During The Ultimate Koopa's thread where he requested Wario Land maps, Captain Drake mentioned the possibility of him doing maps for Virtual Boy Wario Land, something he later said would be too difficult.
Well, I like a challenge and as I said then, I started working on a map for the first level, to see how hard it would be (similar to the Super Castlevania IV map I did). Turns out that it was really hard and time consuming to do, and that was with only *one* parallax background to separate from the foreground. Anyway, I have finished mapping this level tonight, and for once, I decided to make it an official submission to the site, with map header and all. JonLeung, feel free to be angry at me for making you do a virtual Boy section ;)

Game Name: Virtual Boy Wario Land
Copyright: Nintendo 1995
Level Name: Level 1
Resolution: 7168 x 432
Size: 151 KB
Format: PNG
Type: Ripped
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Although I've never played VBWL, this map looks pretty darn accurate to me.
Aw, you're not going to make it red?
Well, like I told Mephea yesterday, I wanted people to actually enjoy looking at the map, not cause their eyes to burst ;)
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
I'm at the Video Games Live concert 'til late tonight, and even if I wasn't, you know I usually update on weekends as I have been for the last year, so you don't have to be concerned that I'd put it up too early.
If anything, you may have to remind me on the weekend if it's not in my email.
Speaking of forgetting things not in my email, didn't you say I could put up one of your Contra: Hard Corps maps and didn't you create that Legend Of Zelda map using A Link To The Past's in-game map tiles?
Okay, I edited the link in my first post, so you can use that version.
Yeah, you can put up my first Contra: Hard Corps map, and that Legend Of Zelda map too if you must. I find it so horrible nowadays....
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Bah, make them red. I seem to be the only person who doesn't mind the redness. I can play my Virtual Boy for at least an hour without any problems.
Well, if you're the only one who doesn't mind the red, then I'm certainly not going to penalize everyone else by making them red, am I :P ?
But seriously, using the correct red palette, the darker shade of red is just too dark and the parallax backgrounds are just too hard to make out. I can post the red version too for comparison, but I'd really rather have the black & white version on the site.
Black & White:

Red Tones:

Game Name: Virtual Boy Wario Land
Copyright: Nintendo 1995
Level Name: Level 1
Resolution: 7168 x 432
Size: 45 KB
Format: PNG
Type: Ripped
Painting the outside of the map in red for the red tones one allowed me to further reduce the number of bytes used for colors (4 colors thus 2 bytes instead of 5 colors necessitating 4 bytes).
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Although the file size would be bigger, I personally like a white background around a red map the most. This way it looks original and you can better distinguish gamescreen and border.
Good job. Gonna do all other stages as well?
Captain Drake Said:
Good job. Gonna do all other stages as well?
Good god no! This was most likely the simplest map in the whole game and I still had to do tons of pixel editing to separate the foreground from the background. I've stopped mapping game for less than that you know :) Disappointing I know, but I only finished this one to see if I could do it.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Well, I won't put up the Zelda map if you don't really like it. I thought it was kind of a neat experiment but somehow forgot to put it up way back when.
I think I really do prefer red for these maps. It's an easy fix that makes it feel like the Virtual Boy. Anyone looking for Virtual Boy maps would know what they're looking for. I don't think anyone's being "penalized" for seeing red here.
I don't prefer Game Boy maps in their original spinach-green colour, but then again, the latest iteration of the Game Boy was the Game Boy Pocket which did use a black-and-grey-and-grey-and-white palette. Unquestionably, the VB is red, and infamous for it, so unless you strongly oppose it (you're the mapper, after all), I would put up the red one.
Oh, I have nothing against posting the Zelda map. It's just that it's a primarily aesthetic map and a non-official one at that. I was wondering in which section you would put it.
As for the Wario Land map, let me just play around with the brightness level. My beef with the red palette so far is that the darkest shade is really hard to notice and makes the map hard on the eyes (at least, on my eyes).
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
I'm currently working on Level 2 and it's proving both easier and harder to do than the first one.
At first, I considered showing all the secrets and items but in the end, the only hidden things I'm revealing are the spring blocks (some are hidden) and the doors leading to treasures (usually hidden behind blocks; so far, I've removed the blocks directly in front of it because the limited number of colors, 4, make transparencies really hard to discern).
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Great, now I forget where I should put that Zelda map or what to call it.
Where was that Contra: Hard Corps map again? >_<
Nice to see two VB maps, that will make that section start out larger than the WonderSwan and Xbox sections! >_> If Level 2 is ready to be up, that is.
Nice Wario Land VB maps Terra. And you said it was IMPOSSIBLE... :P
I am looking forward to seeing some more - I have never played that game.
Good luck if you're gonna continue to go on to the end after all, one of the last stages lets you go into the background pretty much any time you want.
From: JonLeung
Where was that Contra: Hard Corps map again? >_<
Dot? Dot. Dot!
Stage 3 is finally finished. Although it looks simpler than the first two, three areas have multiple parallax backgrounds (2-3), all of which are constantly distorted to simulate an underwater effect. It took me several hours to be able to "reconstruct" the various tiles used there and then re-assemble them to form clean layers.
Anyway, Level 3:

Late thanks to RT 55J for providing the link for my Contra: Hard Corps map.
And Captain Drake, we'll cross that bridge when I get to it ;)
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
You forgot to edit out Wario near the end, but other than that, great map. They're beginning to get big now.
Oh crap! How the hell did I miss that? Oh yeah, I finished it at around 2AM yesterday... I'll post a corrected version as soon as I get home.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Did you put the header in the lower-left because that's where the stage starts?
I'm of the belief that if the non-map background is white and there's nothing in the upper-left corner, that the header or something should be there. I've loaded up a map and not realised it was there because I got a whole white screen before scrolling.
You're right, yet again. God, I keep messing up lately, and I'm becoming so tired of correcting/optimizing/uploading the same maps over and over again...
Give me a few minutes to change it...
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Terra, I'm wondering if this is still on your plate, so to speak.
One of these Februaries (if I still do them month-themed), I'd like a Virtual Boy game to be featured as the Maps Of The Month. It would certainly mix things up.
It hasn't been forgotten or put on hold indefinitely. That's the best I can tell you.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
What on earth are you ripping these with? I've heard that Red Dragon is a pain to work with...
In case you didn't know, R. Belmont is making a port of ViBE, a Virtual Boy Emulator for the Macintosh to Windows and Linux. Perhaps that'd help even a little?
Nonetheless, I loved VBWL, and I still do. Great maps, sir. Great maps.
I just wish somebody would make a VB emulator with sound support. It's pretty dull without music.
I think I was ripping these with Reality Boy, a barely functional emulator with no usefull feature whatsoever. And I honestly don't know why I never tried any of the other emulator like Red Dragon. It's been a while and I lost all of my file recently.
I can tell you that they were among the most difficult and frustrating map to do. Since I can't disable layers at all, I was forced to separate everything by hand and assume in a lot of place where to remove pixels and where to keep them.
Using a useful emulator might motivate me to work on these again but as it is, they are at the bottom of the list. To preserve my sanity you understand...
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Oh yes. It's a miracle that one can withstand Virtual Boy's visual preference at all. :)
ViBE has full sound support, so that adds a bit of hope. The link of the man's website is escaping me at the moment, but when it's released, I'm sure to note about it to you. (Unless you've already mapped whole VBWL by then)
On a side note, I myself have ripped the first 8 tracks of Virtual Boy Wario Land. Be sure to check them out in my webpage if you want more feeling into the game;
Problem is, ViBE only works on Mac.
Thanks for those MP3s.
Captain Drake Said:
Problem is, ViBE only works on Mac.
Thanks for those MP3s.
I guess you didn't read my post up there carefully enough...
R. Belmont is porting ViBE to Linux and Windows, but his website is escaping me at the moment.
Do you have a website, Drake? Or a place where you keep your maps?
Nope, I keep everything on my computer.
*And* on a backup CD/DVD/USB key hopefully, or else you risk losing everything in case of a hard drive crash.
I only lost two maps when mine crashed, but they represented 2 weeks of work and I still can't bare to recreate them yet a few months after the fact. Be smart, unlike me.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Hey, Drake, do you have any more WL2 maps to show?
Been busy for a while, but starting this week I'll start submitting new ones again.
I know you're gonna say the same thing as you did in the DKL2 topic, but.... you said "starting this week", from August 1st, and it's now January 7th, and I haven't seen any more Wario Land 2 maps.
Maps don't make themselves, you know. He'll do them when he feels like it/has enough time.
I know. Just wondering as he said "this week" in August and it's now January...
I've been wanting to pick up Mario Clash lately but then again it is a very difficult game and getting all the maps would be tedious.
I've beat the game before, and you're awarded with no level selection or ?ironically enough? anything, for that matter, so that won't ease it one bit.
Would finding a cheat code for infinite lives or something make it easier? If I remember correctly, each floor could be captured with pretty much one screenshot. But I guess there's still the "tedious" aspect. :P
YTT (34%) - WL4 (60%) - PM (36%)
VB has really no 'cheat codes' or anything like that, and thanks to it's incredible checksum system, no ROMs can be really modified (one byte changed = kaboom)
So count out ROM hacking.
But the first 40 levels could be ripped with ease because of the level select feature.
I took a shot on the forest level. This is my progress.
It is tedious but I think I can manage.
JonLeung Said:
I demand more Wario LAnd 2 maps from Captain Drake pl0x.... :P j/k <--- note those two letters seperated by a '/' please.
I actually want to try mapping Wario Land 2 myself, but only the super secret last level. Why? Because one of the guides on GameFAQs said nobody had found the treasure in it. Whether or not it's true, I take that as a challenge. :P
YTT (34%) - WL4 (64%) - PM (36%) - YI (11%) - SMRPG (0%)
That also is kind of like screaming 'hack this ROM'
Hm... does it HAVE a treasure? And if it does, where does it go on the treasure chest chart table thingy? (Press Select while in a stage and click on the treasure chest).
I've received full maps of this game... Poor Terra.
If I do decide to keep Terra's maps, tell me, is "redscale" a word?
EDIT: The new ones by Trebor are now up.
Amazing job. I love how he did the color codes for doors and pipes.
And yes, redscale is a word.
YTT (40%) - WL4 (72%) - PM (50%) - YI (14%)
I love the color-codes.
Awesome job.
Thanks for the kind words, guys. I did notice two places where I had a color layering issue, I guess I should probably get that fixed pretty quick.
With maps this good, who needs mine :)?
Glad to see this game fully mapped, and I'm really curious to know how easy/hard it was to do. I had a hell of a time separating the foreground and background layers, but that might have been because I used a barely functional emulator (heck, I forgot which one I used). Anyway Trebor Almasy, keep sending such quality submissions!
Current project: Not sure yet
Upcoming project: Not sure yet either
It actually wasn't too bad to map. The only place I had any problems with the Fg/Bg was level 7, most of the others stay stationary.
As for the emulator, I used 'Reality Boy' with the Key to Joy program and just went through snapping shots every 3-5 seconds or so.
I honestly don't see how anybody could do it any other way, it would just be SOOOOO slow.
Thanks for the encouragement though, TerraEsperZ.