
General Boards => Map Requests => Topic started by: marioman on October 10, 2006, 09:02:36 pm

Title: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 10, 2006, 09:02:36 pm
Hi.  I am very impressed with the number of maps that you guys have ripped for the Mega Man games.  It would nice to see more if possible. 

For your reference, I have compiled a list that details how many maps are left for every Mega Man game.  I will try to keep it up to date so it can be as much help to you guys as possible. 

Please note that the number of maps in the list may not be exactly accurate - I am still doing calculations on some of the larger games.  Any corrections to the list are welcome.

Thanks for the hard work that all of you put into your maps.  It is greatly appreciated.


[Game] - [Maps Left]


Mega Man - Complete
Mega Man 2 - Complete
Mega Man 3 - Complete
Mega Man 4 - Complete
Mega Man 5 - Complete
Mega Man 6 - Complete
Mega Man Board - Complete


Mega Man 7 - Complete
Mega Man & Bass - Complete
Mega Man Soccer - Complete

Mega Man X - Complete
Mega Man X2 - Complete
Mega Man X3 - Complete

Game Boy:

Mega Man I - Complete
Mega Man II - Complete
Mega Man III - Complete
Mega Man IV - Complete
Mega Man V - Complete

Game Boy Color:

Mega Man Xtreme - Complete
Mega Man Xtreme 2 - Complete


Mega Man: The Wily Wars - Complete

Game Boy Advance:

Mega Man Zero - Complete
Mega Man Zero 2 - Complete
Mega Man Zero 3 - Complete
Mega Man Zero 4 - Complete

Mega Man Battle Network - Complete
Mega Man Battle Network 2 - Complete
Mega Man Battle Network 3 - Complete
Mega Man Battle Network 4 - Complete
Mega Man Battle Network 4.5 - Complete
Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Complete
Mega Man Battle Network 6 - Complete


Mega Man 8 - Complete
Mega Man Battle & Chase - Complete

Mega Man X4 - Complete
Mega Man X5 - Complete
Mega Man X6 - 3

Mega Man Legends - 7
Mega Man Legends 2: Episode 1 (Demo) - 2
Mega Man Legends 2 - Complete
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne - Complete

PlayStation 2:

Mega Man X7 - Complete
Mega Man X8 - 14

Nintendo DS:

Mega Man ZX - Complete
Mega Man ZX Advent - Complete

Mega Man Star Force - Complete
Mega Man Star Force 2 - 1 Map Complete
Mega Man Star Force 3 - ??
Operate Shooting Star - Complete


Mega Man 9 - Complete
Mega Man 10 - 1


Mega Man - Complete
Mega Man III - Complete
Rockman Strategy - 22
Street Fighter X Mega Man - Complete

Mega Man X - Complete

Game Gear:

Mega Man - Complete


Mega Man & Bass - Complete

WonderSwan Color:

Mega Man Battle Network WS - 10


Mega Man: The Power Battle - Complete
Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters - Complete

Mega Man games with 5 or fewer areas left to map:

Mega Man 10

Challenge Mode

Mega Man Legends 2: Episode 1

Ruro Town & Ruro Ruins
Rido Ruins

Here is a list of "walk through walls" codes for the BN/SF games:

Code: [Select]
Battle Network 1
820070E4 0001

Battle Network 2
82009684 0001

Battle Network 3
82009E04 0001

Battle Network 4
8200AD34 0001

Battle Network 4.5
82010290 0001

Battle Network 5
82013774 0001

Battle Network 5 DS
1219c25c 00000000

Battle Network 6 (Japanese Version)
82012114 0001

Operate Shooting Star (Hold A)
52063A88 02027198
12064A68 0000D103
D0000000 00000000
52063A88 02027198
94000130 FFFE0000
12064A68 000046C0
D2000000 00000000

Star Force (Hold A+B to Activate)
94000130 000003BC
621AC808 00000000
B21AC808 00000000
D9000000 00000000
D4000000 00002000
D6000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 000003BC
621AC808 00000000
B21AC808 00000000
D9000000 00000004
D4000000 FFFFE000
D6000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
94000130 000003AC
621AC808 00000000
B21AC808 00000000
D9000000 00000000
D4000000 00002000
D6000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 000003EC
621AC808 00000000
B21AC808 00000000
D9000000 00000000
D4000000 00002000
D6000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 000003EC
621AC808 00000000
B21AC808 00000000
D9000000 00000004
D4000000 00002000
D6000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
94000130 0000036C
621AC808 00000000
B21AC808 00000000
D9000000 00000004
D4000000 00002000
D6000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
94000130 0000037C
621AC808 00000000
B21AC808 00000000
D9000000 00000000
D4000000 FFFFE000
D6000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 0000037C
621AC808 00000000
B21AC808 00000000
D9000000 00000004
D4000000 00002000
D6000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
94000130 0000035C
621AC808 00000000
B21AC808 00000000
D9000000 00000000
D4000000 FFFFE000
D6000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 000003DC
621AC808 00000000
B21AC808 00000000
D9000000 00000000
D4000000 FFFFE000
D6000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 000003DC
621AC808 00000000
B21AC808 00000000
D9000000 00000004
D4000000 FFFFE000
D6000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
94000130 0000039C
621AC808 00000000
B21AC808 00000000
D9000000 00000004
D4000000 FFFFE000
D6000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000

Star Force 2 (Hold A to Activate):
92145720 00009000
12145722 00009800
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFE0000
92145720 00009000
12145722 00002000
D2000000 00000000

The following games are currently deemed unmappable for the following reasons:

Classic Series:

+Mega Man Battle & Chase (GCN/PSX/PS2/XBOX) - 3D perspective
Super Adventure Rockman (PSX) - No real maps; game is a series of FMVs.
Mega Man: Powered Up (PSP) - 2.5D perspective
Mega Man Rush Marine (Mobile) - Mobile phone game.

X Series:

*Mega Man X: Command Mission (GCN/PS2) - 3D perspective
Maverick Hunter X (PSP) - 2.5D perspective

Battle Network Series:

Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge (GBA) - No real maps; game is a series of net battles.
Mega Man Network Transmission (GCN) - 2.5D perspective.
Rockman EXE N1 Battle (WSC) - No real maps; game is a series of net battles.
Rockman EXE: Phantom of Network (Mobile) - Mobile phone game.
Rockman EXE: Legend of Network (Mobile) - Mobile phone game.
Rockman EXE: The Medal Operation (Arcade) - Casino-style game machine.
Rockman EXE Battle Chip Stadium (Arcade) - No real maps; game is a series of net battles.

Legends Series:

*Mega Man Legends (PSX) - 3D perspective.
*Mega Man Legends 2: Episode 1 (PSX) - 3D perspective.
+Mega Man Legends 2 (PSX) - 3D perspective.
+The Misadventures of Tron Bonne (PSX) - 3D perspective.

* - Indicates that game contains in-game maps which could possibly be captured.
+ - Indicates that a complete set of in-game maps is available on the site.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on October 10, 2006, 09:36:30 pm
Funny, I was going to attempt to make a list of every Mega Man game ever made (I once recently counted over 60).  There are at least two versions of each of the Mega Man Battle Network games from 3 onward (though I'm guessing their maps aren't much different), plus there's some other card game (which probably doesn't need a map, maybe).  I think there's a Game Gear and a Wonderswan version of Mega Man and Mega Man & Bass, respectively, and two weird Mega Man games for the PC.  Also, some weird Japanese story game for the PSX called Super Adventure Rock Man, I think, but that doesn't need maps.  I recognize that you omit 3D and current-gen games, and I'm sure maps of certain games like Mega Man Soccer or the arcade games are essentially useless.

I'm playing ZX right now (well, it's on hold as I play Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime).  Capcom also announced three different versions of Mega Man Star Force (known as Rebirth in Japan), a whole 'nother series, and so soon after ZX, sheesh.

I also find it funny that just last night I mentioned to Revned (who did a lot of the maps before being surpassed by Geminiman, whose name is the same as a Robot Master) that it's also funny that Pirate Man won our Robot Masters tournament yet he's the only one from the classic series whose stage isn't mapped yet (excluding the Mega Man 8 maps).

Also kind of funny is that I really really really like Toxic Seahorse's music for some weird hypnotic reason, and I don't remember much else about Mega Man X3...and yet that stage isn't done yet either but most of X3 is.

Funnily enough, I recently optimized every single .PNG image on the site, and the first maps were Mega Man III, the last maps were Mega Man X 3, unless you count the April Fool's maps, of which the last ones I compressed and the ones for this year were the Mega Man Solid X: Guns Of The Mavericks maps.  Also, Revned's Mega Man III maps were the first Maps of the Month (May 2004), and Geminiman's and

Grizzly's work on Mega Man: The Wily Wars was the only time I got maps from the same game from different people on the same week, which led to the first collaboration here.


Also, the two mappers whose names are the same as Robot Masters, Geminiman and TenguMan, are bosses that Mega Man has, in a sense, fought twice (excluding boss rematches).  (Maybe the next mapper will be named Astro Man!)  Okay, that's stretching the funniness of it all, so now I'm done.

The Mega Man Battle Network maps and Battle Network 2 maps on the site are some of the first maps I ever acquired, and the maps aren't organized or named properly.  Plus, I never got far in any of the BN games myself (with the exception of Network Transmission on the GameCube), so that didn't help.  They're well-done original maps, but it'd be nice to have properly named ripped maps.  That might take a while though, but you'd think someone would do them, given the apparent popularity of them for there to be just about as many games in the series as other Mega Man series in only five years.

I also think it'll be cool to see all the 2D Mega Man maps done.  At the moment, though, everyone seems to be working on finishing all the 2D Castlevania games.  And it's funny...both Castlevania and Mega Man are by third-party developers (Konami and Capcom) and yet have had their original stars in Captain N: The Game Master!  Boy, I just can't stop, apparently.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on October 10, 2006, 10:23:10 pm

Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on October 10, 2006, 11:32:10 pm

Go make some maps.  >_<
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 10, 2006, 02:31:32 pm
You know what else is funny?  I did indeed forget the Game Gear, PC and Wonderswan games.  I will add them promptly.  When Star Force is released, I will add it too.

I did leave the 3D game out because there is no way to rip useful maps from them.  Original maps are a possibility, but ripped maps are better.

Yeah, it would be neat to see all of the 2D maps finished.  That is the reason I decided to put up this list - it will help identify which maps are yet to be ripped.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Dan on October 10, 2006, 06:02:07 pm
Last I heard, and this was a while ago, there are over 90 Rockman games released.  You can find the exact number somewhere at the Capcom website.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on October 11, 2006, 08:10:01 am
I doubt we'll ever have every single Mega Man game mapped. The most we can hope for is complete map sets from The Classic Series, the X Series, the Zero Series, etc.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on October 11, 2006, 09:40:48 am
Dan said:
Last I heard, and this was a while ago, there are over 90 Rockman games released.  You can find the exact number somewhere at the Capcom website.

I actually heard that they broke a hundred.  They must include all the different versions of games, because when I got to 60 I was sure I was thinking of every conceivable series.  I forgot Battle Network 4.5, but it's doubtful I could've forgotten a whole 30 or even 40 games.  Perhaps they considered the two versions of Mega Man: Anniversary Collection as different (as far as I know they just had a different bonus video).  There are various versions of X 3 (which despite being rare is like on the most consoles: Super NES, PC, PSX, Saturn).  I think all X games except for 2 are also for the PC, actually (I've been trying to get a hold of X 7 and X 8 for the PC for a while now).  Maybe they counted Mega Man & Bass for the GBA and Rockman & Forte for the Super Famicom as two different games.  And recently I heard there are Battle Network games that use the physical chips (or chip-like things) like those found in the series, in an E-Reader-like device for a special version of Battle Network 6 but also used in toys and amusement machines.  I wonder if they count them.  Well, any arcade games I suppose they would, if that's what the "amusement machines" are.  It still seems like a stretch.  Maybe they count Japanese games and North American games and European games all as separate?  In that case, 100 sounds too low, unless they never counted any of the spin-offs.

I think it's possible to get all of the 2D Mega Man games mapped at some point.  Why not?  It may take some urging to get the obscure ones (like the WonderSwan games or whatever), but the ones on the popular consoles are possible and likely soon enough, I'll wager.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 11, 2006, 02:04:14 pm
I would think that the 90+...100+...1000+...whatever number of games statistic is way inflated.  They must have included every version and every re-make in that calculation.

My list should contain every Mega Man game that could be mapped.  There are 21 non-Battle Network games that are left to map, and they all have around 15 maps.  (That does not count the ones that are partially mapped.)  The BN ones would add about 300 maps to that number, but that is another issue.

Personally, I would like to at least see the Main Series games mapped.  I never really liked BN, and the maps for those games are so extensive that it will take a while to finish them.  But, the Main Series maps should be a reasonable goal to reach.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 27, 2006, 11:20:12 am
Update 11/27/06:

I have talked to Zeric, and he says that he has only three maps left for Mega Man 8!  He just has the first three Wily levels left to do.  I am hoping that he will put up the maps that he has done so far, but that is entirely up to him.

Since I still can't edit posts anymore, so just disregard the note on the list about contacting Zeric.  I will update that note as soon as I possibly can.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on November 27, 2006, 01:51:42 pm
I remember Zeric putting Mega Man 8 side because he had trouble putting some backgrounds together due to the nature of PSX emulation. It would be nice if he had manage to get over those problems since Mega Man 8 is a really good-looking game.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Zeric on November 28, 2006, 11:53:14 pm
The reason I stopped Mega Man 8 is as TerraEsperz said, the first part of the level is so annoying. I am thinking about removing all the enemies from the stage, what do you guys think?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on November 30, 2006, 08:35:23 am
If it's easier, and you were thinking so already, maybe so.  Only major enemies such as bosses are ever necessary, IMO.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on November 30, 2006, 09:45:14 am
I'm with JonLeung. Showing every little enemies usually clutters the map and make it seem too "busy".

Personally, I only include bosses, mini-bosses and enemies which are either integral to the gameplay, or part of a nifty secret or feature. For example, in Harmony Of Dissonance, there are two giant armors that aren't mini-bosses as such but can be pushed backward to accomplish something neat (one is crushed by giant gears and turns into pieces of armor for the player, and the other rolls down a flight of stairs and smashes a rock blocking a shop). The only other exception I've made is when a game has enemies that always start in the same spot and whose locations are more strategic, like in my Prince Of Persia 1 & 2 maps.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on November 30, 2006, 10:34:13 am
I was going to specify...enemies are fine if you used something like an editor to ensure that all enemies are shown in their starting location, and in their initial state/pose/position/etc.  You know, some kind of consistency.  Some maps here with enemies look sloppy.  However, some maps, like the large Metroid map, look great with them.

I trust that you would do a good job if you decided you wanted to keep them in, Zeric.  If you found a way to have enemies on the maps and they don't clutter them up, then that's fine...but if you have difficulties keeping that up throughout then it's probably best to leave them out, since it's unlikely anyone needs the maps during play to be aware of the exact location of every single minor enemy that's coming up.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on November 30, 2006, 06:13:04 pm
I meant the same thing, though I forgot to mention it. Not being able to determine the starting point of most enemies in a game is why I never include them.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Zeric on December 01, 2006, 12:55:36 am
Then I will remove all the enemies except some that are necessary, like that squid on the island you need to knock down to open the hidden area.

Here is the part of MM8 I am having trouble with the backgrounds and it goes A LOT more lower then what I have already done.

BTW what level do I need to be able to edit my posts and why does it always add
 when I click on preview message where I type my text?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on December 01, 2006, 12:56:49 pm
You could just enlarge and interpolate the background. Sure it won't be exactly like the original game, but that can't be helped. :P You also seem to be missing a portion of the background. Perhaps you could try ripping it from the ISO. It shouldn't be too hard, considering the fact most PS1 games use a filesystem IIRC.

To edit posts you need have 30 EXP.


Dot? Dot. Dot!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on December 01, 2006, 02:56:48 pm
Zeric, about that background, if you can manage to complete that portion of the background, you could as a last resort, simply mirror that section vertically, and use that pattern to fill in the rest. It might not look all that good, but it wouldn't be horrible either and sometimes, we have to make compromises in such cases.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 02, 2006, 01:40:39 pm
The new enemy/object placement scheme sounds good - it will keep the maps from appearing cluttered.

I agree with Terra.  The background doesn't have to be perfect.

As a matter of fact, I would doubt that parallax backgrounds could ever be ripped perfectly.  For example, take the recurring clock tower on the Castlevania games.  There is no possible way to have the tower facing the "correct" direction because it is constantly rotating as the player moves.  Some compromise must be made to compensate for this

It is good to see some progress made.  Good luck with the rest.


Thanks to whoever took out the stray tags out of my last post.  Crazy BB code. :)  

Man, 30 EXP before a person can edit their own posts?  At that rate, it may take me a while before I can update the list.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on December 02, 2006, 07:58:14 pm
Actually MarioMan (hope you don't mind the capital letters, I hate usernames written without them!), depending on the system, you sometimes can capture parallax backgrounds completely (for example, with Visualboy Advance, you can often fully capture every separate layer), though depending on how the game displays them, you can't always use them "as is", like in Zeric's case. Myself, I've had to make due with several games like Harmony Of Dissonance (with distorted 3D-style backgrounds like moving clouds, a fractal animation and that Clock Tower you mentionned which I cleverly rebuilt and made prettier than it ever looked in-game) and Sonic Advance (which had many backgrounds that didn't move or scroll at all, so I had to be very creative to make them tile both vertically and horizontally).

All in all though, it can be a nice challenge to overcome ;)


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on December 21, 2006, 10:30:10 am
Any luck with the parallax and etc., Zeric?

And where's Geminiman (the mapper)?  Aside from the bosses in Mega Man 8, Pirate Man (from Mega Man & Bass) I believe is the only Robot Master whose stage isn't mapped, ironic considering that he won our Robot Master popularity contest over six months ago.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 21, 2006, 04:33:14 pm
JonLeung Said:

Aside from the bosses in Mega Man 8, Pirate Man (from Mega Man & Bass) I believe is the only Robot Master whose stage isn't mapped...

Correct.  Aside from the MM8 bosses, Pirate Man is the last Robot Master to be mapped for the "main stream" classic games.  Furthermore, if Zeric finishes the MM8 maps, then Pirate Man and King Level 1 (which is a very short level) will be the only levels left for the main stream games.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on December 23, 2006, 01:07:02 pm
After looking through the list again I just realized that Mega Man X has 13 maps left, not 10. Some stages change as a result of beating other stages.


Dot? Dot. Dot!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 23, 2006, 06:56:23 pm
^ That is the case, but the changes are not very significant.  Sting Chameleon's stage just gets two holes filled with water, the electricity gets turned off in Spark Mandrill's stage, and the lava freezes in Flame Mammoth's stage.  I wouldn't think that those minor changes would be a reason to make separate maps.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on December 23, 2006, 09:28:38 pm
Yes, I know the changes are minor, but I still think they should be included in the maps somehow.


Dot? Dot. Dot!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 29, 2007, 05:25:27 am
Update 1/29/07:

Yay!  I can finally edit posts again.  I added some new info and updated the status of Mega Man 8.

I found a two Mega Man Board maps at this site.

I would think that this would be an easy rip.

We still have Mega Man & Bass and Mega Man X3 as our leaders in the race to completion.  It is strange that they haven't been finished up yet.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 18, 2007, 07:28:07 am
Update 2/18/07:

Geminiman has ripped two new Mega Man X maps.  (Boomer Kuwanger and Spark Mandrill.)  Hopefully this is a sign that he will be ripping maps more often.  Stay tuned.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on February 18, 2007, 08:40:28 am
Did I mention I used to be an email-pen-pal of Mandi Paugh of the Mega Man Home Page?  I met her when I was asking about DigiPen (the first college dedicated to video games), as she was the first female graduate there.  We talked about lots of stuff for a few years...I wonder why we stopped?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on February 18, 2007, 10:03:10 am
A great many years ago, when she still updated her site regularily, I managed to get a letter into her Megagrams column. Her Mega Man stories were the first fanfics I ever read.


Cool, I managed to find it! See how geeky I was even back then:

Dear Mandi,

    I really, really love your Mega Man Books! I really like the way you included Captain N and the others... OK, let?s cut to the point.

