
General Boards => Map Requests => Topic started by: G.E.R. on January 11, 2021, 12:29:25 am

Title: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: G.E.R. on January 11, 2021, 12:29:25 am
I think this theme is should be here for clarity.
If it possible, please extend this list for including all official games.


2D platformers
O Sonic 1 Saturn (
O Sonic 1 Genesis (
O Sonic 1 Android  (
X Sonic 1 J2ME
- Sonic 2 Saturn (
O Sonic 2 Genesis ( / Delta ( / & Knuckles (
O Sonic 2 Android (
O Sonic CD (
X Spinball Saturn
O Spinball Genesis (
X Sonic Chaos
O Sonic 3 ( / & Knuckles (
O Sonic & Knuckles (
O Sonic 4: Episode I (
O Sonic 4: Episode II (
O Sonic 4: Episode Metal (
O Sonic Unleashed J2ME (
O Sonic Mania (
O Sonic Mania Plus (
O Chaotix (
O Sonic Advance (
O Sonic Advance 2 (
O Sonic Advance 3 (
O Sonic Rush (
O Sonic Rush Adventure (
O Sonic Colors DS (
O Sonic Rivals (
O Sonic Rivals 2 (
O Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal (
O Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice (
O Sonic Superstars (

Full 3D
O Sonic 3D Blast (
O Sonic Adventure (
O Sonic Adventure 2 (
O Sonic Heroes (
O Shadow the Hedgehog (
O Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 (
O Sonic and the Secret Rings (
X Sonic and the Black Knight
- Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric (

2D + 3D (Hedgehog engine)
O Sonic Unleashed Wii (
O Sonic Unleashed Xbox 360 / PS3 (
O Sonic Colors Wii (
O Sonic Colors Ultimate (
O Sonic Generations PC 2011 ( / 2024 (
O Shadow Generations (
O Sonic Generations 3DS (
O Sonic Lost World Wii U / PC (
- Sonic Lost World 3DS (
O Sonic Forces (

O Sonic Drift (
O Sonic Drift 2 (
X Sonic R
O Sonic Riders (
O Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (
O Sonic Battle (
X Sonic Jam

Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: TerraEsperZ on January 11, 2021, 08:14:58 pm
I know I don't really have the right to claim anything, given my poor track records...

But once I'm done with Drill Dozer (GBA), I'm really hoping to pursue mapping Sonic 3D Blast.
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: Hugbot on March 23, 2022, 12:39:50 am
@TerraEsperZ sorry to hear about your job burn out  :-[

Really looking forward to your Sonic 3D Blast maps! That was my favorite game!
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: JonLeung on March 28, 2022, 11:17:34 am
Hey G.E.R., thanks for mapping Knuckles The Echidna In Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (, sometimes known as "Sonic & Knuckles ( +  Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (".  You don't have it on your list above, though...
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: G.E.R. on May 23, 2022, 03:26:41 am
The list has been updated.
One interesting fact that all events after STH-2006 (Sonic Colors, Boom, Forces and Mania, all cartoons and films) take place in an alternative time line.
As you know, Eggman and the princess was crushed on eggmans ship in STH-2006 and this events led to the Iblis release and appocalipte.
Sonic moved back in time 1 day and saves them, but Sonic's murder let to Solaris release - end of the world (a second timeline).
After this, Sonic with the princess moved back in time again and prevented the Solaris appearance (a third timeline).
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: Cyartog959 on June 15, 2024, 07:32:04 am
Uh, hi, G.E.R.. If you're not too busy or far away from your day-to-day routine, your list is due for updating again. Seen your recent map uploads, and I'm always happy to see more Sonic maps uploaded to the atlas.

I still hope you cover Sonic Rivals 1 & 2, because I'd like to see how they were made for the thrill of competition among rivals.
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: G.E.R. on June 15, 2024, 11:04:47 am
I have been playing in Riders & Riders ZG and it took a long time. (Only tutorial, to be more precise). At the same time I used free camera movement function in Dolphin emulator to exploring routes and capturing view-from-above screenshots for ripping the maps in future.
I think I will ripping Riders & ZG first but there are one problem - I was leaving town and I'll leave again for 2 weeks in 2 weeks. I do not have time to complete this projects now and it will take a lot of time on this work.
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: Cyartog959 on June 15, 2024, 11:35:19 am
Ooh... OK. Hope you'll have time to do it when you get back.
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: G.E.R. on June 15, 2024, 01:13:34 pm
I thought that I've been ripped all 2D-platformer games (exclude Unleashed PS3) and forgot about Rivals.
Is these levels full 2D? Looks like 3DS Sonic Boom? Are these as wide?
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: TerraEsperZ on June 15, 2024, 02:53:47 pm
Sonic Rivals features 2.5D maps that loop around in 3D as this is mostly a racing game. The gameplay is 2D but each level features multiple paths going in their own direction in 3D, which would make mapping them a bit of a nightmare.

