the future. If I start this in October, we're talking about taking a half-year of my time (well, time that isn't occupied by, you know, real life) that might be better spent on potential revamps on the site...or at least tweaks and nips and tucks I always mean to do or try...or the new ads I wanted to make...etc....
Anyway, enough about that. I'm still looking forward to if anyone can contribute original sprites and backgrounds, and perhaps the title too, since I have little skill in original art...there's six months, so whoever does can take their time...
Believe it or not, but I've been working quite a bit on the first two games in my sig whenever I had the time. Unfortunately, such free time wasn't too abundant with me needing to put in lots of overtime coupled with frequently visiting an uncle of mine who's dying of kidney and liver failure :(
Current projects: Metal Storm (NES), Clock Tower (SNES), Ristar-The Shooting Star (Gen), Sonic The Hedgehog (Gen), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Bucky O'Hare (NES)
Well, I was looking at your sig as an example, since you put it right out there...I know others often have things on their plate that they're working on...
And real life (school, work, family, etc.) always comes first. Even the need to relax comes before VGMaps.com. Other than weekend updates, which take up a good chunk of my weekend as it is, VGMaps.com is hard to keep as priority. See how long it's taken me to still get nowhere on revamping the site, etc.?
Sure, I'd like to see Clock Tower for the Super NES (I was thinking about making time for that game), but obviously that can wait.
Since I haven't ever taken a day off from work in the past 4 and a half years since I've been here (other than for E3 2006 and for jury duty), maybe I'll take a week off in December or January. Yeah, maybe January.
If I can dedicate a whole week, discplined to work only on either this April Fool's joke or the site revamp, I'm sure I'll make considerable progress on either one.
Not that anyone cares anymore other than myself, but I got most of the Metroid Dread title logo done last night. I still should tweak it here and there though.
I absolutely hate the letter R when it comes to hand-drawn pixel art. It often seems like there's not enough room, and once you get a decent curve, the diagonal lower-right line never seems to be at the right angle. Every time you fix it by shifting it a couple pixels over, it looks worse in another area. When you work with a small pixel area the slightest shift or addition/subtraction of pixels can change angles considerably noticeably.
Nice! I can't wait to see the logo.
By the way, did Wileee/Edsword ever get those Super Metroid maps to you? It has been a number of months since anything has been said about them - just wondering what the latest word is.
I emailed wileee again recently (maybe a week ago), and asked about them since it's been a few months since he said he would make them available. Unfortunately I haven't heard back since.
Those Super Metroid maps sure would be helpful...
I asked Edsword for them 3 or 4 years ago and never got them :-/
If you're trying to come up with the planet's name, just mash the keyboard and attempt to pronounce the results, then change the pronunciation until the name sounds good enough. For example:
- dlakg -> Dlakug -> Dlaguk -> Dlagic
- osduyhg -> Osdyug -> Ozdug
- cmvhgrf -> Cumvigerf -> Comvigger
- wpfuiogyh -> Whipfwiog -> Whipfrog
- tyuryh -> Toorie
- zuiglkas -> Zweegle-kas -> Zweelkas -> Zwilkaz
- xlkghkf -> Xliguk -> Xelguk
Granted, the method is rather hit or miss.
You might be better off just anagramming "April Fools Day" again. :P
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
No, I already know what I'm going to name what I'm currently working on.
Think of that as a hint. ;)
Anyway, I don't think I'll be using your "Whipfrog"...but I have an idea on how I might come up with some area names...you'll see.
For those of us eagerly awaiting wileee and Edsword's Super Metroid maps, wileee has begun to release them, starting with Norfair...so expect that here on VGMaps.com pretty soon.
Yays! Thanks for working the details out with wileee.
I'm working on the planet's surface for Metroid Dread. Unintentionally, it shares many similarities with Crateria as seen in Super Metroid (in terms of how the elevators and items are placed). Looks like I'll have to focus harder on shifting away from that.
Though I wonder how many people will notice, once it's fully "dressed". As it is, it's just a bunch of green squares against a pink background...