    1)In your books, is there any hope of ever seeing the ?hidden side? of the main caracters? By this I mean, like Mega Man threatening Dr Wily and meaning it (after all, he?s alive and like the rest of us, he too can be violent or cruel)? Also, any hope of ever seeing Dr. Wily actually helping the good guys without this profiting him, like in that story when he tells Mega Man where to find the hyper-gravity chip (almost out of gratitude)? Your characters are very good, but I find them a bit too ?good guys/bad guys?.

    2)Any thoughts of making Roll a bioroid? I know, you probably don?t want that, but I think she?s a little too boring as she is presently...

    Thanks for listening!

    - TerraSPR

   1) Oh yeah, Wily has tons of Light in him. It?s so much fun! Course, he won?t admit it. He might not even be aware of it. Mega Man is pretty much good. No getting around that, though of course he?ll still get angry, and he seems to have grown bitter in the later years. Bass, on the other hand, is a trip. If Break Man is Chaotic/Good then Bass is most certainly Chaotic/Evil... or maybe just chaotic, heh heh...

    2) That comes later. ;)


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 18, 2007, 11:01:22 am
Yeah, her site is awesome.  I think that I have read every page of the Game Info section at least 5 times, and I am always using the site for reference.  It is neat that you guys were involved with it.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 25, 2007, 11:15:39 am
Update 2/25/07:

Geminiman has ripped another Mega Man X map!  Hopefully he will be able to finish mapping that game soon.

By the way, how are Zeric's Mega Man 8 maps coming along?  If he finishes MM8, and if someone rips the two maps from Mega Man and Bass, then all of the mainstream Classic Mega Man games will be fully mapped.  (Aside from the Gameboy games - which aren't exactly mainstream.)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 04, 2007, 10:07:43 am
Update 2/25/07:

Geminiman has ripped Sting Chameleon's level. That leaves Mega Man X with 5 maps to go.

I did a little re-formatting in order to make the list a little easier to read.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 17, 2007, 04:07:02 pm
Update 3/17/07:

I guess Geminiman decided to try another Mega Man X3 map.  He has ripped the second Dr. Doppler stage.  Two to go for X3!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on March 17, 2007, 04:40:38 pm
I just put up Toxic Seahorse, which you may not have noticed with that Dr. Doppler stage counting as an update earlier today.  Weird how Toxic Seahorse was left for last (of the main stages) as that stage has the best music!  Or at least the only music I actually remember from X 3.

I removed it from your list for you.

That just leaves one Dr. Doppler stage.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Frenkel on March 25, 2007, 06:48:45 am
I've created a program that can display the levels of the PC version of Mega Man. But I can't figure out how and where the enemies are stored. So now I can only display the tiles in the levels. Here's an example of the Dynaman level.

Is there someone here who would like to add the enemies to the maps?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 25, 2007, 11:28:51 am
AWESOME!  Actually, there is a general consensus that enemies shouldn't even be included in the Mega Man maps.  (See Zeric's posts in this thread.)

In that case, you could just add items, and a sprite of the boss at the end, and the map would be done!

I am very excited to see this progress.  Is there any chance that you could do Mega Man III for PC too?

Just for reference, there are sprite sheets of the bosses and the enemies for this game at the following site:

Thank you.  Keep up the good work!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on March 26, 2007, 10:44:43 am
Wow, that is both awesome (because the game is almost unheard of) and slightly horrible (because the graphics don't hold a candle to any of the classic console games). In any case, thanks for mapping such an obscure Mega Man game :)


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 31, 2007, 03:46:59 pm
Mega Man X3 COMPLETE!  Geminiman just put up the last map.  Thanks so much!

What happened to Frenkel?  I would like to see some more of those PC maps.  While I am on the subject, am I correct in assuming that there is an Intro Stage in Mega Man PC?  If not, I can fix it.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on March 31, 2007, 05:01:52 pm
I actually bought that Mega Man PC game.  Geez, that was years ago.  I do believe there was a short intro stage, a pretty straightforward run to a building while avoiding a robot dog.

"X 3: The Last Map".  Heh.

By the way, am I the only one that calls it "Mega Man X 3" and not "Mega Man X3"?  Since X is not a number, and Mega Man X itself is a distinct series from Mega Man (Classic), and the number is also written differently than the X, I would think it should be "X 3".  I'm being anal, but I mean, you wouldn't say "Lethal Weapon4", would you?  You'd say "Lethal Weapon 4".  With the possible exceptions of weird things like "Alien3", I would put a space in there before the number...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 31, 2007, 06:40:14 pm
Mandi has all of the title screens for the X games on her site, so you can see that is X3 instead of X 3.  I have always denoted them as X2, X3, etc.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Frenkel on April 01, 2007, 09:06:16 am
Here are the maps of Mega Man I for the PC, without Mega Man, items, enemies, bosses and other moving objects. If anyone wants to add them, they have my permission to use these maps.

I probably won't do Mega Man III for the PC anytime soon, because it uses a more complicated compression algorithm than Mega Man I and I haven't figured it out what it exactly does.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 01, 2007, 11:22:00 am
Very good!  This is AWESOME!  Please do continue to work on the compression for Mega Man III PC if you can.  Thank you for your hard work.

I will update my list as soon as the maps are uploaded to the actual site.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 01, 2007, 04:06:28 pm
I could accept Frenkel's maps as submissions, but since he's saying that others can take them and freely add in the bosses, I'll wait a week for someone to possibly step forward and do that before putting them up, in which case that person and Frenkel will share the credit for those maps.

If only I could find my disk (as I said, I actually bought the game long ago) I would do it myself...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on April 01, 2007, 06:56:55 pm
Man, whoever made Mega Man (PC) was either a hack or a thief, as I just recognized two tiles that are straight from Duke Nukem (those yellow barrels with a nuke sign and those brown crate).


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 01, 2007, 08:22:53 pm
I think it was Hi-Tech Expressions, though I could be wrong.  Wouldn't surprise me if it was them, and that they would stoop to that, though.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 01, 2007, 09:54:58 pm
Yep, it was Hi-Tech Expressions, and yes, it endorsed by Capcom.  (As far as I can tell.)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Frenkel on April 02, 2007, 03:05:39 am
Actually, Duke Nukem 'borrowed' from Mega Man. Mega Man is from 1990 and Duke Nukem from 1991. Duke Nukem I and Duke Nukem II also 'borrowed' from Turrican and Savage.

Here's some proof:

(BTW is there a way to make these links clickable?)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on April 02, 2007, 05:53:27 am
Wow, cool find Frenkel! For shame Apogee, :P

Oh and Frenkel, basic abilities like being able to make links with the tags isn't available to new users... Yeah, it sucks.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 02, 2007, 10:48:06 am
So THAT'S why it is taking so long for Duke Nukem Forever to be released.  The game developers must be trying to figure out how to rip sprites from modern 3D games!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 01, 2007, 06:47:04 am
Any idea when the Mega Man PC maps will be put up?  Just a reminder that they are here.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 14, 2007, 07:11:33 am
Update 5/13/07:

It looks like Geminiman is going to work on Mega Man X2 next.  He has ripped maps for Crystal Snail and Wheel Gator.  8 to go...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on May 20, 2007, 08:05:48 pm
Since I did a massive update to catch up, which also covers nearly every major section, I might as well put those Mega Man (PC) maps up to get something from the PC section up today too!  What a day!

EDIT: Okay, the Mega Man (PC) maps are up.  You can check them off your list, marioman.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 21, 2007, 07:29:23 am
Update 5/21/07:

OK, as Jon said, Mega Man PC is done.  I am impressed with the way that Frenkel figured out how to rip them.  Thanks a lot!

Also, two more Mega Man X2 maps have been ripped.  X-Hunter Base Stages 4 and 5 have been added.  Geminiman is really moving through X2.  I would guess it will be finished in the next month or so.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on May 27, 2007, 02:47:56 pm
I'll let you check it off your list, marioman, but I just put up Geminiman's map for Magna Centipede's stage in Mega Man X 2.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 27, 2007, 07:49:39 pm
Update 5/27/07:

OK, done.  Thanks.  I also added a 5 or less section for Mega Man X2.  Geminiman is on the home stretch.

I am still pondering ZX.  I may be able to figure out exactly how many maps should be made in the next few weeks.  It is a little difficult to determine because the world is not exactly continuous like Castlevania or Metroid.  It looks like there are doors that you can go through and end up on the other side of the background.  That makes it a little confusing.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 09, 2007, 06:46:17 pm
I would like to ask a question concerning the Mega Man ZX maps.  From a mapper's point of view, which would be the easier/better way to map the different areas?  Should the maps be split up by sub-area (A-1, A-2, etc.), should there just be one big map?

I would think that there should be one large map for the following reason:

The advantage of mapping by sub-areas is that the map will not be broken up as in Mandi's map.  On the other hand, some of the sub-areas have multiple rooms, and the discontinuities will exist anyway.  (But the number of discontinuities will be slightly reduced.)  If there will be discontinuities anyway, I say that we just make one big map.

Any feedback?  If I can get some input, I will update the first post to reflect whatever decision is made.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on June 09, 2007, 06:59:47 pm
Difficult to say, since I haven't played the game. I guess it depends on how coherent the whole thing would look put together. I do suspect that it would make for a *huge* map though.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 10, 2007, 01:16:10 pm
Just a little visual representation:

If a big map is put together, it will look similar to this:

Is you can see, there will be some discontinuities when you go through one of those doors in the background.

However, there will still be discontinuities in many sub-areas.  Here is an example for Area C-1:
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 19, 2007, 10:48:34 am
Made a few modifications to the list:

1.  I decided that it would probably be best to rip Mega Man ZX on an area-by-area basis.  I tried to make a big map using the area maps on Mega Man PC, but it would just be too discontinuous to be useful.

2.  I found that is the Mega Man Zero world is cleverly mapped, it can be reduced to just three maps.  Now Mega Man Zero is in the 5 maps or less category.

That's all for now.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 16, 2007, 06:51:53 pm
Update 9/16/07:

Geminiman has given a huge load of maps that actually complete two games!  The first is a map for the Secret Factory in Mega Man X3.  I forgot about that one, but Geminiman didn't.  Now Mega Man X3 should be complete.

Geminiman has also ripped the remaining maps for Mega Man & Bass.  (Pirate Man & King Stage 1)  Hence completing that game.

Additionally, he has ripped the Weapons Research Factory from Mega Man Zero 3.

Great job Geminiman.  I am glad to see an update
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on September 16, 2007, 07:19:08 pm
Well, I figured today would be a good enough day to bump this old thread--new Mega Man maps from Geminiman! Now MM&B is officially complete with rips of Pirate Man and King stage 1. Also, we thought X3 was complete before, but Geminiman added a Secret Factory stage rip. I assume that's everything from that game now?

So everything is complete from the main series except Mega Man 8, which still has nothing. BTW, since Zeric has ripped almost everything from this game (except the Wily levels), why isn't what he has on the site yet? =(

As for the X series, here's what we're missing from the original Mega Man X:

- Introduction Stage

- Chill Penguin

- Storm Eagle

- Armored Armadillo

- Flame Mammoth

Of course, it would be neat to show the changed stages (e.g. Flame Mammoth's factory frozen over), but I think getting all the regular maps up should be a priority first. =)

Mega Man X2 (which I just beat today, yay!):

- Overdrive Ostrich

- Wire Sponge

- X-Hunter Base Stage 1

- X-Hunter Base Stage 2

- X-Hunter Base Stage 3

We still need the full game map rips of Mega Man Xtreme 2 (to complement the full game rip of the original Xtreme of course).

Also, minus the training mode of X5, we have nothing from the PSX Mega Man X games (X4, X5, X6). I know they were included by the original poster in hopes of being ripped, but are those even rippable? The graphics are much more complex than the 8-bit and 16-bit Mega Man titles.

On the Game Boy MM classic series, it looks everything's complete for MMI-III (although is Wily stage 1 missing from MMIII, or is that what the "Giant Suzy" is?). Will we be seeing MMIV and MMV in the near future, I wonder? (And hope!)

But all in all, looking very good here--kudos!

P.S. Marioman beat me to it! =P
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 23, 2007, 08:58:03 am
Update 9/23/07:

Geminiman has given us another Mega Man Zero 3 map.  The Energy Facility is now available.  

On an unrelated note, I really like this level because it is really stealthy and the music for it is great.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 28, 2007, 01:40:10 pm
Update 9/28/07

A minor update here.  

I bought links tags, so I updated the links in the first post.  I also consolidated some of my footnotes.  

Since Mega Man Star Force is out in the US and Japan, I figured that I would at least add it to the list for now.  Since there isn't really much interest in Battle Network maps on the part of most people here (including myself), I may remove them from the list eventually.  Besides, there are other BN fans that are willing to put forth the effort to map them anyway.

A note has also been added that MegaBoy has ripped most of the in-game ZX Advent maps just as he did for ZX.

That is all.  Carry on.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 30, 2007, 11:48:39 am
Update 9/29/07:

I guess this weekend's update is finished, so I updated the list.

Geminiman is continuing his GBA trend, but is now working on Mega Man Zero 4.  The Hibernation Chamber and the Particle Beam levels have been ripped.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 13, 2007, 08:51:03 pm
Update 10/12/07:

Three more Mega Man Zero 4 maps have been ripped by Geminiman.  The ones in this set are the Hanging Garders, Ragnarok Core and Underground Forest.

On the subject of Mega Man Zero.  I was doing a 100% run of Mega Man Zero 3 the other day, and I needed a map of the Sunken Library.  To my dismay, that map has not been ripped yet.  I had to draw a map out by hand instead.  You guys are letting me down.  :P
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 28, 2007, 08:01:16 am
Update 10/28/07:

Surprise, surprise.  We got a Mega Man Zero 2 map this week.  The Shuttle Factory stage has been ripped.  Geminiman must be trying out each Mega Man Zero game in order to figure out which one will be the easiest to map.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on November 26, 2007, 10:20:03 pm
I'll let marioman tell everyone why today is a big deal.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 26, 2007, 11:43:15 pm
*Picks jaw up off of floor*

Update 11/26/07:

I...I can't believe it!  ZERIC FINISHED HIS MEGA MAN 8 MAPS!!!!!  I am absolutely stunned - he said that he was making progress, but I didn't know that he was so close to completion.

Congrats Zeric you have officially completed the mainstream Classic Mega Man series maps!  And I must say that they look great.  The "troublesome" maps like Frost Man and Wily Fortress 1 ended up looking amazing.

I would continue to chatter more, but I would really like to take a really good look at these maps.

Congratulations and thank you to Zeric.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on November 27, 2007, 08:41:53 am
I don't want to commit myself too much, but I've been toying around with maps for the first Mega Man Zero game. Depending on my mood (and interest), I'll be doing 'default' and 'mission' maps, since things tend to change in areas when a mission is in progress.

Of course, knowing my luck, someone will post his while I'm still doing mine (most likely Geminiman)...


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 27, 2007, 05:28:04 pm
That would be nice.  I would say that Mega Man Zero 1 is my favorite of the MMZ games.  It has a sort of Metroid feel to it, and it is neat to see how the world unfolds.  I wish that the later games did that.

If you will let me know how many maps you think will be in the map set, I will update the list.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on November 27, 2007, 08:59:34 pm
Technically, there are 4 separate areas:

-Underground Laboratory

-Desert/Hidden Base/Resistance Base/Disposal Center/Subway/Energy Factory

-"Stop The Train"

-Neo Arcadia Shrine/Tower/Core

But ideally, I'd like to make a default overall map, with separate maps for all the missions as well as those areas that are different in-between or after a mission, like the collapsed Underground Laboratory.

To be honest, the interconnected nature of the areas have made separating the maps harder, since objects, doors and even backgrounds change as you visit and revisit stages. I've sent a mail to Geminiman to make sure I'm not stepping on his toes with this, but even if I'm not, I'd prefer to  be farther along with my maps before commiting myself. I've already got a plate full waiting for me, as JonLeung will no doubt remind me (Battletoads, Sonic CD, too many others to count).


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on December 12, 2007, 07:59:39 pm
Hey, marioman...

How is it that in this entire topic, you never mentioned Mega Man: The Power Battle?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 12, 2007, 09:33:29 pm
I haven't a clue.  But since there are now maps for it though, so I guess I better get to work counting the maps for the Power Fighters.

Thanks Jon, and thanks to Will for bringing that to our attention.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on December 13, 2007, 11:10:41 am
I'm still not absolutely sure, but I think there are going to be 16 maps for Mega Man Zero, so you can edit the list in the first post. This would cover all 13 missions (official and unofficial), the assembled overworld, the collapsed Underground Laboratory and all of Neo Arcadia.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 13, 2007, 11:45:37 am
OK, I got it.  Thanks.  Good luck on getting them finished.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on January 12, 2008, 11:36:23 pm
Well, Mega Man IV is practically finished. I'm presently reducing the file size with PNGGauntlet, and I'll be posting the result tomorrow in its own thread.

As for Mega Man V, it's about half-way done. I'm also having problem deciding how to present the Jupiter map considering that the layout changes depending on which path you choose when given the chance; I'll be posting about it tomorrow too in its own thread.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Current projects: Mega Man IV (GB), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Sonic CD (Sega CD)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on January 13, 2008, 01:13:07 am
I'm glad you started on another project, Terra. You really needed more on your plate.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on January 13, 2008, 01:59:10 am
Actually, I'm clearing my plate pretty much as I go, and I'm not planning on starting anything else for a while. After MMV is done, MMZ isn't far behind and Battletoads is close to being finished too. Heck, I might finish Sonic CD this year, thereby actually finishing every active map project I've got going ;)

Oh, and see you in AIM this week. Yes, I'm actually back at last.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Current projects: Mega Man IV (GB), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Sonic CD (Sega CD)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 13, 2008, 08:25:44 pm
List updated.  Thanks Terra.  They look great.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on January 13, 2008, 08:30:40 pm
Wait, is Mega Man III for the Game Boy complete?  o_0  I don't see Dr. Wily - Level 1...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 14, 2008, 06:02:47 am
It's there, but it is labeled as "Giant Suzy."

For those who are concerned, there is a new translation patch for Mega Man Board at <url> Man PC)</url>.  It will most definitely help potential mappers.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on January 22, 2008, 12:52:45 pm
I'll leave the Mega Man random map front page feature up for a few months...

You know, I don't think I've EVER seen that link to Mega Man IV (or 4) for the NES.  Weird.  I usually take the mouse pointer over it to see where it goes and Mega Man & Bass comes up so often.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 22, 2008, 07:23:00 pm
Nice.  I have actually like seeing that on the front page.  Doesn't Mega Man have the most maps of any series on the site?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on January 22, 2008, 09:00:14 pm
I don't recall, but very likely, Super Mario RPG: Legend Of The Seven Stars' 366 maps trumps it.  Of course, many of those maps are of single rooms, so that's not fair to count by sheer number alone...

Other than straight-up numbered stages for many arcade (or arcade-style) games (ie. Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, etc.), the Mega Man games are usually incredibly simple to put up.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 27, 2008, 06:58:48 pm
Mega Boy uploaded his BN1 maps.  Thanks Mega Boy!  They are not ripped, so I am not exactly sure how I should mark them on the list.  Any suggestions?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on January 27, 2008, 07:27:04 pm
Actually, Will Mallia added the ripped maps.  Mega Boy's Mega Man: Battle Network maps were among the very first maps on the site, and I think the names were based off of the Japanese ones.

Will Mallia is good about completing map sets so we may eventually see all of it ripped.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 27, 2008, 07:43:27 pm
Oh, sorry.  I sometimes have a hard time figuring out which maps are new.  This is a situation where a detailed update list would be helpful.

Well, if Will can give me an estimate of how many maps he has left, I will update the list.  It is interesting to me that someone is willing to tackle the BN games.  Good luck.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on February 02, 2008, 11:54:40 pm
Well, I haven't been doing much mapping lately, so even though Mega Man V (GB) is fully mapped, I still haven't finished the map header and stuff. I promised them to JonLeung last week, but it might be a bit longer I'm afraid.