Making gameplay maps showing the various paths you can take would be hard to represent with a full 3D map but if you were to somehow "unroll" a map in order to flatten it and display in 2D, there are a lot of path connections that wouldn't make sense without a 3rd dimension.
I'm not sure I'm making myself clear but just take a look at a longplay on Youtube to see what I mean.
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: Cyartog959 on June 15, 2024, 07:04:29 pm
I don't think you've yet covered each 2D Sonic game yet, G.E.R., and, should more show up, well, they'll be waiting.

Sure, Sonic Rivals was a rather tough challenge, but I had good fun winning each stage by being first place ahead of my rival opponents. The one irritating annoyance was the rivals' rubber banding in its programming that made whoever was my rival catch up quite quick, no matter how fast I got.

I get your perspective, TerraEsperZ, but I still feel it'll be worth the effort in mapping them. It won't be no trouble for mappers like any of you to accomplish.

And, I've not seen any word of their length comparable to prior 2D Sonic games, or Sonic inspired games, such as Polyroll, Spark the Electric Jester, or even the Sonic 3-formulated indie game, Freedom Planet, whose maps are all still yet to be seen, so to speak.

They've gotta be done sooner or later, and people can't wait for it too long. I'm sure any of you can do it, if you're up for it that is, for I have confidence in you.
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: TerraEsperZ on June 15, 2024, 11:36:06 pm
I get your perspective, TerraEsperZ, but I still feel it'll be worth the effort in mapping them.

Oh, definitely!

It won't be no trouble for mappers like any of you to accomplish.

That however, I'm not so sure about! It would be one heck of a challenge for sure, but over the last couple of years, we've seen a bunch of new mappers with 3D modeling experience do amazing work. So it's more likely to happen that I would have expected a decade ago, but it would still be quite the time investment.

Since I've been dabbling in PSP emulation for a project, I tried doing a quick rip of Sonic Rival's first map and I already ran into a number of problems I'm simply way too inexperienced to handle. Like, you can only capture part of a map at a given time so you'd need to merge multiple rips together. The geometry also seems to be somewhat squashed along one axis so you'd need to correct that. And that's without even mentioning animated objects, lighting effects, transparencies, etc.

*Definitely* a huge challenge!
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: Cyartog959 on June 16, 2024, 02:12:03 am
Since I've been dabbling in PSP emulation for a project, I tried doing a quick rip of Sonic Rival's first map and I already ran into a number of problems I'm simply way too inexperienced to handle. Like, you can only capture part of a map at a given time so you'd need to merge multiple rips together. The geometry also seems to be somewhat squashed along one axis so you'd need to correct that. And that's without even mentioning animated objects, lighting effects, transparencies, etc.

*Definitely* a huge challenge!

A different ballgame for you, I get it. Well, I'm sure with time and experience gaining, you'll get the hang of it. You're expected to run into some problems here and there, but I know you'll solve them.

Can't wait to see your progress on PSP maps real soon! Lots to see!
Title: Sonic Rivals maps
Post by: G.E.R. on June 16, 2024, 02:36:43 am
So I watched videos about the games and this levels looks like Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal. I can captured game screens (10 screenshorts per second; one screenshot = 0.1 sec) and ripped the most even part of bricksers. All game objects (rings, items, enemies) will rip once and will place on map images manually.

I think that all levels is mappable on unrolled 2D-image like the wisp tower in Sonic Generations ( or the circular aquarium in Colors (
Title: Re: Sonic Rivals maps
Post by: Cyartog959 on June 16, 2024, 04:18:34 am
So I watched videos about the games and this levels looks like Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal. I can captured game screens (10 screenshorts per second; one screenshot = 0.1 sec) and ripped the most even part of bricksers. All game objects (rings, items, enemies) will rip once and will place on map images manually.