I don't know if anyone's following along but something that's slowing me down is "dressing" the areas. When reusing graphics (or modified versions of them) from past games, Super Metroid may be more likely, as in Fusion and Zero Mission, particularly the rocky areas, it's not like they use a single tile for a segment of a platform. There will often be rocks and such that make each segment take up more than a 16 x 16 tile, so that overall it looks less blocky. It makes it hard to shape new formations out of the same tiles, though.
I try to work on this every day but it looks like I'm easily distracted. So I made up a schedule with various deadlines for the next 64 days so I know where I should be at.
Still looks quite feasible, even with eight areas. I'm close to halfway done the third area, which means it's ten days for each remaining area. It was slow at first (selecting, cutting, making, and modifying tiles, and that sort of miscellaneous preliminary stuff), hence why I'm only where I am now despite seriously starting in early December, I think, but it should speed up as I go. I don't actually expect that the last area should take ten days (it'll be more like Tourian than Chozodia, no items or fancy paths to route), so I might have a couple extra days for the final touches. It would be nice to have at least a whole week instead of just a few days for all the final touches, actually. If I reduce the number of areas by one (a real possibility), that would grant me quite a bit more time for the final touches since it's the polish that would sell it, not the number of areas.
I've done schedules like this before for reading textbooks while back in university. I would figure out how many days I had to read a book, and how many pages I'd have to read, divide the latter by the former, and then I'd know how much I'd have to read each day. Once I figured out how much I had to read each day, it was easy for me to start out by reading more than twice as much in the early days and then it became a game to see how far I could get ahead. Though it didn't make much sense to race ahead when it comes to reading for university, especially if I didn't always remember what I read. Perhaps it was my OCD kicking in, but if I read far enough ahead, I would recalculate the daily quota to see how much I'd reduced it by, which would encourage me to read more. It'd be like, "all right, if I read 60 more pages tonight, then I can read two less pages a day for the final month of the semester!" - and then I would read about 90 pages that night. :P Again, maybe not the best tactic, because I was reading at the moment just to eliminate having to read later, and not necessarily learning at the right pace.
But if I can take that attitude and apply it to this, and make this a race against my own schedule for this project, I will certainly be motivated, and then maybe I'll be able to have eight areas with plenty of time for polish after all!
EDIT: Here's the schedule I made.
Note that it says I'm working on Area 2 this week. It's actually the third area, since this game has an "Area 0", my codename for the area since you can't revisit it - much like the openings of Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
Wave, ice, spazer, plasma and what? Fusion?

I decided to cut out the Spazer in the last few minutes. And I changed the colours again.
And the "F" beam is a surprise!
Metroid Database News (Scroll down to the article that says "Metroid.jp Update Sparks Rumors.")
Perfect timing.
I heard about that. Not going to use that though, that's from the perspective of the Space Pirates.
I think I must be coming off sounding like a real jerk, at the dozens of people who have asked to make a fan game based around Oracle Of Hours. I tell them they'd be better off making their own fan game around their own ideas, and I get the feeling some of them don't listen and still intend to rip everything off exactly as it is. Then they bug me on MSN asking if I want to test it. No thanks.
It's like they think that even though I spent months making something like this specifically to promote VGMaps.com, that I would happily hand it over to them on a silver platter 'cause they're too lazy to make their own game from scratch.
Thankfully, I'm sure most of them won't get anywhere near completion.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Oracle Of Hours has ignited a lot of interest, but after a while it really gets annoying when other people think they can get something more out of it than I intended.
JonLeung said:
I heard about that. Not going to use that though, that's from the perspective of the Space Pirates.
Yeah, I was thinking that you could simply add something about that to the description. (It's called Metroid Dread because there is a mode where you can play at the Space Pirates and you get to feel the dread of fighting Samus, or something of the like...)
JonLeung said:
I think I must be coming off sounding like a real jerk, at the dozens of people who have asked to make a fan game based around Oracle Of Hours. I tell them they'd be better off making their own fan game around their own ideas, and I get the feeling some of them don't listen and still intend to rip everything off exactly as it is. Then they bug me on MSN asking if I want to test it. No thanks. ... Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Oracle Of Hours has ignited a lot of interest, but after a while it really gets annoying when other people think they can get something more out of it than I intended.