On the upside, I *did* play through all 6 NES Mega Man games which made me realize just how different they all are from one another (for example, Mega Man IV is really tough, especially if you try to beat all the bosses with the Mega Buster alone. Mega Man V however is much easier in this respect). Anyway, I've always wanted to contribute to mapping the original games but they've been done for a while now. However, I've done two things that might apply, provided that JonLeung would take them, in which case I would put a header on them...

User posted image

Yep, it's a map of the ending for the first Mega Man game. A lot of palette changes happen throughout, so for this raw map, the color changes at the spot where Mega Man stands when they happen. Of course, it looks really ugly, so I did another one with more seamless transitions (it was a bitch to figure out how to use mask layers for the effect):

User posted image

It doesn't look like a NES map anymore, but it's much more pleasing to the eyes.

And finally, a map of Mega Man II's intro which was obviously less challenging to do:

User posted image


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Current projects: Mega Man V (GB), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Sonic CD (Sega CD)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on February 03, 2008, 03:01:00 pm
Sure, I'd take 'em.  Just slap on headers and whatever you gotta do with them.

Not sure which of the two Mega Man endings I would prefer, though...

And, hey, doesn't Mega Man III have an ending where he's walking through a forest or something?

And I STILL haven't encountered Mega Man IV on that randomizing link!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on February 03, 2008, 04:11:26 pm
Sure thing. I'd personally go with the smooth one because the palette change just don't look good on a continuous map considering the limitations of the NES. I tried to make one with dithered transitions for a more pixelated look but it still didn't look good.

Since I'm at it, I'll go ahead and map the ending for Mega Man III and IV. III's is pretty straight and I'll include Dr Light's notes for the Robot Masters; as for IV, I'll have to be creative since while the skyline scrolls by, the train on the bottom doesn't so expanding it to cover the whole map might not be perfect but I'll come up with something.

I like mapping things that are out of the ordinary :)


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Current projects: Mega Man V (GB), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Sonic CD (Sega CD)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 03, 2008, 07:22:36 pm
Updated list to include the two Mega Man Zero 3 maps that were put up this weekend.  Thanks Geminiman.

I added Mega Man Soccer to the list.  It is a simple set of 12 maps, so it should be an easy rip for someone who knows what they are doing.

Those "maps" look good Terra.  Personally, I like the non-transitioned map the best.  The gradients (especially the blue/red one) look a little weird to me.  But, that's just my opinion.  Good job!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on February 04, 2008, 08:22:52 pm
Yeah, I actually like the first map you did of MM1's ending, Terra. It looks more "NES-esque," whereas the second one, with the blended colors, looks a bit more artificially contrived. In other words, the "fingerprints" of the mapper are more evident in the second one than the first, so I prefer the first even though you don't think it looks as good. =0)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on February 04, 2008, 08:33:15 pm
imo the gradients should be less wide.


Dot? Dot. Dot!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on February 04, 2008, 10:13:44 pm
Maybe you could try different dithering techniques?  I imagine there must be some way for dithering to look good.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on February 04, 2008, 10:32:34 pm
In the map with gradients, each transition from one palette to another is 256 pixels wide because that's the pixel width of the NES' display and it accounts for how, at the exact moment the colors change, you basically get to see the whole screen with two color sets. But since some color changes happen after much less scrolling than 256 pixels, they overlap a lot.

I'm still not sure how to do the final presentations, but if people are interested, I can post the raw captures for both Mega Man and Mega Man IV. I'm not too hot on sharing these for the obvious reason that deep down, I don't really want someone else to come up with better finished products than me but that would be selfish so what the heck :P?

Mega Man:

User posted image

Mega Man IV:

(this one is messy because the bottom also has the finished map with and without gradients, as well as my solution to extend the train across the whole map and create divisions between train cars without making up new tiles. The poles or whatever those things are spaced according to my calculations of how fast they went by; they loop after 1408 pixels and I'm 95% confident in that estimate)

User posted image

Anyway, that's all I'll say tonight. My brain is shutting down as I speak...




"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Current projects: Mega Man V (GB), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Sonic CD (Sega CD)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 05, 2008, 05:23:21 pm
The gradients in the MM4 ending are much better.  They are not as wide, and do not go from light blue->dark blue->red like the MM1 one.  Maybe a little reworking on the MM1 one will help fix it.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on February 05, 2008, 05:58:20 pm
The neat thing with Mega Man 4's ending is that the color changes are spaced equally (first occuring every 64 pixels, and later every 128 pixels).

I'll try doing some more dithering with the MM1 ending. Although I didn't post it, I tried using a 16 pixels wide 50/50 dithering for every palette transition but the colors change so much that it really doesn't help much. Perhaps a larger dithering zone with a more gradual transition might work... Anyway, I'll keep you posted.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Current projects: Mega Man V (GB), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Sonic CD (Sega CD)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 10, 2008, 06:05:23 pm
OK, I guess this weekend's update is finished.  Will Mallia ripped some more Battle Network maps.  I would update the list with those, but I have no clue how many there are total.

Also, Will ripped about 1/3 of the maps from Mega Man: The Power Fighters.  I am sure that my number up there is wrong, so I will have to do some recalculating here in a little while.

Thanks for the maps Will.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on February 11, 2008, 10:21:59 am
Not too bad, not too bad. Bah, I just wish the maps for X1 and X2 would be completed already! =P

But I guess that's all up to Geminiman. It's just hard with them being the only incomplete ones so far (well, except the BN maps of course). ;0)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 18, 2008, 02:13:48 pm
Update 2/18/08:

OK, this weekend Will Malia put up some more Power Fighters and Battle Network maps.  He is about 2/3 of the way through the Power Fighters.  Hopefully he will finish them next weekend.

Additionally, Geminiman finished the map for the Abandoned Research Lab from Mega Man Zero 3.

Thanks to you both.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: DarkWolf on February 18, 2008, 03:02:54 pm
I kind of wish I had never done fighting game backgrounds as "maps", myself.  I beginning to think they're kind of lame... =/
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on February 25, 2008, 07:17:58 am
I'm surprised marioman didn't comment on my update.

This past weekend, I put up the remaining third of the Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (Arcade) maps.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 25, 2008, 12:52:07 pm
Yep, I'm a little late - been busy.  Sorry about that.

One point of significance about Will's maps is that the Mega Man Anniversary Collection is now fully mapped.  Additionally, all of the non-BN Mega Man arcade games have been mapped.

Thanks Will.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on February 25, 2008, 02:24:02 pm
I'll try to get it finished by the end of the upcoming weekend. Work and family have been hell for the last few weeks (not in a bad way, but in a "kept me busy" way), but I should have the next weekend or two to myself at last.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Current projects: Mega Man V (GB), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Sonic CD (Sega CD)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on February 25, 2008, 05:58:33 pm
To TRULY finish off classic Mega Man we'll really have to scrape up some obscure ones...Mega Man Soccer (Super NES), Mega Man III (PC), Wily & Right no RockBoard: That's Paradise (Famicom), Rockman & Forte Mirai kara no Ch?sensha (WonderSwan), Rockman: Battle & Chase (PSX - could this even be mapped?), Super Adventure Rockman (PSX, Saturn - but this is an interactive movie game?), and Rockman Strategy (incredibly rare Chinese-only PC game)...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on February 25, 2008, 07:04:28 pm
Wily & Right no RockBoard: That's Paradise would be easy, as I believe there are only the four continent maps to do (I'm not committing to this though). As for Rockman & Forte Mirai kara no Chôsensha, you should ask Zeric if he'd agree to share his. I remember finding that he'd mapped pretty much all the classic side-scroller Mega Man games.

Cool, I found the link to them. You can see them here on the GameTrailers forums. I swear, the guy is an insatiable mapping machine...


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Current projects: Mega Man V (GB), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Sonic CD (Sega CD)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 25, 2008, 07:30:52 pm
I think that Zeric has been holding out on us...  :P


That is a rather obscure game, and those maps would be a great addition to the maps here.

Battle & Chase cannot be mapped unless you want the in-game track maps.  As for Rockman Strategy, the game is really hard to find.  Also, don't forget about the Game Gear game.  
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on February 25, 2008, 08:30:52 pm
Hmmm, looks like Zeric completed Super Mario All-Stars after all.  I wonder if he doesn't think we're cool any more?  :(

The mapped Mega Man game from the WonderSwan would be good.  I'm tired of all these atlases that have, like, one map.  All we have for the WonderSwan is a Final Fantasy map that just about anyone would rather look up a different version of.  :P

Looks like the WonderSwan game is a whole new game.  But "Aircon Man"?  WTF?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on February 25, 2008, 09:54:11 pm
Robotic Air Conditioners FTW!


Dot? Dot. Dot!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 26, 2008, 04:33:54 am
Actually, the Wonderswan game is really a rip-off of the original Mega Man & Bass.  The music is the same, and many of the levels are similar too.  

When I first saw this game, I thought that they brought back Air Man from MM2.  But as RT-55J said, he is Air Conditioner<\i> Man.  Capcom recognizes this game as official though.  In ZX Advent, you can get a secret disk that is a comic book based on Konro (Grill) Man.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on March 01, 2008, 10:08:44 pm
ZOMG - Xgasm!

Geminiman has decided to return to the original MMX and gave us an extra map, that of Flame Mammoth's stage. We can only hope this is an indicator that he's planning on finishing off the SNES X series maps soon! =D

(And take a wild guess as to what my two favorite games are in the Mega Man franchise. =P)


"So this is what it's like..."

- Spark Mandrill
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on March 01, 2008, 10:10:28 pm
I'll try to get Zeric's Rockman & Forte Mirai kara no Ch?sensha maps up today too but no promises...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 02, 2008, 12:16:20 pm
OK, like Rew said, Geminiman ripped another Mega Man X map.  This leaves four maps remaining for MMX.

And Zeric submitted his Mega Man & Bass Wonderswan maps which completes that game!  Although the Clock Men map link goes nowhere at the moment...

Thanks to Geminiman and Zeric.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on March 11, 2008, 12:01:01 am
Finally I'm a member as I have made up my mind. Currently I have posted 14 new Megaman BN maps. Having trouble with mapping the Dencity School Teacher's Lounge (which is inaccessible) and the School Courtyard (which does not show every part of the area). Can someone assist me?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 11, 2008, 04:49:29 am
Welcome to the forums Will.  Thanks for all the Mega Man maps that you have ripped.  It seems that you are well on your way in BN.  How many maps do you think that you have left to rip?  If you can at least give an estimate, I will put it on the list.

There is a Gameshark cheat for BN which allows you to walk though walls.  People use it to rip BN backgrounds and levels.  I am looking for it, but can't remember where I saw it.  I'll let you know if I find anything.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on March 11, 2008, 09:38:42 am
Thank you for your offer. I look forward to hearing from you marioman. If you notice the maps like the Dog House Security System, Mayl's Toy Chip System and such like, they are all copied from the same map which is a quick trick to getting more maps finished, no mistakes.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on March 11, 2008, 10:46:46 am
Welcome to the forum Will! And good work on all those Battle Network maps. Games with isometric graphics are usually a lot harder to map so it's nice when we can get more :)


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Current projects: Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man V (GB), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 11, 2008, 02:41:28 pm
Aha!  Here it is:

Walk Through Walls (BN1)

820070E4 0001

Source: Sprites Inc.  There are lots of other codes (including walk through walls for BN 2-3) on that page.  I have also seen walk through walls for BN 4-6, but I don't see them on that page.  I can look for those too if you want.

Hope that this helps.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on March 12, 2008, 09:53:15 am
Thanks heaps marioman. I have started out and finished well with the Dencity School courtyard and the Government Complex, more maps coming soon.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 12, 2008, 02:11:46 pm
Glad that it worked.  Happy to help.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 13, 2008, 03:43:59 pm
Sorry for the double post, but here are some more walk through walls codes:

Battle Network 1

820070E4 0001

Battle Network 2

82009684 0001

Battle Network 3

82009E04 0001

Battle Network 4

8200AD34 0001

Battle Network 4.5

Walk Through Walls

82010290 0001

Battle Network 5

B9747D4D 2CBD

Battle Network 6

92023C9C D016

Star Force (Hold A+B to Activate)

94000130 000003BC

621AC808 00000000

B21AC808 00000000

D9000000 00000000

D4000000 00002000

D6000000 00000000

D2000000 00000000

94000130 000003BC

621AC808 00000000

B21AC808 00000000

D9000000 00000004

D4000000 FFFFE000

D6000000 00000004

D2000000 00000000

94000130 000003AC

621AC808 00000000

B21AC808 00000000

D9000000 00000000

D4000000 00002000

D6000000 00000000

D2000000 00000000

94000130 000003EC

621AC808 00000000

B21AC808 00000000

D9000000 00000000

D4000000 00002000

D6000000 00000000

D2000000 00000000

94000130 000003EC

621AC808 00000000

B21AC808 00000000

D9000000 00000004

D4000000 00002000

D6000000 00000004

D2000000 00000000

94000130 0000036C

621AC808 00000000

B21AC808 00000000

D9000000 00000004

D4000000 00002000

D6000000 00000004

D2000000 00000000

94000130 0000037C

621AC808 00000000

B21AC808 00000000

D9000000 00000000

D4000000 FFFFE000

D6000000 00000000

D2000000 00000000

94000130 0000037C

621AC808 00000000

B21AC808 00000000

D9000000 00000004

D4000000 00002000

D6000000 00000004

D2000000 00000000

94000130 0000035C

621AC808 00000000

B21AC808 00000000

D9000000 00000000

D4000000 FFFFE000

D6000000 00000000

D2000000 00000000

94000130 000003DC

621AC808 00000000

B21AC808 00000000

D9000000 00000000

D4000000 FFFFE000

D6000000 00000000

D2000000 00000000

94000130 000003DC

621AC808 00000000

B21AC808 00000000

D9000000 00000004

D4000000 FFFFE000

D6000000 00000004

D2000000 00000000

94000130 0000039C

621AC808 00000000

B21AC808 00000000

D9000000 00000004

D4000000 FFFFE000

D6000000 00000004

D2000000 00000000

I am looking for ones for Star Force 2 and Battle Network 5 DS, but I haven't found them yet.  I'll just update this post if I can get my hands on them.

Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on March 15, 2008, 09:45:59 am

Good Lord, think they made that Star Force code long enough?? =P

Also, another Xgasm this weekend as Storm Eagle joins the ranks of the completed thanks to Geminiman! Now all that remains is Armored Armadillo, Chill Penguin, and the Intro Stage before the greatest Mega Man game ever made is complete and fully mapped! =D

(And hopefully, X2 won't be far behind. ;0)


"So this is what it's like..."

- Spark Mandrill
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on March 15, 2008, 01:42:54 pm
Honestly, I think that we won't see the Highway Stage mapped any time soon. It's possibly the most infuriatingly difficult stage in the game to map, mainly because of the color cycling the streetlights cause.


Dot? Dot. Dot!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 15, 2008, 03:08:02 pm
That was my thought exactly.  Is the palette actually changed, or is it a layer effect?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on March 15, 2008, 04:35:28 pm
AFAICT, the palette actually changes.


Dot? Dot. Dot!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 15, 2008, 06:30:26 pm
The PC version has identical graphics, but does not do the streetlight thing.  I wonder if that would be an option?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on March 15, 2008, 07:11:33 pm
If only a few colors change, then you would just have to go back and change those colors to harmonize all the screenshot together. If the whole screen experiences the color change like some sort of global lighting effect, then it becomes a matter of taking a ton of screenshots of each area and assembling together those which share the same exact colors.

Considering how long it took to harmonize a total of two colors for some Sonic CD levels (we're talking going back and altering the colors of several hundreds of images), I can understand that people don't want to take this stage on.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Current projects: Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man V (GB), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on March 16, 2008, 12:38:35 pm
Has anyone seen the maps in the website? I have only just seen it for myself. Their maps to me are crude compared with mine, because they have no backgrounds, lesser texture and the same old typing your own labels to indicate the program crystals. When I want to label something I like to rip fonts and words from the game itself and paste them so the map looks like it came from an imaginary hintbook made by the game companies. Do you share my comments as well?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 16, 2008, 01:41:10 pm
Update 3/16/08:

Updated list with Geminiman's Storm Eagle map.  Only three to go.  Thanks.

Still no MMV maps from Terra though.  :P

Will said:

Has anyone seen the maps in the website?
Yep, look at the footnote of my first post.  That site is rather nice.  Be sure to check out their Rockboard translation project.  

They have in-game maps for both ZX games, and many original/semi-ripped maps for much of the BN series.  As you said, your maps include the backgrounds, so they differ from Mega Boy's maps in their own respect.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 05, 2008, 08:54:34 pm
I put up 22 overdue maps for Battle Network from Will Mallia today.

Can someone help with the ordering of these?  I never played the BN games.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 05, 2008, 09:30:28 pm
As I have said before, I am not that big of a BN fan, so I really wouldn't know how to order them.  Maybe you could find the order by looking at a walkthrough?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on April 06, 2008, 02:23:11 pm
Maybe Will himself can offer a suggested order? I wonder how close he's getting to finishing off that game now...

Also, looking up at the intro stage issue from Mega Man X--wow, it's amazing how I'd never even noticed that before! (And I'd been playing that game since 8th grade.) I'm thinking marioman's PC version recommendation might be the best for that intro stage.


"So this is what it's like..."

- Spark Mandrill
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 18, 2008, 06:28:37 am
Update 4/18/08:

OK, Zeric just finished Mega Man Xtreme 2.  Great job!  This leaves only 8 pre-Playstation era games that need to be ripped.  Mega Man V has been ripped by both Terra and Zeric, but neither of them have submitted their maps.  A Mega Man V submission would complete the GB/GBC Mega Man games.

Oh, and Zeric has another project that he let me in on.  It may show up on the site later today...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 18, 2008, 07:16:47 pm
marioman Said:
Oh, and Zeric has another project that he let me in on.  It may show up on the site later today...

Thanks Zeric.

Did you mean the opening highway stage from Mega Man X that seems to have been so elusive?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 18, 2008, 08:06:52 pm
Yep.  That's it.  Here is what he told me:

Zeric said:

It was not the PC version I used but the SNES version, with the help of BGMapper. Then I used a palette change on the Spycopter, I think thats what they are called.

So he used some type of external program to rip it.

Great job Zeric.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 19, 2008, 12:38:10 am
Impessive, the series of the many consoles are close to completion. I regret that my progress in my Battle Network maps is slowing and I am getting sloppy and starting to do SMS maps due to the Sega map shortage compared with Nintendo maps.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 19, 2008, 06:22:02 am
If you are still interested in ripping Mega Man maps, there is that Game Gear version of Mega Man.  I know that the SMS is not the same thing as the GG, but it's Sega anyway.  Just a recommendation.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on April 19, 2008, 10:03:10 am
marioman Said:
If you are still interested in ripping Mega Man maps, there is that Game Gear version of Mega Man.  I know that the SMS is not the same thing as the GG, but it's Sega anyway.  Just a recommendation.

IIRC the only practical difference between the GG and SMS is that the GG has a smaller screen and larger color palette. In all other respects the hardware is identical.


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 19, 2008, 11:17:25 am
You were right marioman. Gamegear is worth mapping and I am really enjoying it as I play through. The only problem with the emulation is that I can't make proper savestates because FreezeSMS wasn't designed for savestates on Gamegear but the passwords I am using are useful.

Speaking of Megaman, I begin to get a little irritated that Dr. Wily survives countless times. I only wish you could call in some games Dr. Smelly for a change to make him comical. You'd bursting out with laughter to have a Megaman game with Dr. Smelly instead of Wily.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 19, 2008, 12:56:50 pm
For however little it matters, Dr. Wily's Lab in Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash Of Super Heroes has been mapped by Geminiman...  :P
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 19, 2008, 01:37:13 pm
Will Said:

You were right marioman. Gamegear is worth mapping and I am really enjoying it as I play through.

Glad to be of assistance.  I will be looking forward to seeing the finished maps.

Will Said:

The NES game Megaman Board, I think it's real title is "Wily & Light No Rockboard: That's Paradise".

Yes, but that name is too long anyway.  :P  It is kind of how I left out the subtitles for the rest of the Classic Mega Man games.  Just makes it a little more compact.