I think that all levels is mappable on unrolled 2D-image like the wisp tower in Sonic Generations ( or the circular aquarium in Colors (

A fond reminder, but the graphics between Shattered Crystal and Sonic Rivals are more different, in terms of each game's textures, and polygon counts to their models, upon looking at them close enough.

What I'm eager to see are the maps made in whole, rather than separate sections for specific fields in unrolled images sometimes, such as 2D only.

I'd even be amazed to see any new games made inspired by the rivalry competition from the likes of Sonic Rivals 1 & 2.

Oh, by the way, G.E.R., I took a look at your maps for Sonic Mania you posted, before Plus, that is, and I'm afraid you've got some size discrepancies to correct and a little updating to do... not that I want to overbook your schedule, which I don't.

I've seen them, and they're pretty much a bit zoomed out compared to the maps I've seen posted in Sonic Retro, and theirs are accurate and 1:1 pixel perfect.

I mean, your details are nice, but the sizes aren't right. Let's just say... they're more or less 1/2 the size of the latter's maps. And, there's pre and post Plus DLC maps of select Zones in Mania Mode in need of documenting. Thought I'd let you know.
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: G.E.R. on June 18, 2024, 05:00:41 am
So I've been played both Rivals with screenshot capturing (10 images per second), it took 2 days and 8 hours (at 5:00 AM - 9:00 AM on 06/17-06/18).
Importing all screenshots (163258 images) in Photoshop projects by using scripts took 4 hours without my participation.
I think software-processing was the most difficult part because it need extremely high computer performance. All that remains is the stitching the screenshot parts and placing game objects, I think I'll do it quickly with my SSD M2 as three working for Photoshop ang 128GB RAM.I think software-processing was the most difficult part because it need extremely high computer performance. All that remains is the stitching the screenshot parts and placing game objects, I think I'll do it quickly with my three SSDs M2 as working disk for Photoshop ang 128GB RAM.
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: Cyartog959 on June 18, 2024, 09:21:03 am
Looking forward to seeing those maps up real soon! I wonder what maps are going to be tackling next before you leave town for your trip?

Outside of this, my strong curiosities of maps currently lie within Freedom Planet or Spark the Electric Jester, mainly because of how long/large their maps seemed to be, maybe a bit more than some of Sonic's past maps that held that, but, of course, the decision is up to you.

If you're still focused on the Sonic Riders maps, I almost forgot to mention one other game in that lineup; "Sonic Free Riders" for the Xbox 360, and its Kinect accessory. That's the one game you forgot to put on your list.

I just remembered it because of one of its well-known songs, "Free". Really cool to listen to. Sure, that game wasn't well-favored, but the maps are waiting to be seen.
Title: After the trip
Post by: G.E.R. on June 23, 2024, 11:25:08 am
At the end of July (at best). I can't able to complete the working in a week.
Title: Re: After the trip
Post by: Cyartog959 on June 23, 2024, 12:52:17 pm
At the end of July (at best). I can't able to complete the working in a week.

Well, no one is stopping you. I hope you have a good time on your trip. Enjoy yourself.
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: Cyartog959 on June 29, 2024, 05:02:08 pm
I see you've done well on your progress. I caught on how you tackled the shorter maps first, the boss Acts from Sonic Rivals 1 & 2, before doing the whole levels themselves. Very good.

What I am astounded is the entirety of Sonic Unleashed's PS3/X360 version's final level, Eggmanland's Crimson Carnival, that's the level's name to suit the theme park setting, as it really does use both Day and Night aspects at once, and I now know why how long it actually takes to finish that. I took one look, and, oh, BOY, is it LONG!

Now I finally see why its a literal ride, so to speak. And knowing how Dr. Eggman's vision of an amusement park as part of his Eggman Empire, its anything but to everyone.

Hope you have good time on your trip. I'm sure there's other maps you'll tackle when you get back. And thanks for making those maps!

B.T.W., I spotted a discrepancy about the copyright year of Sonic Unleashed. It seemed to be copied of the years from Sonic 06, but the year Unleashed is actually 2008, 2009 for DLC.