Well, I guess popularity comes with a price... :P It would be nice to see someone competent turn it into a fan game, but skilled fan game designers who actually finish their games are hard to find.
I sincerely doubt they get those maps to work on it, even if they paid 500 bucks for it. I'm not sure I can understand why Mega Man X Solid didn't catch people's attention any more than Oracle of Hours. I guess RPGs are more popular than platformers. I wonder how much attention Metroid Dread will recieve when its out.
OoH was based on a real game that was cancelled. MMXS, on the other hand, was not. Metroid Dread is in the same category as OoH, so it will be interesting to see how much attention it really gets.
Hard to believe that, including today, there are 20 days left for me to do this. I remember when I had a hundred days to go, but the days just creeped right by!
I've nearly finished tiling the second-last area, the texturing will begin right away, and then I have to go back and add some rooms to previous areas - you know, backtracking stuff. Then I have to create the whole final area, but that should go a LOT faster since I essentially don't have to plan out any item placement or tricky puzzles - it'll take like one or two days instead of one or two weeks.
I still have to do the adding of the backgrounds and a polish-and-tweak phase but those are considerbly more fun - or at least a welcome change of pace after all that I've been doing so far.
I'm nearly at the home stretch! :)
I regret not being as efficient with my time as I am now a lot earlier, then it wouldn't be so close...but I'm confident that I will make it, maybe moreso now that the end is in sight.
Some of the early comments in this topic are kind of funny, looking back on them...
I think this will be the last big one...by that I mean, one that I have to spend so much time on. I have a silly idea about one that could be a lot easier to do for next year...maybe I'll keep that idea to myself, if it's easy as I think it could be.
Well, so much for my idea for next year... >_<
Which apparently wasn't my original idea despite coming up with it on my own...
Actually it was going to be Mother 3 on the Virtual Boy but that would require us having maps of Mother 3 first... >_<
While you're intent on a Virtual Boy game, I have my influencing idea. It took me three weeks to make this map, so I hope you like it. I had the idea of a believable April Fools joke for an unexisting Sega Genesis game I call "Mega Man 2 - The Robot Rampage". If you look at this map, you'll see that I used the Game Gear Toad Man level as a frame to design a new look. The changes are the rain texture, the flowing water texture, the brick and wall texture, the sprite of Toad Man and the starting icon of Toad Man. So when you compare both this map and my ripped Game Gear together, it may be influencing to resume this project for 2010 April Fools project. Napalm Man, Stone Man, Wave Man, Star Man and Bright Man should be easy to recreate into Genesis levels, but the others are a very different matter and would require a lot of tinkering.
Anyway what will be for next year? Do you find my idea suitable or will it be something else?
Two weeks! Can't wait.
*stresses out*
I'm still on track to finishing it though, but as always, I wish it wasn't down to the wire.
I have (had?) three social engagements this week, which I was having difficulty which I would choose to go to, but being sick, the choice has been made for me. It's like a sign that I need to stay home to get this done, and being fluish is a valid enough reason.
When it's done, I hope it doesn't disappoint. There will always be things I know I should've/could've done on my end, but of course I'm always going to be a harsh judge of myself. I'm fairly certain more people will still consider The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Hours the best of all of them so far, but I hope Metroid Dread pulls in second at least.
Hey, I don't suppose someone can send me a screenshot from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption of the Space Pirate's code entry thing, could they? You know, showing their weird symbols and stuff. I don't think I have a save point where any of that is still accessible.
If you could email a shot to me (or send it to my Wii if you unlocked the camera within the game), that would be great... I didn't have any luck with Google ImageSearch...
http://ds.ign.com/articles/815/815899p1.html(Try looking here.
Ha ha, that's exactly the picture I was planning on using pretty soon...
EDIT: Ahhh, here we go...thanks for suggesting IGN.
Oh, I guess I misunderstood what you were looking for. I thought that you meant the Space Pirate logbook entry. Anyway, glad you found the image you were looking for.
Phew! Finally placed the 100th item! (It was a hidden Energy Tank near the beginning, but inaccessible the first time you pass through that room...)
Actually, I placed something like 15 or 16 items today alone...silly Missile Tanks... >_>
I still have quite a bit left to do in these last few days, though...at least it won't require thinking about item placement.