JonLeung Said:

For however little it matters, Dr. Wily's Lab in Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash Of Super Heroes has been mapped by Geminiman... :P

Neat.  I forgot about that cameo.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 20, 2008, 03:39:38 am
My first map of Megaman Gamegear and good looking?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 20, 2008, 05:18:46 am
Lookin' good Will.  Is my map count for this game correct?  I think it's right, but I have made errors before...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 20, 2008, 08:51:35 am
That looks better than I thought a Game Gear game would look.  o_0

I'm guessing that's a submission?  Should I put it up?

Heheh, in Japanese the filename would be "Rockman-StoneMan.png".  :P
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 20, 2008, 10:43:16 am
@Marioman - It is absolutely correct, there is Stoneman, Napalman, Waveman, Toadman, Starman, Brightman and finally Doctor Wily.

@Jon - Putting it would be a good way to show Megaman fans a fine example of a Gamegear map, but I can wait till the weekend.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 20, 2008, 01:05:03 pm
I was asking more for if that was ready to be put up, more than if I should make time to put it up.

In any case, I did have time anyway, so it's up.  :P

Shouldn't this game have had V and VI bosses, not IV and V?  I'm confused...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 20, 2008, 01:22:22 pm
That's all right Stoneman is complete. I am not all familiar with the bosses from the series but the information I got came from the rom itself and from a GameFAQ. I often use GameFAQs to find out if a game is fully mapped or not. I am positive that all the bosses I listed out are precise.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 20, 2008, 02:33:36 pm
Yep.  Mega Man 4 & 5 bosses only.  Why?  I don't know.  It came out one year after Mega Man 6, but there are not any MM6 bosses present.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 20, 2008, 05:20:25 pm
I just thought that since the Game Boy games followed the formula of half the bosses from the same-numbered NES version and half the bosses from the following NES sequel (ie. MM II (GB) has II and III bosses, MM III (GB) has III and IV bosses, etc.) that if (and that's an IF) this Game Gear one was "continuing" from MM IV (GB) (since MM V (GB) has its own unique planet-based bosses) that V and VI bosses would be likely.  That must mean there are some originally-MM IV or V (NES) Robot Masters that could've shown up in at least three games instead of the usual two (I like parentheses).

Obviously there's no hard and fast rule; they probably didn't know if they would've made a sequel after the first one, perhaps the inclusion of MM II bosses was supposed to be a surprise and they didn't originally plan to have staggered rosters for future sequels or whatever.

After all, I put up Xtreme 2 maps last week, and noticed that it has some bosses from X, X 2, AND X 3.

Capcom can do whatever they want.  No point trying to make any particular sense out of them.  (Oh, Resident Evil 4 sold best on GameCube and the Wii version also did much higher than expectations?  Awesome, therefore let's NOT put RE 5 on a Nintendo platform!  >_<)

ANYWAY, I never did play the Game Boy Mega Man games.  When I decided I would make time for them, I was waiting for the Anniversary Collection for the GBA that never did come out as far as I know.  :(
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 21, 2008, 01:35:12 pm
I know something that you don't...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 21, 2008, 06:48:35 pm
Having knowledge of future events doesn't count as "psychic" if someone told you, like for example if Zeric told you that Chill Penguin and Armored Armadillo maps will be up soon.  :P

I just finished X 8 last night.  It's like this is right on cue (though I finished it on Easy, where I don't get to see the ending...phooey).
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 21, 2008, 07:36:24 pm
Ooooh...Jon is psychic too.  :P

Having knowledge of future events doesn't count as "psychic" if someone told you

Why not?  That's people do that on TV all of the time.  And they make truckloads of money while they're at it.

X8 seems interesting.  I don't have a PS2, but I would consider getting the PC version.  I just haven't gotten around to it yet.  I would also like to get X7 for the PC, but the PC version was only available in Korea.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 21, 2008, 08:35:48 pm
I think every X game except for X 2 is available for the PC.  I remember buying Mega Man X for the PC way back in the day to get the Genesis-like controller (or "joypad").  Though really, shouldn't a Super NES-like controller have been more fitting?  I see the box every day, all my boxed games are lined up along the wall alphabetically and Mega Man X and Metal Gear Solid 2 are directly above the center of the monitor.

Those are the kinds of games that are more common in their console form, it seems.  I've seen one of the later X games available from one of those legal buy-a-download sites when they seemed to be advertising a lot on GameFAQs, but otherwise they're hard to find.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 21, 2008, 08:38:42 pm
I hear that X2 was available for PC somewhere in Asia, but I am not sure where.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 21, 2008, 09:02:19 pm
Well, since last week I made time for a non-weekend update by putting up Xtreme 2 maps on Thursday, it's only fair to put up the remaining X maps on even a Monday, right?

So Chill Penguin's and Armored Armadillo's stages are up.  Get your dash boots and your Hadokens, etc.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 22, 2008, 04:21:38 am
Awesome! List updated.  Thanks Zeric.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on April 22, 2008, 08:30:57 am
Can it be? The maps for the greatest Mega Man game ever created are complete at last! =D


"So this is what it's like..."

- Spark Mandrill
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 26, 2008, 07:45:51 pm
Update 4/26/08:

Will has ripped another Mega Man GG map.  This time it is Napalm Man.  This leaves 5 maps for the game, so I updated the 5 or fewer list.  Thanks Will.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 27, 2008, 12:29:51 am
Thank you. I found Napalm Man the most colourful stage I have ever seen in the game. Why he is he called Napalm Man? Isn't Napalm the jelly stuff used to power flamethrowers? He's not using a flamethrower instead he's lauching bombs, so is the name inconvienent and would Rocket or Missile or Bomb Man have been better? And lastly I'm onto Bright Man.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 27, 2008, 12:06:00 pm
Napalm is also used in bombs.  There was already a Bomb Man, so that name wouldn't work.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 28, 2008, 12:18:57 am
I have now finished Starman, that makes only three left. I can hardly wait to make it to Dr. Wily.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 29, 2008, 07:17:45 am
Awesome!  List updated for Star Man.  The Mega Man Board maps will be checked off as soon as they go up on the site.  Thanks.

Mega Man Board is actually a really fun game.  It has been accused of being just a straight Monopoly clone, but I think that in some aspects it is better than Monopoly.  The main difference between it and Monopoly is the fact that anyone can build on a piece of property.  (Whereas in Monopoly only  the property owner can build on his own property.)    So if Player 1 builds on Player 2's property, then they have to split all rent that is taken in.  Very interesting gameplay.

Thanks again for the maps Will.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 29, 2008, 09:26:45 am
I like being praised and I have just finished Waveman today, it's the biggest map I've done yet, even bigger than the Sailor Moon maps I've done, the long length of the map is the speedboat rush. I considered whether to do it or not, but I've done it and you will soon see the end result of Waveman I have been working on all day.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 30, 2008, 06:42:49 am
List updated.  Two to go.  Thanks.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 01, 2008, 05:19:22 am
I managed to do the Toadman level which my second most favourite level with all the water and castle walls. Nothing more Dr. Wily stands in Megaman's way and he won't stop me from completing my map. Gwhahaha!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 02, 2008, 03:30:02 pm
I have finally finished Dr. Wily. When I submit and its put up, it means, no more sega Megaman games to do.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 02, 2008, 03:59:20 pm
Thanks Will.  I will update the list as soon as they are put up.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 03, 2008, 12:03:11 pm
All of the NES Mega Man Board maps and the remaining Mega Man Gamegear maps have been put up. From what I observed on Marioman's list and the Mega Man Counter, there is a Mega man game title missing. The game is called "Playchoice 10 Mega Man 3" for the Arcade system. The webpage  "" contains more Megaman game titles than I see in even Megaman Counter. The only problem about the Arcade game of Megaman (Not the Power Battle or Fighters) is I cannot find a rom anywhere and I believe that the Megaman game must have been unfinished and unreleased. These Megaman requests are starting to get interesting all the time.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on May 03, 2008, 12:49:48 pm
The "PlayChoice-10" arcade games are really just NES games in the arcade.  I think you could select from up to 10 games that were installed into a particular machine.

If you've mapped the NES game, you've mapped the arcade game.  ROMs are indeed available if you look on the Internet hard enough, and you'll need also need the PlayChoice-10 BIOS ROM if you're going to try it in arcade emulators like MAME.  I really should consider taking them off of the arcade games listing.  I've been trying to think up of way to clear up the clutter caused by remakes and ports anyway...

(In the movie "The Wizard", the main character (Jimmy, I think his name was) practices NES games in the arcades on the way to the Video Armageddon tournament in Los Angeles.  At the casino arcade, I remember seeing that it was indeed a PlayChoice-10 cabinet.)

The Super Nintendo had a similar system, the much-shorter-lived "Nintendo Super System", I think it was called.

EDIT: Found an article about the PlayChoice/PlayChoice-10:

Anyway, is anyone considering mapping Mega Man Soccer?  :P  We must be close to finishing classic Mega Man by now!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 03, 2008, 04:38:30 pm
OK.  Updated the list.  Thanks Will.  I really like the way that you included the in-game and real maps for Mega Man Board.

And I guess Dr. Wily did something smart for once in Mega Man for the Game Gear.  Hiding in Quick Man's level was a very good choice.  All of the rest of his fortresses are was too easy.  (With the possible exception of the first two games.)

There are now three classic games games left: Mega Man V, Mega Man Soccer, and Mega Man III PC.  We have TWO mappers who have ripped Mega Man V, but neither of them have their maps on the site.  Maybe now that Terra is back from China, he will finish them up.  I PM'd Frenkel a few days ago to see if he ever figured out the Mega Man III PC maps, but he hasn't gotten back with me yet.  That just leaves Mega Man Soccer.

Huh, there is only one game with 5 or fewer maps left to rip.  I guess I will have to do something about that...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 04, 2008, 07:41:33 am
Jon, I've just finished composing an appropriate order for the some of the Megaman BN maps. I have decided that the maps should be divided in the GBA Megaman BN title into two categories, the Hardware maps (Lan's World) and the Software maps (Megaman's World). Another giveaway that shows a map is about Megaman's world by the System at the end of every individual map identification name. The Hardware maps should come first then the Software maps. The order is not really chronological but it will noneotherless be 100% comprehensible for those who play from start to finish. Here's how the order goes:

1. Lan's Residence, Lan's Bedroom

2. Lan's Residence, Kitchen & Lounge

3. ACDC Town

4. Mayl's Residence, Kitchen & Lounge

5. Mayl's Residence, Mayl's Bedroom

6. Yai's Residence

7. Dex's Residence

8. Dencity School, Foyer

9. Dencity School, 1st Grader Corridor

10. Dencity School, Clinic

11. Dencity School, AV Room

12. Dencity School, Grade 1 Classroom A

13. Dencity School, Grade 1 Classroom B

14. Dencity School, 5th Grader Corridor

15. Dencity School, Library

16. Dencity School, Grade 5 Classroom A

17. Dencity School, Grade 5 Classroom B

18. Dencity School, Staff Corridor

19. Dencity School, Janitor's Room

20. Dencity School, Courtyard

21. Higsby's Chip Shop

22. ACDC Subway Station

23. Government Complex Subway Station

24. Government Complex

25. Waterworks Lobby

26. W-Works, Sci Lab Hallway

27. Science Lab Lobby

28. Science Lab, Dr. Hikari's research centre

29. Waterworks, Construction Matter Office

30. Waterworks, Pumping Computer Station

31. Waterworks, Pumping room

32. Waterworks, Filtration room

I will resume work on the software map order once I have mapped every Hardware map there is available. I hope this helps and the order gets updated.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 04, 2008, 09:37:05 am
For the record, half of the Mega Man Soccer maps are available at The Spriters Resource
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 05, 2008, 12:09:26 pm
I have resumed to mapping Megaman Battle Network. Now the Waterworks Network System (all 6 sections) are finished and I am already working on the City of Dentown. Who knows how many hardware maps I will deliver in the end?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 05, 2008, 06:17:53 pm
Updated list to put newer games near the bottom.  Does this look OK, or should I change it back?

I also updated the map count for BN1.  :P
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on May 06, 2008, 04:59:47 pm
Have you tried listing it by series?  That's how I would consider doing it.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 06, 2008, 06:35:39 pm
I could do that, but the by system format kind of indicates the difficulty of the map.  I guess that I will just leave it for now.  Maybe I will come up with something later...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 07, 2008, 10:00:26 am
Hey Marioman, I was just thinking about recreating all "Megaman Battle Network" maps I've done so far about Lan's World, Hardware World, Real World or whatever you care to call it, and I would indicate using icons rather than labels, where to find chips, like say you find a Sonicwave chip in a cupboard in Dentown for instance, but I would only do it for the Hardware world and keep the labels for the spinning crystals in the Software maps. Do you think that is a good idea? If so, can somebody provide me with a complete list of the locations of chips in the Hardware world? Why not labels in the hardware world and why not icons in the software world I hear one or two people ask. Well the crystals are better than icons in the software world even if labels have to blot out a little bit of the map and its background and the icons would less likely blot out and confuse people in the hardware world. Tell what you think.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 08, 2008, 12:00:11 pm
That sounds good.  For a complete list of chips, have you checked <link.</link>?  They should have a list or two there.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 11, 2008, 05:06:58 am
Jon, very good job with the order of the Battle Network maps, this quasi chronological order certainly makes sense. I am currently doing the Traffic Light Circuit System sections. I suggest that the maps/sectors of the Internet System should be placed last on the entire list, so that its easy to find and not in the middle of somewhere. The list as you know need not be 100% chronological.

I see Marioman wants to know the precise map count as soon as possible and the total of Battle Network maps on this site is 73 (Certainly there's more to come).
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on May 19, 2008, 08:52:37 am
The "Mega Man a (Alpha) Mini-Game" map from Mega Man ZX Advent that Zeric submitted yesterday is neat.  Apparently, it's a mini-game clearly resembling an old NES Mega Man game.

At first I thought it was "Mega Man: A Mini-Game", but the "a" is there because it's Mega Man Alpha.  Which sounds very much like a possible Mega Man spin-off if Capcom were to be influenced by their own Street Fighter series...

Now, since the a (for Alpha) is lower-case, and there are no spaces in my filenames, it comes out to "MegaManaMini-Game", which is fun to say!  Mega, Mana, Mini-Game!  Mega, Mana, Mini-Game!

Not to mention the neat transition..."Mega" and "Man a" (if we take it as "Mana") both begin with M and end with a, then "Man a" and "Mini" just have different vowels, then "Mini" and "Game" just go together naturally, then "Game" and "Mega" are anagrams of each other and we're back at the start again!

Never mind, I'll just keep chanting...

"Mega!  Mana!  Mini-Game!

Mega!  Mana!  Mini-Game!

Mega!  Mana!  Mini-Game!"

See, it's annoying my brother!  Fun!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 19, 2008, 03:54:57 pm
Thanks Zeric.  Oddly enough, I think that I forgot those Mega Man a maps in my ZXA count.  (So many maps.)  Mega Man a is a fun little feature of ZXA, but I wish that Capcom would have had something other than Model a as the secret transformation.

I also see that Zeric added the variant of Doppler Stage 2 Mega Man X3.  Good job.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 31, 2008, 03:28:32 am
Jon, I have been observing the list of Battle Network maps and the "Teacher's Car System" map is missing. I don't if you still have it, but if I have to do again, so be it. I'm just being observant and keeping the list up to date from time to time.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Zeric on May 31, 2008, 10:52:21 am
I have done Overdrive Ostrich and Wire Sponge. I will try to make the other missing maps for MMX2 before I send them over to Jon since I may make some changes. Anyway here is how they look like ATM.

Overdrive Ostrich


Wire Spoong

Jon it's actualy ancient not alpha but whatever.


Current Projects: Akumajo Dracula (X6800) Mega Man X2

Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on May 31, 2008, 12:04:34 pm
I'm just curious, how did you deal with the weather effects in Wire Sponge's level? I remember messing with codes and whatnot, but I couldn't get it to stay sunny. Anyway, great work. I'm glad you and Geminiman have done such a great job finishing up where I left off.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on May 31, 2008, 12:44:12 pm
He probably used BGMapper or vSNES, or used SNES9X's ability to turn HDMA effects off. I'd wager on it being the former, though.


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 31, 2008, 09:19:40 pm
Awesome.  It is nice to see that Mega Man X2 is finally getting some attention.  I will be looking forward to seeing the rest of the maps after Zeric finishes them.  Thanks.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on May 31, 2008, 09:23:28 pm
Should be coming sometimes tomorrow if everything goes according to plan...


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Current projects: ?????? (Gen), Sonic The Hedgehog (Gen), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man V (GB), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), etc
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 31, 2008, 09:25:45 pm
That's nice to hear.  Thanks Terra.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on June 02, 2008, 02:15:38 am
Mega Man V is finally finished; I don't know how you came up with 14 maps, as I only have 13, but they're all there anyway. And thanks everyone for waiting for my maps instead of simply asking Zeric for his.


"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Current projects: ?????? (Gen), Sonic The Hedgehog (Gen), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man V (GB), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Bucky O'Hare (NES)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 02, 2008, 05:40:05 am
Congratulations.  You have just finished off the Game Boy Mega Man games.  I counted 14 maps because I considered the 8 bosses fight and the Wily fight as Wily Stage 3, and the Sunstar fight as Wily Stage 4.  It really doesn't matter though because there is not really a definite division there.  I will update the list as soon as they go up on the site.

Now, the only Classic Mega Man game that remains is Mega Man Soccer.  Mega Man Soccer is an interesting game.  It is riddled with typos and glitches, but it is still fun.  Strangely enough, I believe that it was still in beta when they released it.  It lacks an ending, and you cannot unlock Dr. Wily even though his icon appears on the character select screen.

Thanks again Terra.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on June 02, 2008, 07:19:38 pm
Mega Man V (GB) is up as of now.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 02, 2008, 07:36:15 pm
List updated.  All Game Boy (Color) games are now fully mapped.  Great job!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on June 02, 2008, 07:59:09 pm
Someone map some soccer fields already!

I just noticed we've mostly been calling it "Mega Man Soccer" but the title screen says "Mega Man's Soccer".  The box art is without the apostrophe & s.  I hate box & title screen differences.

(I also just noticed how weird the word "soccer" is.  We really should call it "football".  And call "American football" something like "rugby wannabe".  :P)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 02, 2008, 08:10:07 pm
If I remember correctly, soccer get its origins from the term "associated football".  Soccer is supposed to be some type of mangled version of the word associated.

As for Mega Man Soccer, you are correct.  The box art says Mega Man Soccer, but the title screen says Mega Man's Soccer.  Yet another reason that I think that the game was still beta when it was released.  (Along with Bomb Man being called Bomber Man, and Roll and Kalinka running around with that banner that says "Congartulations".)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Maxim on June 03, 2008, 03:37:40 am
It's not uncommon for games of that era to have differences between the packaging and title screen. On the Master System the prime example is "Secret Commando" (which matches the game) which had a box saying "Secret Command" (which doesn't match at all).

Consider that the developers had complete control over the title screen but the suits at Game Company HQ made the box art - hence the screwups you'd expect. (Notice the recent Wii Okami IGN screwup... things aren't much different now.)

Minor grammatical and spelling errors in the English text of a game developed in Japan are much more easily explained. A Winner Is You, indeed, Congraturation, etc.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 14, 2008, 03:54:38 pm
Update 6/14/08:

Will has ripped all of the Mega Man Soccer maps.  This leaves Mega Man III PC as the last classic Mega Man game to be mapped.  Thanks Will.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on June 17, 2008, 03:42:02 pm
I wonder how many people care about Mega Man 3 for the PC, to be honest.  The NES Mega Man 3/III is probably my favorite Mega Man game (and is often at least comparable to everyone else's favorite, Mega Man 2/II) but the PC Mega Man 3 is nothing like it and looks rather bleahish.  Since Capcom didn't develop it themselves, I see it like the Mario edutainment titles or the CD-i Zelda games...something fans of those franchises could be excused from not playing.

Regardless, SOME abandonware site must have it, so that it could be mapped for the sake of completion...

I actually bought the first Mega Man game for the PC...why?  I wonder if I still have the original box and floppy somewhere, not that I plan to enjoy the game...  >_<
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 17, 2008, 03:54:32 pm
The PC games aren't that bad.  

JonLeung said:

Regardless, SOME abandonware site must have it, so that it could be mapped for the sake of completion...