And, I noticed at the very end of Savannah Citadel, Night Act 1, there's a particular secret compound Dr. Eggman built that I saw in the distance, kinda obscured by gameplay, where he kept Professor Pickle hostage there with the stolen Gaia Manuscripts that were crucial to his scheme of harnessing Dark Gaia's power to construct Eggmanland, before he set to split the planet apart to awaken it. The map doesn't seem to show it in whole and up-close.

If you've got the time and chance one day, update it to include the compound in full view.

Just thought I'd let you know.
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: G.E.R. on July 16, 2024, 12:50:59 am
Which sprite need to use for the items on maps?

Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: Cyartog959 on July 16, 2024, 09:25:00 am
Which sprite need to use for the items on maps?


Maybe put them in a rotational manner for the items in the maps. a circular arrow with them should do it.
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: Cyartog959 on August 06, 2024, 10:21:58 am
Well, I see you were able to map the Sonic Rivals games. Very nice.

The 2D view you made the maps in, I like it, but I previously thought they would be viewed in a isometric based perspective or overhead top-down like many of Sonic's 3D games you did before.

Question, what was the optimal choice of mapping those 2 games when you did, in 2D, isometric, or overhead?
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: G.E.R. on August 07, 2024, 07:00:40 am
I don't know how to compose them in another view.

For example, this train in isometric and you can't see design of carriages, images and titles on the carriages, carriage windows and passengers in the train:

Another train, but side view - you can see fully locomotive and carriages:
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: Cyartog959 on August 07, 2024, 02:07:43 pm
Hmm... OK. I see how you're not versed in that perspective, and that's understandable.

If you're not quite sure about that, perhaps this link may get the idea, hopefully. -

I remember from playing those games that as the levels go on, the camera changes angles fast to keep up with the player running through them as if the players are going in different directions, even though the games are 2.5D, so I would think how those levels were seen in a semi-overhead, somewhat isometric or 3D perspective to see where the stage's path went in full view.

Granted, the levels are made in 3D, but still. The levels' scenery's also not so easy to look at when you're not in competitive races to the goal. I loved how beautiful they were made. Even the props, too.

I'm just wondering how all those levels were seen in 3D perspective, not just in 2D alone, which is nice to see.

Also, I did note that the second Acts' layouts of Sky Park Zone and Death Yard Zone are almost likely the same as Act 1's. I kinda wondered that when playing them before. I kinda felt they were mostly copy and pastes, and I was right. I presumed a small time-saving measure in their level design before the first game launched. Just guessing.
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: G.E.R. on August 09, 2024, 06:06:20 am
All 2D-games that ripped early (and most 2D-platformers) have a simple format: 2D map and scrolling game-screen strictly in the perpendicular direction (90 degree). Based on this, the ripping of maps is making by combination of multiple screenshots.
The game camera in Sonic Rivals (and two acts in Sonic Generations 3DS) is not always at strictly perpendicular 90 degree angle, it allows you to see a most large area at once moment (as the first train picture), but it very complicates ripping process.
Я mean that full map can be visualised only on strictly 2D-view
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: Cyartog959 on August 24, 2024, 01:49:41 am
All 2D-games that ripped early (and most 2D-platformers) have a simple format: 2D map and scrolling game-screen strictly in the perpendicular direction (90 degree). Based on this, the ripping of maps is making by combination of multiple screenshots.
The game camera in Sonic Rivals (and two acts in Sonic Generations 3DS) is not always at strictly perpendicular 90 degree angle, it allows you to see a most large area at once moment (as the first train picture), but it very complicates ripping process.
Я mean that full map can be visualised only on strictly 2D-view

OK. Quite informative. Good to feel educated.

Still, it was really neat to see the maps you've covered. Those two games' maps invoked senses and thrills of competition and adventure, all still in the well-beloved means of races to the goals.

Rivals' maps are a bit straightforward, albeit slightly less complex in their design, but they're rather fun to play through. And Rivals 2's maps, they improved quite on the flow for the rivalry aesthetic. All these, still even takes quite less than 2-3 minutes to win.

What's gonna be next for your mapping schedule?
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: G.E.R. on September 11, 2024, 04:15:06 am
SUnleashed doesn't completed for PS3/XBOX 360 and I don't how many maps (playable areas) included in the game. I think that it need to rip 2D-sections for day acts and view-from-top for night levels. Mayby STH-2006 and SForces can be mappable too by using this method.
And 300GB of my photos in RAW which shoted last months besides this.
Title: Re: Full map set for Sonic the Hedgehog's games
Post by: Cyartog959 on September 22, 2024, 12:50:24 am
SUnleashed doesn't completed for PS3/XBOX 360 and I don't how many maps (playable areas) included in the game. I think that it need to rip 2D-sections for day acts and view-from-top for night levels. Mayby STH-2006 and SForces can be mappable too by using this method.
And 300GB of my photos in RAW which shoted last months besides this.