Hey, since I don't think the room count will change anymore, guess how many rooms there are, total!
Let's see... 100 items, and typically every 5th room in a Metroid game has an item. 500?
Haha, no. Higher.
Over 900?
Oh, and by "rooms" do you mean "squares on the map" or "contiguous areas separated by doors"?
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
I guess I actually mean "squares on the map". :P
There's a strange room of indeterminate height that might remind people of a particular boss fight from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption...but I count that as one square for the purposes of this count.
And the number of these squares is less than 900.
RT-55J said
Over 9000!!!!!!!
Fixed! :P
JonLeund said:
And the number of these squares is less than 900.
So... 500 < #rooms < 900
How about 700?
Getting closer, but still a little low.
Whoops, I put two extra Missile Tanks in the second area. Good thing I spotted them...wouldn't want to have 102 items...
Man, I am so dreading this weekend. Which was not meant to be a pun when I was thinking it, but is pretty clearly one now that I wrote it out...
If I miss an update this weekend, we'll know why.
Best of luck. I can't wait to see how the project looks.
*stresses out*
I will certainly have this done on time, but it will be down to the wire, and I think some of you will be very amused when I get around to explaining the whole process in detail, especially what I left for the final week, and moreso, what is done on the final two days. :P
...And I'm REALLY cutting it close, methinks.
In local time, I have less than eleven and a half hours left.
Can't wait. Good luck.
I think I have defined "down to the wire"...
It'll be up in a few minutes.
Don't worry. Midnight is well over an hour away in my time zone. :P
"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
11:21 PM...and it's up! :D FINALLY!
(Also, Peardian submitted a joke for today, too. :P Check out the Super Mario RPG - Booster Hill map...)
I'll have to spread the word about Metroid Dread before going to bed though...any help you can offer would be appreciated. :P
Oh yeah, maybe when that April Fool's 2009 article about Internet jokes/pranks comes up on Wikipedia, someone should add it...
EDIT: That's odd, I can't seem to find where the yearly April Fools' Day listing is... :/
I suppose I should go to bed... :P
By the way, the answer to the question earlier is: 789 rooms, including elevator shafts. That's 38,780,928 pixels, or 151,488 tiles. (That's raw final size - I had to handle less due to empty space, but also more due to backgrounds and water/lava.) The number of rooms in the major areas comes out pretty close to each other by coincidence - two of them have exactly 153. But I can go into the more interesting details later.
Jon, I must say that you have exceptional skill at creating levels from scratch. I am looking at the Metroid Dread maps and I am amazed at how good the level design is. Great job.
I'd really know what people think, and I'd like to share a few details about the whole process (like I said, you'd be amused as what was left to the last few hours), but I think we'll do that in the main public topic about Metroid Dread a bit later, like maybe tomorrow, or whenever the beans are spilled. :)
(What did I do with last year's brainstorming topic? Did I eventually move it to the public area? Did I close it? I guess I'll look for it later.)
Thanks again to marioman for the idea of Metroid Dread. :)
EDIT: LOL, marioman just posted while I was writing that. Thanks, marioman...it certainly wasn't easy. I have some other people to thank, but it will all come later when I get my notes sorted out.
I don't know where the best place is to post this, but has Wileee said anything about his Super Metroid maps lately?
From what I recall...
I asked him a while back about the Super Metroid maps. That was maybe a year ago? (I probably mentioned it earlier in this very topic, when Metroid Dread was becoming the best option...) Then he said he agreed that he would get them for me (I don't remember if he ever said Edsword agreed or not).
Then I think he didn't say anything more for a little while, and didn't send anything, so I recall sending him in a friendly reminder. He responded, and I think this was also friendly, by pointing out that he's busy with family and kids and stuff like that. Then he sent me the high-res Norfair map in .PNG format.
Since then, I've heard nothing from him or Edsword, and I'm hesitant to remind him again.
I probably mentioned this earlier, but I wonder if Metroid Dread would've turned out differently if I had more immediate access to tiles from Super Metroid other than those in Norfair. The answer is probably yes, though I can't say if it would've appeared any better or worse, just different.