There is a fansite that has a lot of sprites from the game.  *hint*
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on June 17, 2008, 05:30:32 pm
I thought they were terrible. The controls were the worst...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 17, 2008, 05:58:34 pm
What?  You don't like using the J key for jump?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on June 18, 2008, 12:22:19 am
I am currently having some problems making the Power Plant Network maps because I am not sure about putting links to divulge the invisible paths, that even defeating Elec Man can't turn off the invisibilty. I took a look at Megaboy's maps on and somehow he has bridged the invisible paths with a gold mesh sprite. How did he do it? Did he make them himself or did he hack the games graphics to get it. Some graphics not shown in gameplay can be found in hacking process, for instance, some Graphic Modifiers on the Popuw forum have managed to find images of the prince and guards spiked, chomped and killed with blood, which was not shown in the gameplay. If anyone knows how the Megaboy used the bridging technique, I will try to follow the same method, otherwise I'll attempt to create my own bridges. Thanks in advance to whoever can brief me.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 22, 2008, 02:15:21 pm
And Will has ripped some more BN1 maps.  Not sure how many are left to rip, but I would say that he is getting close.  Thanks Will.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on June 22, 2008, 05:12:35 pm
Is anybody currently mapping Rockman.EXE WS? I want to map a Mega Man game, but there aren't very many left to map.


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 22, 2008, 05:18:22 pm
Raccoon Sam mentioned that he may map it, but last I heard he could not get a WSC emulator working.  I would tentatively say that no one is working on it, but you would probably want to check with Raccoon Sam first.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on June 22, 2008, 10:58:17 pm
If Geminiman isn't going to finish off Megaman 2X you RT 55J could, I don't think he'll mind unless he's in the middle of it (I can't be sure). Anyway marioman or anyone else I need help on how Megaboy mapped out the mesh links to connect invisible paths in the Power Plant Network System. (See Post above) If I can't get any way to link the areas of the Network sections then its unfinished.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 23, 2008, 05:24:35 am
Looks custom.  But, I wouldn't know for sure.  I haven't played BN1.  If they are not custom, maybe they appear after defeating Elec Man?  You could check GameFAQs and see if any of their guides tell how its done?  Or, you could contact Megaboy and ask him directly.

Oh, and Zeric is finishing off Mega Man X2.  He has mapped the last two maverick stages, and he just has the X-Hunter stages left.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on June 23, 2008, 06:26:38 am
It turns out marioman that the mesh gaps that fill the invisible paths in Megaboy's maps are just the same roads picked out from visible paths except they been blacked out on every 2 squares on the x and y axis (if you know what I'm saying). If Megaboy can do that, so can I, I'll hopefully have some more maps sent in next week.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on June 23, 2008, 10:55:45 pm
Here's a rough WIP of the first stage in the WS game. The main reason I'm posting this now is because I'll be gone until Saturday this week and all week next week (for different reasons).


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on June 23, 2008, 11:09:37 pm
I wonder why the Japanese call Megaman, Rockman. This ridiculous. He is nothing like Stoneman, neither is he a rockstar or with rock n' roll. I like the look of the Wonderswan stage, and I'm sure you'll soon fix the bits and pieces around, keep it up.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 24, 2008, 05:30:59 am
Lookin' good RT-55J.  Keep up the good work!

Concerning the name Rockman, he is called that because the game works like rock-paper-scissors.  Each boss is weak to one weapon, and strong against one weapon.  (Guts Man beats Cut Man - rock beats scissors.  Get it?)  I cannot remember exactly why they changed it to Mega Man for the western release, but I believe that it had something to do with a singer who called himself Rock Man or something.  Can't remember for sure though.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on June 24, 2008, 06:30:59 am
You've got that one right marioman. But the company or someone involved with Capcom got that one wrong. Not all elements are scientifically (if not in the game) weak and useless against another. For example Woodman is useless against Fireman because fire burns wood, but if Woodman is made of Eucalyptus then he is slightly fireproof and could drown some of Fireman's flames with his heavy wood. Iceman beats Fireman by flame extinguishing, Fireman should be able to vice versa making water evaporatore and ice melt. Elecman beats Iceman by making water electronic and water is supposed to jam the electric current. Woodman beats Elecman being made of a material which not an electricity component but are there any side effects on Woodman? The Rock, Paper, Scissors method in real life doesn't work that way. But Capcom has long ago already released the game, so that's final. Besides I don't have to take some the game's incorrections seriously. I just love science talk when it comes to Energy, Life and Matter.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Maxim on June 24, 2008, 07:58:46 am
I think there's a good chance this is why:
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on June 24, 2008, 08:38:34 am
I'm pretty sure it's Rock as in "rock 'n' roll".  His sister is named Roll, and I believe the opening of Mega Man 4/IV reconfirms that Mega Man's name is Rock.

Sure, he doesn't seem like a rock star.  But for some reason this series has musically-themed character names.  If Roll was more involved in the games, "Rock & Roll" would make more sense, but whatever.  Then Proto Man is named "Blues" in Japan.  Ironic since he's not the blue one, but it likely refers to the type of music.  Don't forget Bass (Forte), Treble (Gospel), Beat, and the little-known Tango.  (I think in the Xtreme games there's also a character named Midi...)

Not sure how Rush, Fliptop (Eddie), Otto, Duo or King fit in, though...

As to why he's "Mega" Man and not Rock Man outside of Japan, probably people would think of the other kind of rock.  Maybe in Japanese, "rock" (as in stone) and "rock" (as in rock 'n' roll) aren't the same word?  "Mega" sounds cool, and alliteration is apparently catchy.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on June 24, 2008, 10:38:27 am
That makes even better sense. Rock can be a name. In the Fatal Fury Legacy, the archnemesis of the hero Terry's called Geese Howard has a son called Rock Howard. I still have a preference to the american names being more scientific as they programs and not people but a personality. Anyway I have managed to follow Megaboy's technique using a lot of cutting and pasting from my screenshots and the first power plant network section is complete so I finally move on. But don't expect the power plant to be entirely finished by the end of the week, for I have other games in mind of progressing, Mario & Wario is one of them.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Eggz on June 24, 2008, 10:44:48 am
If we're going to get into the argument that "this element can beat this one because..." I think the biggest culprit of that is Pokemon, but in both instances they just use the most basic properties of the elements do that the average person can grasp the concept instead of feeling left behind in the gameplay because they can't think of all the application for one thing in particular.

And then as for manes of certain characters names not fitting into a certain theme or what not, eventually they had to run out of idea :P It always happens. Either that or they might have though ahead and thought that having too many characters named after musical terms might just not fit so well in an action shooter... It worked well for Eternal Sonata, but then the whole game was built off the concept of everything is influenced by music.

And I'll leave foray into unrelated topics there. :)


This looks like a job for Science!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 24, 2008, 07:45:48 pm
I don't want to drag this thread any more off-topic than it already is, but let me make a few comments.

Maxim is probably right about the Rock Man comic book character.  I remembered that Capcom said that there was already a Rock Man, but I couldn't remember what it was.

I never said that the boss weaknesses had to make sense - I was just pointing out that Capcom made the underlying system work like rock paper scissors.  Most of them don't make sense, but, then again, paper beating rock doesn't make the most sense either.  It is the system that is important.

There was an interview with Keiji Inafune (the creator of Mega Man) a while ago, and a seem to remember that he said that the term Rockman came from rock paper scissors.  The musical references came when Capcom decided that Rockman needed a female sidekick.  I wish that I could find that interview and make sure that I got that right.

His human form is interchangeably called Rock and Mega in western regions though...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on June 26, 2008, 05:31:15 pm
I thought anyone calling him "Mega" did so out of endearment or as a short form or nickname, not that they mean his name is actually "Mega".  That would be kind of silly.

Then again, in Japan, he's "Rock" and "Rockman", so I suppose that isn't any more sillier or illogical based on that.  I just haven't heard that term of only "Mega" much to think anyone meant for that to be a name on its own.

And I just figured that he didn't really have a "human" form.  He may not have originally been built with weapons, but now that he does, I don't see how he's any more or less a robot with or without his helmet.  That'd be like saying if I took off or put on my glasses you'd have to call me by a different name.  I'm not Clark Kent.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on June 27, 2008, 08:15:36 am
So when is it officially time to add Mega Man 9 to the list in the original post? ;0)


"So this is what it's like..."

- Spark Mandrill
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 27, 2008, 02:35:00 pm
When I'm good and ready.  (Or when I figure out how many maps there are in it.)  Can WiiWare games even be mapped?

Frenkel just PM'd me and said that he hasn't made any progress on Mega Man III PC, but he said that he may look at it again.  I hope that he does so we can finish off those Classic games.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on June 27, 2008, 08:56:46 pm
Why wouldn't one be able to map WiiWare games? (Note that I'm only a mapping fan myself--never actually mapped before.) Is it because of a lack of ROM or something along those lines?


"So this is what it's like..."

- Spark Mandrill
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on June 27, 2008, 09:21:01 pm
People have hacked and cracked Virtual Console games, so I don't see why someone couldn't eventually figure out how to map Mega Man 9 if they really wanted to.  (WiiWare, Virtual Console, probably same diff.)  But it likely won't be as conventional as current mapping techniques.

If it can be dumped, cracked, and then converted into a NES ROM that works on any current NES emulator, then I think someone would.  For example, I know there are non-homebrew re-release NES ROMs with copyright dates in the 2000s, 'cause they were somehow dumped from some game at the time that had them as a bonus (Animal Crossing comes to mind)...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on June 27, 2008, 10:34:47 pm
You'd be lucky if you could do Wii maps ripped from a game. Hacking graphics is not really a reliable technique in making game maps mostly because of the lower graphic quality and lacking texture sharpness. For example Megaboy's maps were defintely hacked judging by the lesser number of colours and no background. It would save us the trouble if Mega man 9 were to appear less recent consoles like N64 or Gamecube, but I don't think that's going to happen. For the time being let us turn our attention on the remaining classic series.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on June 28, 2008, 09:55:54 am
JonLeung Said:
If it can be dumped, cracked, and then converted into a NES ROM that works on any current NES emulator, then I think someone would.

Ain't gonna happen. It's fairly clear that they aren't using NES code, what with the 3D effects. They're just making it look like an NES game. As for mapping it, I don't think the results will be too pretty, at least for a long time. The Wii has analog graphics output, so capturing pristine images isn't possible, to my knowledge.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 28, 2008, 03:54:05 pm
As I said before, we can only hope for the PC version.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on June 28, 2008, 11:53:48 pm
JonLueng Said:
Not sure how Rush, Fliptop (Eddie), Otto, Duo or King fit in, though...

Rush refers to the band of the same name, but I don't think that the others have any musical connection. On the other hand, Enker, Punk, and Ballade from the GB have musical names. Enka is a type of Japanese music, and the latter two should be obvious.


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on June 29, 2008, 12:08:00 am
Still working on the Power Plant Network system. Enka sounds like a female elk to me. I thought that the Netnavis other than Megaman were called Rush, Roll, Glyde and so on because of their movement abilities i.e. Rush called for his speed, Roll with the superpower of doing a sonic hedgehog roll (except there is no spines on her spine), Glyde with his gliding abilites and also Protoman called Blues because of his rare and deep dark love passion (I've seen many love cartoons with names like "Babysitter Blues" or "Computer School Blues"). I did not think they were after certain music bands of media. Probably Capcom will invent a Netnavi with a name extracted from Milli Vanilli.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Zeric on July 04, 2008, 07:08:59 pm
The first X-Hunter Base is now complete. Now there is only the second and third of the X-Hunter Base left of Mega Man X2. Jippi.


Current Projects: Akumajo Dracula (X6800 - Final Stage) Mega Man X2 (SNES Sigma 2) Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA - 83%)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on July 05, 2008, 07:10:38 am
Good job.  Two to go.  (And one of those two levels is really short IIRC.)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on July 05, 2008, 08:59:45 am
I will assume that is a submission since you said that was completed, Zeric...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on July 05, 2008, 09:36:00 am
Don't forget the Overdrive Ostrich and Wire Sponge maps that he posted on the last page.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Zeric on July 05, 2008, 10:13:31 am
I did some changes on the other two and Jon I will send them all to you once I am done with the last two.


Current Projects: Akumajo Dracula (X6800 - Final Stage) Mega Man X2 (SNES Sigma 2) Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA - 83%)

Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on July 13, 2008, 08:03:54 pm
Update 7/13/08:

Zeric has finished his Mega Man X2 maps.  This completes the SNES map category.  Thanks Zeric.

Now there are only two simple games to map.  Mega Man III PC and Rockman EXE WS.  After those two are mapped, then the only games left will be PSX and GBA games!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on July 18, 2008, 12:59:16 pm
Just want to keep you briefed instead of waiting for Battle Network to finish. I've completed the Power Plant sections and a few more Internet Sectors. By the time they get here this very weekend, the map count for that game will have reached to 95 (96 if the Teacher's Car System still existed, I'll attend to it). I'm not sure how many more there are left but at the moment I'm concentrating on the remaining Internet sectors.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on July 20, 2008, 11:24:41 am
Update 7/20/08:

Will has put up some more MMBN maps.  Thanks Will.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on July 21, 2008, 06:47:53 am
Dang, I can't believe there are so many MMBN maps! And to think, there are six such games! =P

Also, thanks for the X2 maps, Zeric! =D


"So this is what it's like..."

- Spark Mandrill
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on July 21, 2008, 07:03:38 am
Rew Said:
Dang, I can't believe there are so many MMBN maps! And to think, there are six such games! =P

I don't even play the Battle Network games, but I am aware of more than least if you count the two versions of the later ones.

There's the first one, then BN 2, BN 3 White, BN 3 Blue, BN 4...Sun?, BN 4...Moon?, BN 4.5, BN 5 Colonel, BN 5 Protoman, BN 5 DS, BN 6...something, and BN 6 something else, and that other BN trading card (chip?) game...  That's all from memory.

Oh, and Network Transmission, which is actually a really good GameCube platformer once you get past the first few stages which look too much alike.  That's the only Battle Network game I fully played.

I suppose I could've looked at the beginning of this topic to count them... :P

Does the Star Force series count as a whole 'nother series, or a side-story series, or does it continue from Battle Network?  Is it like Xtreme compared to X, or the Game Boy Mega Man (classic) compared to the console Mega Man (classic)?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on July 21, 2008, 07:23:43 pm
Star Force is Battle Network, but like 200 years in the future or something.  Think of it as something like Mega Man X, but with Battle Network.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on July 27, 2008, 12:01:39 am
There are even more maps put up of Battle Network. The rank by now must be from "Still a lot" to "Tonnes". The mapping of this entire game is near completion. All I have left to do is the remaining Internet System sectors, although I know it will be hard attempting to get all but one of the chips in the entire game.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on July 28, 2008, 04:14:21 pm
OK, tonnes it is.  Your new maps look great.  Maybe next week you can update the number of maps left from "tonnes" to "loads".  :P
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on July 28, 2008, 06:09:09 pm
My real job includes truckers' payroll.  I'm well aware of the difference between being paid by tonnes and being paid by loads.  :P
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on August 01, 2008, 04:18:43 am
I've finally finished Megaman Battle Network, once and for all! 118 maps overall coming this week. I've changed my mind about turning the labels into icons because it occurs to me that not everyone will be able interpret the symbols, anyway I like them as they are. I believe I am ready to get started on the second battle network game.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 01, 2008, 05:55:47 am
Congratulations Will!  I will update the BN count on the list as soon as the maps are uploaded to the site.  I posted the wtw code for BN2 a page to two back.  I would move all of the wtw codes that I found to the first post if there were a tag that would hide/collapse them.  That post is long enough as is.

Anyway, here's the code: 82009684 0001

Good luck.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on August 04, 2008, 10:25:36 am
I thought Mega Man was supposed to come out on the Virtual Console this week in North America.  Capcom said so.  Yet...I don't see it.  >_<
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 04, 2008, 07:27:20 pm
Yeah, I am not sure what is going on with that.  Capcom even took down the notice on their blog that said that it would be released today.  Weird...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on August 07, 2008, 11:37:02 am
Nintendo's word trumps that of third-party developers.

At least that's more or less what Nintendo said after this past Monday after several third-party companies had announced titles for that day--even though only Sega's went on.


"So this is what it's like..."

- Spark Mandrill
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on August 09, 2008, 12:45:06 am
The maps of Megaman Battle Network 2 are outstanding from the prequel. Already I have done 32 maps in total. Regarding Battle Network 1, what sort of thumbnail do you suppose should randomly show on the home page. My suggestions are:

1. The Rocket in the map "WWW Secret Hideout, Rocket Base"

2. The Lifevirus in the map "WWW Hacking Rocket System"

3. The monitor in the map "Science Lab, Dr. Hikari's Office"

Which of those is likely to overall represent the game? The Rocket Base is a symbol of ultimate disaster, the Lifevirus is the key to this disaster and the monitor is what created Megaman or known to Dr. Hikari as Hub.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 11, 2008, 11:50:25 am
I see that Will has gotten a jump on BN2.  Wonder how many maps it has...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Frenkel on August 14, 2008, 04:29:42 pm
Is there anyone here who recognizes from which game this map is? ;)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 14, 2008, 06:26:02 pm
Oh man!  It's Torch Man from Mega Man III PC!  Congratulations Frenkel - you did it.  How are the maps encrypted?  Can't wait to see more.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on August 14, 2008, 07:23:52 pm
If I may make a request, I think it would be neat if the PC Mega Man games had the Robot Masters in them...

And as Revned and TerraEsperZ mentioned in another topic, I would certainly consider putting up their redone NES Mega Man game maps, knowing their perfectionism.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 14, 2008, 09:00:06 pm
Yeah, that would be nice.  I posted a link to sprites for both MMPC games a few pages back.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Frenkel on August 15, 2008, 03:23:37 am
marioman Said:
Oh man!  It's Torch Man from Mega Man III PC!  Congratulations Frenkel - you did it.  Just out of curiosity, how are the maps encrypted?  Can't wait to see more.

To make a long story short, I don't know how the files are compressed. I just run the game in DOSBox with the debugger enabled and let the game decompress the files and then I dump the memory to get the decompressed files.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 15, 2008, 06:53:59 am
Ah, so it is possible to do something like that with DOSBox.  I was looking for such a feature a couple weeks ago, but came up empty.  Good job.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Frenkel on August 15, 2008, 06:55:41 am
I turns out the files are compressed using the LZW data compression algorithm. Here's a description of the algorithm and some code that works on the Mega Man III PC files:
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Frenkel on August 18, 2008, 06:53:08 am
Does this picture need any improvement?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on August 18, 2008, 07:38:18 am
I don't think so. That's as good as Mega Man III PC is ever likely to look, so I would consider this a very good job :) I think it's too bad the Mega Man PC maps on the site don't include any of the sprites, since they're the only things making those maps worthwhile.

Does anyone find it weird that "Torch" Man is hiding in a sewer full of water :P ?


Current projects: Ristar-The Shooting Star (Gen), Sonic The Hedgehog (Gen), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Bucky O'Hare (NES)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 18, 2008, 11:09:35 am
The only thing that I can figure is that you may need a torch to navigate a dark sewer.  It may be stretching things, but whatever.

The map looks perfect Frenkel.  Keep up the good work.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 18, 2008, 11:10:18 am
The only thing that I can figure is that you may need a torch to navigate a dark sewer.  It may be stretching things, but whatever.

The map looks perfect Frenkel.  Keep up the good work.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on August 18, 2008, 03:54:45 pm
^Tried to remove a double post, not that marioman has a potty mouth or anything.  >_>
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 18, 2008, 05:50:28 pm
Strange...  I did not see a double post after I clicked the post button.  Thanks for taking care of that.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on August 19, 2008, 06:58:56 am
I wouldn't know!  Our #%@$! Internet has been down at home since yesterday morning!  I couldn't do any Interneting or television-watching last night at home.  And at work I can't surf gaming web sites, but maybe Wikipedia has a list.

EDIT: Yup, according to this it did come out yesterday.  Of all the days, too.  So much for getting all the Mega Man games on the first day of availability...  >_<
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Frenkel on August 23, 2008, 04:44:21 pm
Mega Man III PC version maps:
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 23, 2008, 05:45:00 pm
Looks great Frenkel!  Thanks.  I will update the list as soon as Jon uploads them.