Well, small grammar mistakes aside, I've done a bit of exhaustive counting and calculating about how many maps that game's 360/PS3 Version has. Fair warning, the list is long.

Here it is...



HUB - 1
DAY - 9 Acts (3 Regular, 6 DLC)
NIGHT - 6 Acts (2 Regular, 4 DLC)
TOTAL - 15 Acts, NO BOSS, 1 HUB (16 MAPS)

2 Acts
BOSS - Egg Cauldron

HUB - 1
DAY - 10 Acts (3 Regular, 7 DLC)
NIGHT - 6 Acts (2 Regular, 4 DLC)
BOSS - Egg Beetle
TOTAL - 16 Acts, 1 BOSS, 1 HUB (18 MAPS)

HUB - 1
DAY - 10 Acts (3 Regular, 7 DLC)
NIGHT - 6 Acts (2 Regular, 4 DLC)
BOSS - Dark Gaia Phoenix
TOTAL - 16 Acts, 1 BOSS, 1 HUB (18 MAPS)

HUB - 1
DAY - 10 Acts (3 Regular, 7 DLC)
NIGHT - 4 Acts (1 Regular, 3 DLC)
BOSS - Egg Devil Ray
TOTAL - 14 Acts, 1 BOSS, 1 HUB (16 MAPS)

HUB - 1
DAY - 8 Acts (2 Regular, 6 DLC)
NIGHT - 4 Acts (1 Regular, 3 DLC)
BOSS - Dark Moray
TOTAL - 12 Acts, 1 BOSS, 1 HUB (14 MAPS)

HUB - 1
DAY - 6 Acts (2 Regular, 4 DLC)
NIGHT - 4 Acts (1 Regular, 3 DLC)
TOTAL - 10 Acts, NO BOSS, 1 HUB (11 MAPS)

HUB - 1
DAY - 6 Acts (2 Regular, 4 DLC)
NIGHT - 4 Acts (1 Regular, 3 DLC)
BOSS - Dark Guardian
TOTAL - 10 Acts, 1 BOSS, 1 HUB (12 MAPS)

HUB - 1
DAY - 9 Acts (3 Regular, 6 DLC)
NIght - 6 Acts (2 Regular, 4 DLC)
BOSS - Egg Lancer
TOTAL - 15 Acts, 1 BOSS, 1 HUB (17 MAPS)

BOSS - Egg Dragoon
FINAL BOSS, PHASE 1 - DARK GAIA (Part 1, Gaia Colossus VS. Dark Gaia, Part 2, Sonic VS. Dark Gaia)
TOTAL, 1 Act, 2 BOSSES, 1 HUB (6 MAPS)


Technically, the game's version truly does have 126 maps, but I counted Tornado Defense to make it 128, and I'm not sure how the path in those stages are taken automatically as they went along.

If you're up to mapping the rest, well, you have a good time with it.

On a different note, did nobody in and out of the community notice how The Final Fight from Sonic 3D Blast actually takes place in Dr. Robotnik's fortress' inner workings in the center, rather than a pitch-black void?

Well, I'm the one who noticed it. Why? Because, the one reason why that level in the Genesis Version is like a black void is because of tech constraints that doesn't allow more background layers to accentuate the theme of it.

To briefly summarize it to the less tech-savvy, the Genesis does only 2 layers for backgrounds, 1 reserved for foreground, 2nd for said background. Final Fight can't do more than 2, 'cause the isometric ground and the Final Weapon's body do make as layers themselves. And, the 80 sprite limit can't allow prop decorations, either.

The Saturn Version, on the other hand, doesn't suffer a lot in it. Thanks to its tech advancements, The Final Fight's setting as the base's inner workings can be seen as intended. Props included, too, thanks to the Saturn's advancements allowing more on-screen sprites to be seen without sprite flickering. The additional 2 background layers you may have not noticed do showcase metallic structures making for the base's foundation, the "building blocks", if you prefer.