General Boards => Maps In Progress => Topic started by: Timothy1979 on December 04, 2007, 12:04:48 am
Hello everyone ! I love that old game, and would like to create an interesting map (since all the levels are connected as a giant mountain) but I can't find an emulator that permits me to imput a GameGenie code like "freeze timer" or "super jump". Can anyone help me ? Thanks in advance (and sorry for my english, I'm french) ^_^
Were you thinking of the NES original or the Mega Drive port?
The NES one.
The game looks nice and interesting, but I've always dreaded the mere idea of mapping it because most of the time, games with an isometric perspective tend to be difficult to do. But with a Super Jump code, that might be different. Mind sharing the code with us?
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Here you go ! ^_^
SXEYOZVG Freeze timer
AGNNVXTT Faster timer
EPNNVXTT Slower timer
AEXAYZZA 1 life, both players
IEXAYZZA 6 lives, both players
AEXAYZZE 9 lives, both players
AEUAETZA 1 life, both players, after continue
IEUAETZA 6 lives, both players, after continue
AEUAETZE 9 lives, both players, after continue
PEUEGXNY Start at level 2
ZEUEGXNY Start at level 3
LEUEGXNY Start at level 4
GEUEGXNY Start at level 5
IEUEGXNY Start at level 6
TEUEGXNY Start at level 7
SLOUSVVS Infinite lives, both players
ZAXOSGPA Super jump
LAXOSGPA Mega-jump
I've actually thought about doing this game in the past, but I'm not going to call dibs on it because I am busy with other things at the moment.
After Battletoads, this was going to be the next Rare game I was going to request.
At least I think it was by Rare...
Both those games handled their bright palettes very well. Cobra Triangle, too, I guess. I found Rare's other NES games (Battletoads & Double Dragon, PinBot, Wizards & Warriors, its sequels) kinda garish in colour presentation...
I'm curious about this "all maps are connected" claim. Are they connected "in theory" or could you truly paste all the maps next to one another and have it all work out?
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Well, when I was a child, I noticed that when you look down or up in the levels, you could see parts of the previous/next level, so I thought the game was just a big map, with the colours/music changing depending on the level you're playing. Now the only thing is to make work the GameGenie Codes so we can properly connect the levels, adjust the colour change beetween the levels, not fearing those damn spikes :o)
Easy to make, a real pleasure ! :)
Need to fix some waterfalls...
It looks good except for some of the waterfalls. I just hope that the irregular top border is do to the incompleteness of the map.
Dot? Dot. Dot!
Yes, it's a work in progress. I'll fix waterfalls at the very end.
Looking good so far!
Part 1 is done ! The Map is really beautiful, and I found something I don't think anyone has never noticed. You can read "NINTENDO GAME BOY" somewhere in a Level ! Where ? I won't tell you ^_^ If someone already knew it, sorry :o) Part 2 is on the way !
I wonder what it says in the Genesis version then?
Looks great so far. Keep up the good work.
Current Projects: Akumajo Dracula (X6800)
Here's a quick and dirty (needs sprites and waterfalls to be cleaned) autostitch of the Mega Drive version:

There's some fairly substantial non-matching overlap (tree heights between stages 1 and 2, some trees become rocks between 1 and 3) which will need some creative work. I'm not intending to do this one, but it autostitches quite easily if anyone wants to have a go with it.
It's a shame the Genesis version doesn't match as well as the NES one, since it looks much better without all the tile color problems because of the NES color limitations.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
It just needs some careful eraser work between layers, since walls are mostly the same colour. I presume the NES version above had similar work done, notice "with the colours/music changing depending on the level you're playing". The Mega Drive got trees and rocks in place of coloured pyramids which complicates things a little.
Well, here is Part I for the NES Version !
It's a race to the moon!
Er, I mean to complete a Snake, Rattle & Roll map. Who will finish first?
Maxim is doing the Genesis Map, I'm doing the NES Map. Anyone to take care of the Game Boy Version ? It would be a nice update.
I'm not doing the Genesis map.
He's doing the Mega Drive map. There is a difference you know. :)
Oh, sorry, I'm french, I thought you played on the Genesis, not the Megadrive :)
If Maxim isn't working on the MD version, I may do it eventually. But still not calling dibs until I start it.
I'm not doing the Genesis, Megadrive or Mega Drive versions. 1 week of my holiday has gone and I still haven't started work on the Phantasy Star retranslation 1.0 update... I can't start anything now.
I'm just pimping my autostitcher really. It works great with this kind of simple 1-layer game, just leaving some editing work to finish it up. I can post the layered image I made if it'd help.
Dag nammit...

Anyone want to do the editing work on this?
Well, well. You did finish it after all. Any plans to do the extra level?
I see the words "SNAKE R+R GO SEGA!" on Maxim's map.
Dot? Dot. Dot!
There are underwater areas on stage 8 (looks like a bunch of water pools on the overall map), a bonus level on each stage, and that final boss is almost impossible to kill. Action Replay level codes don't seem to work either.
NES Version is completed. I've send it to Jonathan.
*bump* Does anyone want to finish the Mega Drive version? It requires a lot of editor work to merge the different palettes together nicely (I started at the bottom of the map), as well as a few extra bits as mentioned above. I can supply PNGs if PSD is not acceptable.
*bump #2* Isn't there someone who prefers the editing and cleaning to the taking of screenshots and compositing?
I do, but I'll leave it to you. Good luck ;-)