By the way, have you given consideration to adding enemies/items/bosses to the Mega Man PC maps that you ripped earlier?  It would make them more complete.  Just curious.

Thanks again.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on August 23, 2008, 06:03:31 pm
Very good job Frenkel!


Current projects: Ristar-The Shooting Star (Gen), Sonic The Hedgehog (Gen), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Bucky O'Hare (NES)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on August 24, 2008, 12:58:40 pm
Okay, kids.  Frenkel's maps for Mega Man III for the PC are up!

So until Mega Man 9 comes out...we can say has every classic Mega Man map...right?

User posted image

Image source
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 24, 2008, 01:04:43 pm
List updated.  Thanks Frenkel.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Frenkel on August 24, 2008, 01:48:50 pm
marioman Said:
Looks great Frenkel!  Thanks.  I will update the list as soon as Jon uploads them.

By the way, have you given consideration to adding enemies/items/bosses to the Mega Man PC maps that you ripped earlier?  It would make them more complete.  Just curious.

Lets see...  This leaves Battle Network WS as the last obscure game to map.  I wonder how RT-55J is progressing...  >_>

Thanks again Frenkel.

Thanks for all the compliments :).

Yes, I will take another look at Mega Man I PC.

I have figured out almost the whole file format of every data file of Mega Man III PC and I will post this information on my website as soon as possible. I'll try to apply this knowledge on the Mega Man I PC data files, but don't expect it to happen very soon.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 25, 2008, 03:01:17 pm
So until Mega Man 9 comes out...we can say has every classic Mega Man map...right?

Actually I hear rumor that someone is hacking Mega Man 4 so it is an exact copy of Mega Man 9.  See videos here and here.  So it may not be impossible after all...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on September 17, 2008, 08:04:57 pm
'Kay, I just put up the new Wii section with Mega Man 9 maps!  Concrete Man and Plug Man to start.

TenguMan reconstructed these maps from videos.  o_0  Now that's hardcore!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 17, 2008, 08:07:47 pm
So we have two maps for a game that hasn't come out yet?  Unreal...

I hope that TenguMan finishes all of the maps.  I can't believe the method that he is using, so he has gained a lot of respect in my book.  Thanks TenguMan.

Now to get Mega Man 9 on the list...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on September 17, 2008, 11:42:16 pm
Such a genius, I daresay. Who knows how long it will be to appear on a rom and emulator? Not that I know of any Wii emulators. Keep going if you can TenguMan, I do so want you to complete this game. It will be like a landmark for us or should I say mapmark.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Ryan Ferneau on September 18, 2008, 05:48:59 am
Zeric missed a bonus health room in Overdrive Ostrich's stage in MegaMan eXtreme 2.  You have to jump up the walls above the last instant death pillar generator thing.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TenguMan on September 18, 2008, 01:15:08 pm
Hi everyone, first post for me in this forum!

well, I'm Italian, I hope that my written english is....well..."good enough" :-P

I will surely do all the maps of MM9, but I'd like to play the game know...making maps is a BIG spoiler! :P  (and there aren't videos of the remaining levels anyway...)

the only problem is that we don't know when the game will be released in Europe....we hope in september too :P
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on September 18, 2008, 04:40:56 pm
Welcome to the forum TenguMan!

Let me reassure you, your English is great. But of course I'm not the best qualified to judge you, being French-Canadian and all :P

You have all my admiration for recreating both the graphics and entire levels of an as-of-yet unreleased game! God knows I'd never have the required patience for that.


Current projects: Metal Storm (NES), Clock Tower (SNES), Ristar-The Shooting Star (Gen), Sonic The Hedgehog (Gen), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES), Bucky O'Hare (NES)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 19, 2008, 04:27:04 am
Welcome TenguMan.  Your English is fine.  Good luck on finishing the rest of the maps.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 04, 2008, 11:47:08 am
TenguMan has given us another Mega Man 9 map.  This time it is Hornet Man.  Thanks and keep up the good work.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on October 06, 2008, 12:16:06 pm
TenguMan, are you still mapping by reconstructing the tiles and then rewatching a video of the stage?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on October 06, 2008, 01:49:29 pm
Endless Attack was released today. I haven't bought it yet, but it looks like amount of unique screens is finite. For each area you start at a teleporter and have to get to the teleporter at the end. Some areas are from previous games in the series, while others appear to be brand new. About every 30 screens you fight a robot master.

This video probably explains it better than I do.


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TenguMan on October 06, 2008, 04:04:17 pm
JonLeung Said:
TenguMan, are you still mapping by reconstructing the tiles and then rewatching a video of the stage?

Yes, same way.... :P

I think I'll have problems with Dr wily stages...there aren't screenshots of them...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on October 06, 2008, 08:27:46 pm
I doubt that this endless stage mode is literally endless with all those different layouts and areas, then again it might eventually repeat sometime. If you got around to mapping the endless stage, you'd definitely end up with twice as many maps as I had done Battle Network maps.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on October 06, 2008, 09:47:14 pm
It's kind of like the Zelda Four Swords games. There's a whole bunch of pre-made sections, and it randomly chooses from them.

TenguMan - Do you even own it? If you do, it seems like you wouldn't need screenshots...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on October 07, 2008, 08:17:50 pm
Great maps, TenguMan, and I'm sure it takes quite an effort to construct those just from screenshots!

But the only thing that bothers me is that red border on all the maps. Is there a way to give it a less glaring border perhaps? *hopes this doesn't come across the wrong way*


"So this is what it's like..."

- Spark Mandrill
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TenguMan on October 09, 2008, 08:24:24 am
I made that border to divide the stage from the background, and I used a color that wasn't used for the stage :P

For me it's not a problem to change the border color, but I'd like to make all the maps with the same stile =)

let's listen what John think about it =)

PS. anyway,what color do you suggest? :P

PPS I found screenshots taken from dr. wily's stages, so I guess I can make those maps too.. ;-)

Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 09, 2008, 08:46:57 am
Great!  You are doing a really amazing job so far.  It would be nice if you could completely map the game.

By the way, has anyone seen these Nintendo Power style maps?  They aren't the best quality, but they are interesting.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 10, 2008, 09:06:09 pm
Got another map from TenguMan.  Magma Man is now complete!  Thanks - 8 to go.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on October 14, 2008, 02:33:44 pm
It occurs to me that Mega Man: Powered Up! (PSP) is not on the list in the first post.

I'll have to find the topic, but I'm pretty sure someone found how it could be mapped.  I keep thinking it was either Zeric or Revned so I should find that.

Oh, and Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X (PSP) is also missing too.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 14, 2008, 05:04:24 pm
The reason that I did not add them is that I thought that there was not a good way to rip the 2.5D stuff.  However, if someone can come up with a good work-around, I will be glad to add them to the list...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on October 14, 2008, 07:22:27 pm
Zeric mapped a few without the backgrounds, if I remember correctly.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on October 14, 2008, 08:48:58 pm
Yeah, games like MMPU, MHX, and X8--while technically are 2D sidescrollers--they use 3D models instead of sprites, so making maps of them (at least of the same quality as the 8-bit and 16-bit titles) would be rather problematic. =/


"So this is what it's like..."

- Spark Mandrill
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TenguMan on October 16, 2008, 06:05:52 pm
I have troubles recreating the moon for galaxy man stage...does anyone have a screenshot of it?

I can't found it anywhere....
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 16, 2008, 07:01:59 pm
Would tile sets have it?  This site may have what you are looking for.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TenguMan on October 17, 2008, 06:25:12 am
...I didn't find it..

the map of galaxy man is complete..I don't know what I'm suppose to do....should I send it to John without the moon? :(
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on October 17, 2008, 06:53:48 am
Just send it in without the moon, if one day you do get a chance to recreate the moon then you can always resubmit that map.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on October 17, 2008, 10:44:21 pm
Okay, I put up Galaxy Man's and Splash Woman's stages...

More Mega Man goodness to come this weekend, from Revned!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 18, 2008, 07:25:03 am
Updated the list.  I also added the Endless Stage and Special Stage to the list.  I am not sure if TenguMan would like to tackle the Endless Stage or not, but I put it on the list anyway.

Ooooh - Mega Man goodness from Revned.  Let's see...there is only one Mega Man game that he started on.  I wonder if he is going to finish it...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on October 18, 2008, 10:10:47 am
Revned has redone his maps for Mega Man III!

He got the remaining pixels that were shaved off before, he added Mega Man to the starting points, he framed the actual map areas, and...well, I don't know what else.  But they look good!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on October 18, 2008, 12:59:32 pm
Glad you like them. I tried several different things from my original maps, and I think they came out very nice.

I spent quite awhile trying different palettes I came across on the net. Some of them are considerably different from others. I ended up using a slightly tweaked version of the NTSC one found on Wikipedia.

One thing I like is that I included enemies that are parts of the stage, like the snake-shooters in Snake Man's level. I always thought my original maps looked too empty there. I also included the turret things in Needle Man's stage, and several mini-bosses I had previously left out.

I did take a slight artistic liberty in Magnet Man's stage. I wanted to show it before Proto Man blows up the little section, but it didn't look good if I used the following screen as-is. So, I replaced 8 tiles to make it work:

User posted image

marioman - If you're referring to Zero 2, it's not going to happen. It was just an experiment, and I never even played the game past a couple of stages. I like the classic series much better.

Jon - No front page exposure? :-(
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on October 18, 2008, 02:37:18 pm
Well, I was debating on whether or not to put it on the front page.  I get revised maps all the time and no one's voiced a thing when I didn't mention them.  Of course, most of those are minor edits to a single map or two, like they forgot an item or they didn't put their name on it or something.

This is the first time someone's taken the effort to totally remap a game that they already did.  I figured it was worth a mention in this topic, but hey, it can't hurt to put it on the front page so I did that just now.

Did you say you were going to redo Mega Man, Mega Man 2 and/or Mega Man 4 as well?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on October 18, 2008, 03:24:51 pm
Thanks! I know they're not exactly new, but in some senses they are.

I might, I don't know. Mega Man 9 just got me in the mood.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 19, 2008, 02:27:19 pm
Yeah, I was referring to Zero 2.  I seemed to remember that either you or Geminiman said that you had lost interest in it, but I couldn't remember who it was.

Anyways, good job on those MM3 maps.  That's one long Mega Man game to map.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on October 19, 2008, 10:22:19 pm
Now will somebody please give 4-6 a similar treatment.

Also, Elec Man's map needs some fixing. I can see the life bar in some places, and the screens only appear to be 224 pixels tall, as opposed to the proper 240 pixels.


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on October 20, 2008, 12:02:24 am
I don't want to make any promises, but I think I will redo my MM1, 2, and 4 maps fairly soon. I'm a little busy with something else at the moment, but I might not be able to resist...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on October 20, 2008, 08:10:24 am
Take your time Revned. I only wish I were motivated to continue the Battle Network mapping.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TenguMan on October 25, 2008, 11:58:52 am
I'm a little late with my weekly map of megaman9, but don't worry, it will come soon :)

Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 28, 2008, 04:37:56 pm
No problem.  I see that the Tornado Man maps is now up.  This leaves one Robot Master.  Good job.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 07, 2008, 08:10:56 pm
OK, TenguMan has finished Jewel Man's level.  So we once again have every Robot Master's level mapped.  Thanks TenguMan.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 16, 2008, 08:57:05 pm
It appears that Will is getting back to mapping BN2.  Unfortunately, at the moment I cannot think of a witty descriptor for the number of maps left to rip, so I guess I will just leave it at "truckloads" for now.  Thanks Will.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 23, 2008, 08:11:48 pm
Will has ripped more BN2 maps.  I guess there are still more than I can count...  Good job Will.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on November 29, 2008, 12:56:40 am
I've got another busy weekend ahead of me (as in, the type of "busy") but I should be able to put up another complete set from Revned.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on November 29, 2008, 10:27:03 am
Revned's total revision for Mega Man IV is now up!

Funny how Toad Man's map is the same size (or at least within a tenth of a kB) as ABSelectStart's old one with the tips on it and stuff.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 29, 2008, 05:06:50 pm
Awesome!  They look great Revned.  Thanks.

By the way, has anyone heard from TenguMan lately?  I found a decent quality MM9 speedrun that may be useful in his MM9 mapping.  Hopefully they will help with the planet in the Galaxy Man background and the Wily Castle levels.  In addition, this guide says that there are 42 sections to Endless Mode.  Therefore, it can indeed be mapped.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on November 29, 2008, 11:35:42 pm
I knew it! I just knew the Endless Mode couldn't be literally Endless. Endless levels in a game, there's no such thing. At least I don't believe so, but there are some games with loops like the SMS game "My Hero" or the Arcade game "Ghosts n' Goblins". Anyway you're doing marvellous Tenguman. Hope to see the Wily Castle soon.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TenguMan on November 30, 2008, 10:54:32 am
Hi everyone :)

I tried to make dr. wily's castle maps, but unfortunally there are few screens so it's pretty difficult, I should invent the tilesets... :(

anyway, I saw that there are many screen of Fake Man, so I think I'll recreate his stage..

unfortunally I'm little busy at this time, but I hope to restart making maps with the new year :)

Maybe I'll adopt another system for dr wily, taking photos near the television :P I'don't know yet :P


Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 30, 2008, 01:12:42 pm
No need to apologize, I understand how people can get busy.

By the way, I posted this link a while back, but I had forgotten about it.  It is a file that contains tiles from MM9.  Included is the moon from Galaxy Man's stage and tiles from Wily Castle.  The file extension is .nes, but it will not run in an emulator.  Just open it in a tile viewer and you can extract the graphics from the file.

Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TenguMan on November 30, 2008, 05:05:34 pm
could you tell me a program that can open that file? I'm a little ignorant in this area :P
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on November 30, 2008, 05:17:52 pm
Try this program. The interface should be fairly intuitive.


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on November 30, 2008, 05:32:22 pm
What's the matter with MM5 and MM6's maps? They look alright to me.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on November 30, 2008, 08:55:30 pm
All of them are missing the leftmost 8 columns of pixels, and most of them are missing the top and bottom 8 rows of pixels. Also, none of them have fancy white borders & spacing or title cards.


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on November 30, 2008, 09:21:31 pm
I think RT 55J basically wants all six Mega Man games to be consistent, all done by Revned.

If not all of them, then I think redoing Mega Man and Mega Man II would probably be more "priority" than (re)doing Mega Man V and Mega Man VI...just my opinion...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on November 30, 2008, 10:55:37 pm
I see. If I do them, they'll have to wait until I redo the first two. My interest could wane before I get there.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on December 01, 2008, 08:43:17 am
I never said that Revned would need to redo them all (but it would be nice if they all used the same palette). I just want them to be visually consistent.


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on December 01, 2008, 11:01:20 am
Never knew MM5 and 6 had 8 bottom pixel rows missing. I think it was a buggy emulator. I once used VirtuaNES which was bad because it has 10 left pixel columns missing all the time. What do you use Revned which guarantees quality in NES games. I rely on Jnes but its colour palette isn't really good.

Anyway I've reached the Netopia Castle in Battle Network 2.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on December 01, 2008, 11:26:42 am
Well, I can switch between palettes pretty freely. I wrote a little program to do it. I tried several different palettes before I settled on this.

Will, that's a "feature" of most emulators. Many games don't render properly in the outer 8 pixels. Nestopia lets you choose whether or not to crop this off. Even so, Mega Man 3 and 4 have 8 pixels of black on the left that I had to manually rebuild.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 03, 2008, 12:57:49 pm
In case anyone is interested, I found a walk through walls code for Star Force 2.  (Hopefully it works.)  I also added a link to the WTW codes in the first post.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on December 03, 2008, 05:52:40 pm
Just sent in Mega Man 1. A few notes:

Osrevad's Elec Man map was missing several screens, which was understandable considering that they appeared twice in the stage. My new map is, as a result, quite a bit taller.

MagnetiC's Cut Man map had several single-pixel alignment mistakes that would probably have remained unnoticed if I hadn't remapped it.

My headers have portraits for the robot masters that aren't shown in this game. They are actually from Mega Man III's ending. I also borrowed Dr. Wily's logo.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on December 04, 2008, 09:36:57 pm
Just uploaded Revned's revised maps from the original Mega Man game.

I didn't see the previous post here, but I did notice the considerable Elec Man height difference of about a thousand pixels, and I thought the portraits from Mega Man III were a nice touch, so I was going to mention these points if Revned hadn't already done so.

Revned has now claimed every pixel of the first four Mega Man games!  But we're expecting a rev(ned)ision of Mega Man II...

(It would be cool if someone could "NESsify" Oil Man's and Time Man's stages from Mega Man: Powered Up!, to see what they would look like had they existed in the original.)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 08, 2008, 06:45:34 am
OK, Will has new BN2 maps up.  As far as I can tell, he is about 1/3 of the way through the game.  Good job Will.

<quote=Jonleung>It would be cool if someone could "NESsify" Oil Man's and Time Man's stages from Mega Man: Powered Up!, to see what they would look like had they existed in the original.</quote>

Keep an eye on this.  Progress is slow, but it looks promising.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on December 09, 2008, 04:47:22 pm
II is done and submitted. I still haven't decided on V and VI yet, but I'll keep considering them.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 09, 2008, 08:32:25 pm
Awesome.  Thanks Revned - I'll be looking forward to seeing the new maps.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on December 09, 2008, 10:04:39 pm
A bit of a late in late in the day...but I got Revned's revised Mega Man II up just now.  :)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on December 11, 2008, 02:33:23 pm
Hey! It's been a while since I've been on this board. Yes, I'm loving the Revned revisions so far. I've long thought that someone should take the Game Boy MM maps and consistentify all of them, as well as the Super NES MMX maps, etc.

But maybe I'm just picky. =P


"So this is what it's like..."

- Spark Mandrill
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on December 11, 2008, 03:27:49 pm
Heh. If we really wanted all of those maps now  we'd just combine Will Malia and Revned into one super-mapper (capable of mapping 100 levels in a single bound). :P


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on December 11, 2008, 05:44:02 pm
If I had the time, I'd love to do all five Game Boy games and include all the enemies, but that's a big *if*...


Current projects: Bucky O'Hare (NES), Metal Storm (NES), Clock Tower (SNES), Ristar-The Shooting Star (Gen), Sonic The Hedgehog (Gen), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on December 11, 2008, 08:19:07 pm
RT 55J Said:
Heh. If we really wanted all of those maps now  we'd just combine Will Malia and Revned into one super-mapper (capable of mapping 100 levels in a single bound). :P

Well thanks, but I can't map nearly as fast/much as he can...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on December 13, 2008, 12:49:31 pm
Since everyone knows that mapping is a wise way to spend your time during finals, I've already finished and submitted Mega Man V.

I don't know if anyone noticed, but a couple of Geminiman's maps had some odd palette problems. One of them, for example, had sprites that are actually different from the background shown with the same colors. I'm not sure how that happened.

Also, there are a couple places where it might look like I made synchronization errors with rotating objects. I didn't (knock on wood). I just showed them differently if they're rotating clockwise vs. counterclockwise (anticlockwise for all you non-Americans).
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on December 13, 2008, 06:34:06 pm
I've put up Revned's revised Mega Man V maps.  I look forward to the possible revision of Mega Man VI, though don't sacrifice your studying time to do it, Revned!

In the "Robot Master rematch" in Mega Man V, I'm a little surprised they're back in their original rooms.  Isn't that out of the ordinary?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on December 13, 2008, 07:18:49 pm
Indeed, it's rather disappointing. I liked it better the original way.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Ryan Ferneau on December 13, 2008, 08:42:25 pm
RT 55J Said:
All of them are missing the leftmost 8 columns of pixels, and most of them are missing the top and bottom 8 rows of pixels. Also, none of them have fancy white borders & spacing or title cards.

I don't know of any way to get MegaRockMan 3, 4, 5, or 6 to display the leftmost 8 pixels.

Also, I actually duplicated a column of pixels in BlizzardMan's stage because I thought it best reflected how the game behaved in frame-advance mode.  If anyone has any ideas on how to straighten up that submarine area, I'm open to suggestions.

Finally, I switched palettes after the first four maps I made because I heard this other palette was more accurate.  But now I don't know for sure.  Can anyone direct me to any experts on which palette is "best" for mapping NES games?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on December 13, 2008, 10:49:19 pm
There isn't a way to get them to show up normally. I used a level editor alongside my emulator to get the leftmost column of tiles.

If you're referring to the corrupted rows (not columns) of pixels in the submarine section, that happens in Mega Man 3-6 whenever there are large animations (bosses or the stage itself). I have to manually fix them.

As for palettes, there isn't a "best" one. It's not plain old RGB, so there's some interpretation involved. I just used the one labeled as NTSC on Wikipedia and made a couple of minor tweaks.

I haven't really have any issues replacing other people's maps so far, because mine have been more complete and more polished, but yours I'm not so sure about. Yours all have enemies, so I don't want to just get rid of them. I was going to mention this to Jon, but I think it would be best if he leaves both yours and mine up (once they're finished).

In other news, I found the raw level data in a Mega Man 9 dump. It isn't of much use without the properly ordered tiles (not to mention palettes), but I'll keep digging.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 14, 2008, 12:02:33 pm
Thanks for the new maps Revned.  As usual, they look great.

FYI, original tile data for MM9 can be found here.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on December 14, 2008, 01:06:24 pm
Thanks, but that's not what I need. I know where in the files the tiles are stored, but I have yet to find out how the 16x16 tiles are formed from the 8x8 sub-tiles.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Ryan Ferneau on December 14, 2008, 09:15:02 pm
Oh, okay, I never thought to look for a level editor.

I don't see why we need two almost identical sets of maps, though.  Maybe we can collaborate on a new set of maps somehow.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on December 15, 2008, 11:50:40 am
Sorry, it's a little late for that. I've finished most of the robot master stages already.

I wanted to keep yours because they have merit themselves. So far, yours have been the highest quality of the ones I've replaced. I hate to seem like I'm barging in and invalidating people's hard work...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Ryan Ferneau on December 15, 2008, 05:59:38 pm
Yeah, why are you invalidating people's hard work, anyway?  Is there really that much that needed to be changed?

(I'll admit it now, I had some of the Mr. X stages mapped out before I checked and saw you had already submitted them.)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: MagnetiC on December 15, 2008, 06:08:34 pm
Revned Said:

MagnetiC's Cut Man map had several single-pixel alignment mistakes that would probably have remained unnoticed if I hadn't remapped it.

Those damn stairs! But at least I was consistent ;)

The revised maps look great, especially now that they all have the same style.


Ignorance is bliss.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on December 15, 2008, 07:58:04 pm
Thanks MagnetiC, and sorry to boot you off the list ;-)

Ryan: I remapped Mega Man 1-4 just because I wasn't 100% satisfied with my original maps. I replaced 4 maps by other people while I was at it, both for consistency and accuracy. Then, when I was getting ready to call it quits, RT 55J requested that I do the rest. I was hesitant to replace entire map sets, so I didn't say anything until I had mapped a couple of stages. Then I compared with those already here on VGMaps, and found several mistakes besides the missing pixels around the edges. At that point I decided that it would be worth it to keep going. When I got to yours, however, I wasn't so sure. The mistakes in are few and far between, and yours show enemies that mine don't.

So, I don't know if I should submit the first 8 maps. I don't want any hard feelings.... Anyone else have opinions? I've finished all of the robot masters, so it's not a question of whether or not I should map them at all.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 15, 2008, 08:05:51 pm
Or Revned could have a straight six-game streak - for consistency, not to favor Revned for any other reason but that - if Ryan Ferneau can call dibs on something else.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on December 15, 2008, 11:16:29 pm
I see you've mapped the long speedboat water channel in the Wave Man stage. I myself mapped that in the Game Gear version.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on December 20, 2008, 09:30:18 am
Okay, about an hour ago I put up the revised Mega Man VI maps by Revned.  Ryan's are still there.

So now Revned has pretty much handled every pixel of all six NES Mega Man games (excluding that Wily No Light Japanese board game)!  Such dedication.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 20, 2008, 12:15:23 pm
Great job Revned.  It is amazing that you took the time to map every level of the first 6 games.

Will also put up more BN2 maps.  I would guess that he is about 45% through the game at this point.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on December 24, 2008, 07:31:46 am
When you're finished with Mega Man: Battle Network 2, Will, you should send me another list of the order they should be in.  I only guessed how the new "NAL Airplane" fits together from head to tail judging by the placement of the doors (which was kind of neat) but that might not necessarily be the actual order the rooms should be in.

And did the first Battle Network actually get fully mapped?  It says so on the first post but I thought you said it wasn't or something.  Maybe I'm just confused...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on December 24, 2008, 08:44:20 am
You got the NAL Airplane correct. Indeed it was neat and smart to approximate. I will send a new map list when I'm ready.

I don't recall saying the first battle network wasn't finished. I'm positive every map from the game hardware and software is finished. I've currently got 5 sections of the Airplane Cable Network system not to mention Magnetman to go through. Stay tuned for new information and Merry Xmas.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on December 26, 2008, 10:03:00 pm
Will Said:
I only wish I were motivated to continue the Battle Network mapping.

That was post #304, which apparently I misread.  I thought you meant you had some more of the first game to map, when you were probably talking more about the series in general.

Will, do you plan on mapping all of the Battle Network games eventually?  0_0
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 29, 2008, 08:08:24 am
Thanks for the new BN2 maps Will.  It would be awesome if all of the BN games could be mapped, but I am sure that it would be a difficult feat.  (Especially the games where you have to sort out differences between multiple versions.)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on January 05, 2009, 02:37:44 pm
Aren't 3 White/Blue, 4 Red Sun/Blue Moon, 5 Team Colonel/Team Protoman the same except for minor differences (like the Pok?mon games)?  Was it 6 that was on the GBA and DS, and is that the same case?

Apologies if I got the names wrong above, though I think that's pretty good from memory considering I never played the Battle Network games (except for Network Transmission on the GameCube)...

If the differences are minor, just map one, and say it's for both, except, obviously, any areas that are exclusive.  If it's items that are different, then map the same area but indicate which item(s) appear in which version.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on January 07, 2009, 05:12:08 am
Actually I think there are noticeable differences between Battle Network 3 Blue and White, not like Pokemon but more like Metal Slug 2 and Metal Slug X or Zelda Oracle of Ages and Zeld Oracle of Seasons. I would have to play right through to find out for sure. I am replaying Megaman Battle Network 2, so that I can get a better chance of getting to my destinations easily.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TenguMan on January 10, 2009, 07:12:40 pm
Hi, happy new year to everyone

I'm writing here to say (for who is interested in :D) that I have finally started a new map from Megaman 9...I hope to finish it as soon as possible!

Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 12, 2009, 05:43:43 pm
Happy New Year to you TenguMan.  Nice to hear that you are making progress.  Good luck.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on January 12, 2009, 06:21:03 pm
Glad to know it's not dead TenguMan! And of course, it's nice to hear from you, not just your maps! Happy new year to you too (and everyone else) :)


Current projects: Bucky O'Hare (NES), Metal Storm (NES), Clock Tower (SNES), Ristar-The Shooting Star (Gen), Sonic The Hedgehog (Gen), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Mega Man Zero (GBA), Battletoads (NES)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on January 18, 2009, 08:17:41 am
Should I point out the new map, or do I let marioman or TenguMan do it?  :)
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on January 18, 2009, 08:33:55 am
So far so good with MM9. What exactly is fake about Fake Man? Judging by the police hat on his head in the icon, he must be a fake in society sense of speaking and that would describe him in a nutshell is an "Imposter" to either Dr. Light or the people or both.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 18, 2009, 12:02:11 pm
Awesome.  Thanks for the new map TenguMan.  Only 4 normal stages to go.

Will said:

What exactly is fake about Fake Man? Judging by the police hat on his head in the icon, he must be a fake in society sense of speaking and that would describe him in a nutshell is an "Imposter" to either Dr. Light or the people or both.

Fake Man is a fake police robot.  In Mega Man 9, Fake Man "arrests" Dr. Light and takes him to Wily's fortress.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on January 27, 2009, 06:48:24 am
The same guy who made that Gimmick! editor is making a Mega Man X editor. Since screens in the SNES MM games are actually 256 pixels tall, I think the games should be remapped once his releases a workable version.

Link to a post containing lots of pics


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 19, 2009, 05:43:32 am
OK, Geminiman ripped the map for the Power Room from Mega Man Zero 2.  Unfortunately, I forgot to include the Resistance base in my map count, so there are still 14 maps left.  Thanks Geminiman.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 14, 2009, 11:35:01 am
Will has some new BN2 maps up.  Good job.  It seems that he is really close to completion.  I will try and update the percentage on the first post if Will can give me an idea of what areas still need to be mapped.  *hint hint*
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on March 14, 2009, 12:12:28 pm
Hint granted. There are the remaining 4 Undernet Sectors left, the WWW Internet sectors, a few device systems and last but not least the Kotobuki town and the Gospel Base. I'm not sure about the map count but I'll certainly work on it.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 14, 2009, 01:14:36 pm
OK, thanks.  So lets see...

  4 Undernet sectors

+ 3 WWW sectors

+ 15 Kotobuki rooms/areas

+ 2 Gospel Base sectors

+ device systems (I'll guess 5)

That comes out to (my guess of) 29 maps left.  Which means there are about 20% left.  I'll put that for now.  Sound good?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on March 31, 2009, 08:32:23 am
This week I have submitted a large amount of Battle Network 2 maps. It's gonna be a huge update soon probably. Now I have precisely 146 maps out of 153 maps. All thats left are the 3 WWW sectors and the 4 Undernet sectors.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 01, 2009, 06:36:42 am
Nice.  Thanks for giving an update on the map count.  I will update the list as soon as the maps are uploaded.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 13, 2009, 10:56:06 am
The latest (and very late, sorry) Mega Man: Battle Network 2 maps are up.  There are 33 various ones, mostly including the Kotobuki Condo.

Will, when the game is complete, you might want to send me a file listing of how I should order all the maps.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 13, 2009, 01:00:06 pm
List updated.  I don't see the WWW sectors, so I assume that they are the only 3 of those and 1 Undernet sector left.  That comes to 4 maps.  Keep up the good work Will.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 17, 2009, 11:57:47 am
Megaman Battle Network 2, I have finished entirely today. I am immediately onto Megaman Battle Network 3. I have no idea whether I should be starting Blue or White first, but I've decided to start Blue first. I'll find out what the difference between the two colours in MBN3 are.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 17, 2009, 04:21:12 pm
Congratulations Will.  As usual, the list will be updated as soon as the maps are uploaded.

Good luck with BN3.  You may want to look at this guide to get an idea of the differences are between the games.  It looks like the only differences are the bosses and the chips, so no big deal.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 18, 2009, 09:04:00 am
The Mega Man: Battle Network 2 maps are up.

I just have to check on Will Mallia about a few things, including that I may be missing one...but otherwise, it's done.

Great job as always, Will, but you've got your hands full if you intend to tackle every Mega Man Battle Network game!
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 18, 2009, 09:39:15 am
List updated, as promised.  Thanks Will.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 19, 2009, 08:23:33 am
Okay, I got everything cleared up with Will Mallia, and it turns out we're just missing the Hotel Refrigerator map for Battle Network 2, and he's aware of that.  Once that's sent in and put up, then for sure it'll be done.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 20, 2009, 05:04:45 pm
Looks like TenguMan's MM9 maps are getting a little publicity on the Capcom-Unity boards.  Congratulations.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on May 01, 2009, 09:11:49 pm
The missing Hotel Refrigerator map from Mega Man: Battle Network 2 is now up.  I think it's done for real now...

But Will, you'll have to remind me where it goes chronologically.  I just guessed...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 01, 2009, 11:46:53 pm
Acutally its fine where it is so now the Megaman Battle Network 2 case is closed.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on May 30, 2009, 05:04:39 pm
The first six of Will's maps for Mega Man: Battle Network 3 are now up.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 30, 2009, 06:18:24 pm
...Along with a map of the Aegis Volcano Base from Mega Man Zero 3 courtesy of Geminiman.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on May 30, 2009, 06:50:18 pm
Yes, my bad.  >_<
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on June 06, 2009, 12:24:01 pm
Yesterday I uploaded Mega Man Zero 3's Fallen Battleship, by Geminiman.

Pretty good chance I put it in the wrong place, though.  Seems like there are many major bosses in this game, I'm not sure who's last...
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 06, 2009, 07:24:39 pm
List updated.  Actually that stage is the intro stage, so it should go first.  In addition, the official name for that level is "Derelict Spacecraft."
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on June 13, 2009, 08:36:47 am
I just uploaded Mega Man Zero 3's Frontline Ice Base by Geminiman.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 13, 2009, 02:54:30 pm
List updated.  For the record, here is how the maps should be ordered (I should have probably posted this sooner):

Derelict Spacecraft

Aegis Volcano Base

Oceanic Hwy Ruins

W.R. Factory

Old Residential

Missile Factory

Twilight Desert

Forest of Anatre

Frontline Ice Base

Area X-2

Energy Facility

Snowy Plains

Sunken Library

Giant Elevator

Sub Arcadia

Abandoned Research Lab
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 28, 2009, 06:50:35 pm
So it looks like Geminiman is revamping his Mega Man Zero 4 maps to include changes caused by the weather.  I am not sure if he is going to do this for all of the levels since some of the changes are mostly cosmetic (e.g. the only visible change in the Particle Beam Stage is the background), so I will wait to update the list until I figure out how Geminiman is approaching this before I update the list.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on June 29, 2009, 07:07:50 am
I said before that Super Adventure Rockman wouldn't be possible to map, but come to think of it, couldn't a flowchart be made of it (using a screenshot to represent each cutscene)?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 30, 2009, 07:13:10 am
Interesting idea.  I am completely unfamiliar with the mechanics of Super Adventure Rockman, but I would think that such a flowchart is possible.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on July 01, 2009, 08:48:43 am
I just noticed that Zeric's Mega Man 8 maps are being used as a guide for the Rockman 8 FC project.  This project is somehow affiliated with 2chan, so I am sure that it is a fairly healthy publicity source.  Congratulations Zeric.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on July 03, 2009, 04:57:10 am
I have a question that has been buzzing me for a bit of time, but why do they called the bosses in Mega Man Robot Masters and not refer to them as Androids? They do after all have the build similar enought to humans to be identified as an android. On the other hand they are not made to look like humans much. Even Guts man doesn't mimic human looks at all, but more like a gorilla's. Still robot masters Ice man and Plant man look very life like that I mistook them for biogenetic creations when I first played Mega Man. Do you have any similar views on aspects like these?
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on July 03, 2009, 10:24:13 am
Robot masters are called robot masters because they are robots that are the "masters" of lesser robots.


"its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys" - John Freeman
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on July 03, 2009, 11:06:34 am
I've often wondered, but never bothered to look up, is "Robot Master" an official Capcom term?  Or is it one now, but didn't originate as such?

EDIT: Unless I missed it, the Wikipedia article on "Robot Master" doesn't say anything about the term's origin.  I did notice that it says the term isn't used in Japan.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on August 08, 2009, 10:05:52 am
Yesterday I uploaded Mega Man Zero 4's Magnetic Zone (Stormy) and Particle Beam (Cloudy) by Geminiman.
Title: RE: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 30, 2009, 06:33:32 pm
Quick update to restore what was lost during the hack.  I think that everything is right now.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 09, 2009, 02:48:46 pm
Updated list again to restore information lost during the forum transition.  Since we've got new features now, I may do a little tweaking to improve the list format.

EDIT: I have placed all of the walk through walls codes on the first post in a code tag.  Is there a spoiler/hide tag for this forum?  That would work better.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Maxim on September 10, 2009, 02:45:03 am
There's plenty of formatting available, why not tabulate it?

GameMaps Left
Mega Man   Complete
Mega Man 2 Complete
Mega Man 3 Complete
Mega Man 4 Complete
Mega Man 5 Complete
Mega Man 6 Complete
Mega Man Board Complete
Mega Man 7 Complete
Mega Man & Bass Complete
Mega Man Soccer Complete
...etc. Here's the guide (;page=post#bbcref), but try not to go nuts with the shadowed marquee rainbow-coloured Comic Sans.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 12, 2009, 09:55:56 am
Thanks for the suggestion Maxim.  I'll test a few of the new features and see what I can come up with.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 15, 2009, 05:55:50 am
Just noticed that I missed the late update this weekend.  It looks like Will has ripped some more BN3 maps which brings the map count up to 94.  BN1 has 118 maps and BN2 has 161 maps, so I would guess that he is nearing completion.  Excellent work.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on September 19, 2009, 12:32:16 am
I have now reached the WWW Fortress in Battle Network 3, which makes me at an approximate 85% progress. After the WWW Fortress comes the rest of the Undernet and the Secret Area of the internet. My map count now reaches a total of 113.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 19, 2009, 09:19:21 pm
And like magic, the BN3 map count jumps from 46% to 85%.  Nice work as always.  I am just impressed that you will have reached a map count of about 400 for the three games once BN3 is completed.  Talk about dedication.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on September 21, 2009, 10:18:27 am
Battle Network 3 will soon be finished now that I've dealt with the WWW Fortress. Undernet and Secret Area here I come. By the time I finished its a grand total of 128 for that game.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on September 26, 2009, 12:35:52 am
I have finally finished mapping "Mega Man Battle Network 3" and have submitted the whole lot. I think I'll take a temporary retirement from Mega Man mapping before I proceed to Battle Network 4. In the mean time I have other ideas, you can find on the Map Requests Board. Does anyone know what the differences between the Red Sun and Blue Moon versions of Battle Network?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 26, 2009, 08:36:39 am
BN4 Differences Guide (  The differences are basically bosses, transformations, and chips as far as I can tell.

Congratulations Will.  I'll update the list after the maps are up.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on September 26, 2009, 10:19:39 am
And they're up now!  :)  Thumbs up!
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 26, 2009, 11:17:21 am
List updated.  With BN3 completed, there are 19 Mega Man games left to map.  (Out of 49.)

Congrats again Will.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 11, 2009, 08:38:11 pm
It looks like the folks at Rockman Memorial Hall ( have submitted a complete set of maps for Mega Man X5!  In addition, it looks like RMMH has complete sets of Mega Man X4, Zero 1, and Zero 2 maps on their site.  (And Zero 3, but Geminiman almost has that one completed.)  If they submit them, the only mappable PSX Mega Man game that we will not have maps for will be Mega Man X6, and the only GBA games that we will not have maps for are Zero 3 and Zero 4 which are both in progress.

Thanks to all who were involved in the creation of these maps.  And for those who have not visited RMMH, be sure to do so.  It's a very interesting site.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on October 17, 2009, 10:03:51 am
Mega Man Battle Network 4 is starting. It's good to be back in Mega Man mapping business. When the maps reach the site, you'll notice the outlines within those maps differ from its prequels.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 18, 2009, 07:49:45 pm
This week RMMH submitted their Mega Man X4 maps.  Now Mega Man X6 is the only mappable PSX Mega Man game that has not been mapped.  I am hoping that RMMH will submit their Mega Man Zero 1 and 2 maps in order to finish those games.  If so, they will have single-handedly mapped half of that entire series.

Thanks RMMH.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 26, 2009, 08:20:04 am
More Mega Man maps were submitted this weekend.  RMMH has submitted in-game maps of Mega Man Legends 2, and I think that they complete the game.  (I wouldn't know - never played Mega Man Legends.)  Will has also started BN4, so that has been noted on the list.  Thanks to both of you.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on October 31, 2009, 03:54:40 pm
By the time the next batch of Battle Network 4 maps arrive. I approximate I'm at a 24% progress.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 31, 2009, 06:18:54 pm
Wow!  24% already?  You are really moving through this one.  Good job.

Also, RMMH submitted a complete set of maps of Mega Man Zero.  Thanks.  I must give another plug for, the amount of information on there is amazing.  What's interesting is that the site has shown me a new thing or two about some Mega Man games that I have owned for years.  It's worth it to fire up Google Translator and browse around.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on November 01, 2009, 10:36:58 pm
Nice to see someone else finishing Mega Man Zero. Another project I can officially abandon without feeling guilty.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 09, 2009, 03:33:58 pm
Almost missed the late update this weekend.  RMMH submitted their full set of Mega Man Zero 2 maps, and now over half of the Zero series is completely mapped.  Excellent work.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 13, 2009, 07:48:54 pm
RMMH is continuing their streak of awesome submissions, and this week we get a complete set of in-game maps for The Misadventures of Tron Bonne.  I will admit that I am not a huge Mega Man Legends fan, but the Servbots are absolutely priceless.  Sure they are Lego rip-offs, but I can't get enough of them.[/ramble]

Continued thanks to RMMH for their maps.

EDIT: I guess I posted too soon.  Will also submitted some more BN4 maps.  He is moving through the cyber areas at a very good pace.  I'll update the completion percentage as soon as I get it.  Thanks Will.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on November 16, 2009, 07:13:24 am
Is Mega Man: Battle Network 4 the game that has the crossover with Konami's Boktai?  Looking at the Vampire Manor is what reminded me of it...
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 16, 2009, 05:27:24 pm
Yep - that's the one.  There are also similar crossovers in BN5, BN6, and SF1.  (Well, in Japan anyway...)
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 21, 2009, 05:44:18 pm
Today's update brought us Mega Man Zero 3 maps from RMMH, and BN4 maps from Will.  RMMH's MMZ3 maps completed the map set for the game, so now only Mega Man Zero 4 remains in the Zero series.  Will is now up to 54 maps, so given the number of maps in the other BN games, I am going to guess that he is now at 40% completion.

Good job to both RMMH and Will.  Thanks for your hard work.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 28, 2009, 07:45:58 am
More Mega Man map submissions this weekend.  Will has submitted some more BN4 maps, and his map count is now up to 76.  I'm guessing that he is over halfway finished now.

RMMH also submitted a complete set of maps for the PC version of Mega Man X.  That port is actually interesting because it is relatively faithful to the original, but there are quite a few bugs in it.  (Such as climbing through some ceilings, being able to jump incredibly high, and Vile throwing Mega Man instead of picking him up.)

Thanks to you both.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on December 05, 2009, 12:01:44 am
Today the Battle Network 4 section expands. The Watergod Management System was quite a tricky labyrinth to chart out. I'm guessing that the stage I reach and finish the Undernet must be one of the most anticipating times in Battle Network mapping. I personally prefer the Battle Network 2 Undernet style so far.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 07, 2009, 08:51:59 am
List updated.  Thanks Will.  Nice to see that you have almost completed yet another BN game.  You are a mapping machine.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on December 10, 2009, 06:31:52 am
I have gone through the entire game of Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon, but there some setbacks that prevent the mapset from being officially complete. The Red Sun version has some scenarios seperate from the Blue Moon version, meaning there maybe a bigger map count that that one version alone. The background colours and room layout and sprites change in the Red Sun too. For example the Blue Moon version has purple for a background colour in the residences, whereas it is bright green in the Red Sun version not to mention changes of carpet and furniture colours. I'm beginning to wonder if I should stick with the Blue Moon maps I have already done or should I add the Red Sun versions of the maps in addition? If I am to the entire Red Sun map collection, then that's probably going to mean that the games get seperated in the GBA atlas.

Also I may have to do some revisions of the internet areas to reveal objects that appear when you access the hard and super hard modes of the game.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on December 10, 2009, 07:12:55 am
If only a few areas are different between the two versions, then it would be easier to have the maps appear together, with, in this case, "(Blue Moon)" and "(Red Sun)" at the end of each map name to distinguish them.  Otherwise if the majority are different, then they should be split.

If it's really just backgrounds and items, you could fit them in a single image somehow, I'm sure.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 14, 2009, 07:48:29 am
This weekend RMMH submitted two maps from the Sega Saturn version of Mega Man 8.  While at first these maps may not look much different from Zeric's PSX maps, the Sega Saturn version of Mega Man 8 included two extra areas in which you could fight Cut Man and Wood Man.  With that, the set of Mega Man 8 maps on the site is now complete in both versions.

Thanks RMMH.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 20, 2009, 09:11:35 pm
TenguMan submitted the final four Mega Man 9 maps this weekend!  So now all of the classic Mega Man games are mapped until Mega Man 10 is released in March.  Thank you TenguMan.

Also, Will submitted another set of BN4 maps.  It looks like he is currently at about 67%.  Nice work!
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on December 20, 2009, 10:21:19 pm
Good timing... :-/

I just fixed a bug in the Dolphin emulator so now Mega Man 9 works. That means real ripped maps are coming...
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on December 29, 2009, 04:00:54 pm
This weekend brought a few more BN4 maps from Will.  I think that Undernet Sector 6 was included, so he must be getting close to the end.  Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Zetta on January 01, 2010, 01:24:29 pm
Keep up the great work, Will and Happy New Year!

I'm looking forward to the rest of the BN4 maps and your other mapping projects.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on January 01, 2010, 02:47:42 pm
Unfortunately I have not come up with a plan on how I'm going to display both the Red Sun and Blue Moon version maps simultaneously and I'm personally wondering how the maps are going to be displayed on one mapset should the two versions contain maps not seen in the latter, possibly the Blue Moon map rows could be highlighted blue and the Red Sun rows highlighted red. For the moment I shall turn my attention on finishing the Blue Moon version. What is left to do are the remaining Undernet sectors and the Black Earth Network.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 04, 2010, 08:13:15 am
This week Revned's Mega Man 9 maps were uploaded so that map set is now more complete than it previously was.  All that is left now is the Endless Stage which Revned says is well underway.  In addition, I would like to say that I do appreciate the effort that TenguMan put into his maps, and that such a feat should not go unnoticed.

According to Will's above post, he actually much closer to completion than I expected.  I was estimating that there would be about 140 maps since the other games have about that many, but it seems that there may be about 99 maps in BN4.  As such, the current count has been updated, and there are officially 5 maps to go.  Good work Will.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 11, 2010, 07:22:05 am
Will submitted more BN4 maps this weekend.  It appears that there are only 3 to go.  So close...

On that note, do you plan to map any other BN games after you finish BN4?  I would like to mention that BN4.5 is totally different from BN4, and it has very few maps.  (Around 20 I think.)  Some people mistakenly think that BN4.5 is an enhanced version of BN4, but in actuality they are completely different games.  Just thought that I would point this out.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on January 11, 2010, 10:02:57 am
In order to access the Black Earth areas, first I have to collect all the Regular Chips. Thanks for telling what to expect in Battle Network 4.5 . With such few maps, this sounds like a golden opportunity to get two games done in short duration.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 17, 2010, 11:33:13 am
This week's update brings us a complete set of maps for Mega Man 9's Endless Attack mode.  That's right, all 42 rooms are fully mapped now.  The map only shows off all of the possible rooms in Endless Attack, but the arrangement of the rooms also shows off Revned's mad Tetris skills.  The fact that he managed to neatly fit all of the rooms in a 4208x4128 pixel space is rather impressive in itself.

With that, all 10 mainstream Mega Man games are currently mapped in their entirety.  That will change here in a few months when Mega Man 10 is released, but Revned has indicated that he plans to map that one too once it is released.  Congratulations and thanks to Revned.

Also, Will has submitted the last Undernet map for BN4.  So, that just leaves the two Black Earth maps.  Keep it up.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on January 20, 2010, 11:13:28 pm
I have finished the last of the Battle Network 4 maps (and revised all internet maps). The map count total for this game reaches to exactly 100 maps (would be 115 if the Watergod Management System were split). Now I am already beginning on Battle Network 4.5.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on January 21, 2010, 06:33:35 am
Will is a mapping machine.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 25, 2010, 03:52:52 pm
And Will has finished BN4!  In addition to submitting the last of the BN4 maps, Will has also started on BN4.5.  I just counted and it appears that he has passed the 500 map milestone for the BN maps.  Quite impressive.

In other news, RMMH has started uploading Zero 4 maps to their site, so hopefully the Zero series will be completed soon.  I am hoping they will also submit their Legends 1 and Legends 2 Episode 1 maps in order to finish the mappable sections of the Legends games.  *hint hint*

Congratulations to Will on mapping yet another BN game.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on January 26, 2010, 07:57:40 am
You guys probably noticed that I listed it as "Rockman EXE 4.5: Real Operation (J)", but on the /Atlas/ page, also as "Mega Man: Battle Network 4.5: Real Operation (J)", despite never having been released in English, and so that English name is the likely one if it was (though the subtitle, maybe not).

Perhaps worth mentioning in another topic altogether but it's difficult to be consistent with Japanese titles, like do I use them, or the commonly accepted English titles?  Do I list it as Mother or EarthBound Zero?  Akumajō Dracula X: Chi no Rondo or Castlevania: Rondo Of Blood?  The Japanese one is more "proper", but as this web site is in English, the English name might be more recognizeable.  (I suppose I should probably stop talking about a possible (now more like hypothetical) revamp, but if I did away with the whole listing thing and had a search function, I could have the games get pulled up using any of a number of searchable names...)

Mega Man titles have always been tricky, too...  It's generally two words but many later titles (the later X series and Battle Network) make it look like one (like his Japanese name, Rockman).  With all capitals most of the time you wonder if it's supposed to really have "CamelCaps" (MegaMan) when it's one word.  The main series uses numbers on the boxes but Roman numerals in-game (at least from 2/II-7/VII).  I swear it makes a lot more sense for the X sequels to have a space between the title and the number (ie. "Mega Man X 2" instead of "Mega Man X2", in the same way that it's "Spider-Man 2", not "Spider-Man2"), but I will give in at some point there too as clearly it's official that way.  And then there are oddities like if it's "Mega Man Soccer" or "Megaman's Soccer", and Mega Man III for NES, PC, and Game Boy being three totally different games...
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on January 30, 2010, 04:34:21 pm
More of the Real Operations maps show today as well as one from the Wonderswan Colour game. I've never mapped Wonderswan games before. This game's areas are divided into parts I've linked with lines. I don't find this game nearly as outstanding as the Wily Wars and the Mega Man X games and I think Battle Network just doesn't fit as a platformer.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 30, 2010, 08:40:44 pm
List updated.  I didn't think about all of the little areas in BN4.5 so I guess there are more maps than I expected.  Anyway, after counting up those areas my guess is that there are about 35 maps in the game so I'll just use that number in the list total for now.  Please correct me if I am wrong.  It is also nice to see some maps from the BN Wonderswan.  Once that game is finished, the Mega Man games which haven't been mapped yet will be limited to the GBA, DS, and PSX.  (And Wii after MM10 comes out, but Revned should be all over that one once it is released.)

Nice work as usual Will.  As Rew said, you are a mapping machine.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on January 30, 2010, 11:38:41 pm
I think Battle Network just doesn't fit as a platformer.

Actually, I liked Mega Man: Network Transmission (GameCube), the only Battle Network game I played more than an hour of, and finished, even.  The first few areas are repetitive, but once you get past that, it's pretty fun.  I even got that secret chip or whatever you get for shooting that dog like two hundred times without missing.  Or maybe my brother did that.  In any case, between the two of us, we finished it.  I'm guessing maybe the WonderSwan Color game just didn't have the resources or effort put into it, I mean, it's for the WonderSwan, seriously.  :P

But thanks for your continued hard work on this series, Will.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on February 02, 2010, 06:09:41 am
I never saw Mega Man Transmission on the list. I looked at videos on YouTube and its definitely super cool. My favourite music track is Quickman's Stage.

Prepare to be amazed. I have finished and posted all the Battle Network 4.5 maps and by coincidence there are 45 maps in total. I'm ready to proceed to the 5th Battle Network game. I have decided to start off with the Team Colonel version of Battle Network 5. You might say I have the habit of choosing titles with blue in them, because Mega Man is blue. Like it's prequel, Battle Network 5 has room colour and decoration differences in Team Protoman and Team Colonel, but I have no idea what the differences between the GBA games and the DS game are. Judging by the name it's probably just two games in one rom, unless there special bonuses the GBA roms lack. I have tried out the walk-through cheat code for Battle Network 5 and it doesn't work on either Team Colonel or Team Protoman, so I'll need convenient codes before I can proceed.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 02, 2010, 04:11:40 pm
Quote from: Will
I never saw Mega Man Transmission on the list. I looked at videos on YouTube and its definitely super cool. My favourite music track is Quickman's Stage.

Yeah, I never included it because I am not sure that Gamecube games are actually mappable.  If someone can convince me otherwise, I will be glad to add it.

Quote from: Will
Prepare to be amazed. I have finished and posted all the Battle Network 4.5 maps and by coincidence there are 45 maps in total. I'm ready to proceed to the 5th Battle Network game. I have decided to start off with the Team Colonel version of Battle Network 5. You might say I have the habit of choosing titles with blue in them, because Mega Man is blue.

Absolutely amazing.  So BN4.5 had many more maps that I expected, but not more than half of the other games.  I'll update the list when the maps are posted on the site.

Quote from: Will
Like it's prequel, Battle Network 5 has room colour and decoration differences in Team Protoman and Team Colonel, but I have no idea what the differences between the GBA games and the DS game are. Judging by the name it's probably just two games in one rom, unless there special bonuses the GBA roms lack.

AFAIK, BN5 DS is just two games on one DS card.  There is an extra cross and there is the ability to mix/match navis from both games, but I don't think that there are any significant differences other than that.

Quote from: Will
I have tried out the walk-through cheat code for Battle Network 5 and it doesn't work on either Team Colonel or Team Protoman, so I'll need convenient codes before I can proceed.

Try this one: 82013774 0001.  It was listed for Team Protoman, but I would think that it works for both.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 06, 2010, 03:01:59 pm
List updated.  Will's BN4.5 maps are now up, so there are only three BN games that are currently unmapped.  (Excluding the few extra maps in Operate Shooting Star.)  He also has a healthy start on BN5.  Excellent work Will - I am sure that there are very few fans out there that would take the time to generate this many maps for one series.  What's interesting is that Will is starting BN5 with a total of exactly 555 maps already ripped in BN1-BN4.5.  Interesting...

In other news, RMMH has all of the Zero 4 maps completed sans the Deep Sea and the Artificial Sun maps.  I would expect that they will be completed within a week.

Also, Will's mention of Mega Man Network Transmission gave me the idea to create a list of unmappable Mega Man games.  It is now at the end of the main post.  That post is rather long already, so feedback on whether to keep the list of unmappable games would be welcomed.  If enough people think that the list of unmappable games clutters the first post too much, I will be glad to remove it.

Anyways, congratulations to Will for completing another BN game.  Good luck with BN5.

EDIT:  By the way, it appears that Revned's MM9 Endless Attack map is being used in the search for Seth Killian's elusive MM9 secret. (  Hopefully Revned's maps will help locate the secret soon.  (Personally, I am sick of Seth's taunting - if you don't want to tell what the secret is, don't mention it at all. [/rant])

EDIT2:  RMMH's Zero 4 maps have been completed.  Hopefully they will submit them here soon...
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on February 14, 2010, 12:53:03 am
In my progress, I have encountered a labyrinth in the Squirrel Statue System which has a likeness to the Watergod Management System in the previous game. Liberation Missions are a new, exciting feature introduced in the 5th Battle Network game. I am now on to mapping the Oran Internet System. I'll keep you updated as I carry on.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 14, 2010, 11:37:58 am
List updated.  Looking good Will.  Funny, BN5 is the only Battle Network game that I seriously tried to play.  I found the liberation missions bothersome as you only have a set number of turns to defeat an enemy/boss.  Since you are at the second liberation mission of six, I will guess you are 30% done.  (Already?!?!)

Also, it looks like RMMH submitted their Zero 4 maps.  However, the cloudy Magnetic Zone map is missing.  I am not sure what is going on there, but as soon as that map is uploaded, the Zero series will be complete!

Thanks to Will and RMMH.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 22, 2010, 06:42:52 am
Will submitted some more BN5 maps this weekend.  The map count is 68 now and he has mapped Liberation Mission 3, so I will guess that he is about halfway done.

Good job Will.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on March 01, 2010, 12:16:44 am
I am currently working on the Cruiser Network System. There are four sections and I've currently done half. Progress is slow because I'm trying to get accurate positions of the currents, bubbles and twisters. The layouts of the Cruiser Network System maps seem to differ in many ways to Megaboy's versions.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on March 01, 2010, 05:05:10 pm
I'm looking forward to Revned possibly cooking us up some Mega Man 10 maps.  :)
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on March 01, 2010, 07:33:07 pm
The game has been out for less than 12 hours. You really can't expect me to have made any... uh... progress....
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 01, 2010, 08:36:05 pm
Wow, that was fast.  The Sheep Man map looks excellent.  Can't wait to see more.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention.  Will is currently at 70 maps for BN5, but it appears that he hasn't gotten to the fourth liberation mission yet.  So I am just going to leave the BN5 map count where it is for now.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on March 01, 2010, 10:20:22 pm
I like the Famicom cartridge circuit boards scattered around the level (most notably, under Octobulb).
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on March 02, 2010, 08:56:47 am
Revned is the man! This is also quite useful for figuring out which blocks to eliminate while trying for the 1-Up for W-Tank. :)

I'm really looking forward to the Wily Castle 1 map. With all the different branching paths, that should be fun to see.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on March 02, 2010, 07:51:42 pm
If you consider that an official submission, Revned, expect it up even before the weekend.  :)
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on March 02, 2010, 08:16:01 pm
Nah. Unless you really want to, I'll just submit them all at once.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on March 02, 2010, 08:18:39 pm
What's the ETA for that?

Just, you know...curious.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on March 02, 2010, 10:22:41 pm
Hmm. Probably a few weeks. I'm pretty busy lately, just got lucky yesterday.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on March 03, 2010, 11:59:14 pm
Solar Man.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on March 04, 2010, 08:00:34 pm
Did you skip Pump Man's area, or did I miss it, or are you not doing these by recommended play order?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on March 05, 2010, 01:11:47 am
Not going in order. It only runs at half speed on my computer, so the boss fights are easy enough with the Mega Buster.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on March 05, 2010, 06:30:35 am
Revned, are you going to map out the individual challenge mini-levels too?

(Also, Sheep and Solar Man stages look great!)
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on March 05, 2010, 09:21:48 am
Not sure yet. They're kind of boring looking by themselves. Ask me when I finish the main maps.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Zetta on March 05, 2010, 02:55:39 pm
Those are some pretty damn awesome maps, Revned.

Would it be asking too much to include enemy sprites/locations in them as well?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on March 05, 2010, 06:59:34 pm
That's not my style. I like to map levels in more of a static sense. Enemies aren't really part of the levels, in my mind.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on March 13, 2010, 11:57:37 am
I've finished two more stages. I might be able to finish another over the weekend, but I'll be out of town for a week starting Tuesday.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 13, 2010, 12:25:04 pm
Can't wait to see the new maps Revned.  I just added Mega Man 10 to the list.  (I know, I know, it's about time.)  I have 18 maps on the list right now - 16 for the normal stages, and 2 for Endless Attack and Challenge Mode.  Revned had mentioned that he may not map Challenge Mode, but I'll include it anyway.  Many of the challenges reuse the same level layouts, so there may not be that many rooms to be mapped.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 21, 2010, 06:43:32 pm
List updated.  Will is now to Liberation Mission 4 of 6 in BN5 (81 maps), so I am guessing he is about 65% of the way to completion.  I just noticed that there are actually 9 Liberation Missions in the game, but the last 3 are in the special scenario after you defeat the final boss.  So they should not affect the map count as much as the other Liberation Missions do.  Nice work Will.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on March 26, 2010, 11:35:13 pm
Just a quick update on MM10: I'm currently working on Wily 2 and hope to finish the rest in time for this weekend's update.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 28, 2010, 07:55:33 pm
And they're up.  The maps look good Revned.  It's interesting look at the map for a Mega Man level after you have actually played the level.  I usually find that the level looks much more simplistic as a map than it does in the game.  Kind of a strange effect...

Will also has some more BN5 maps up.  He is now to the 5th Liberation Mission, but he is already at 107 maps.  He still has a 6th Liberation Mission, the final boss area, and the extra scenario to go, so I am not sure how high the map count is going to get.  It will be interesting to see how many there are after Will is finished.

Nice work to both of you.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on March 29, 2010, 06:12:59 pm
Here ('s an interesting thing I noticed about the background of Solar Man's level.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on March 29, 2010, 07:29:40 pm
Now *that* is why I love making screenshot maps! Every once in a while you'll run into a map where the designer has clearly put as much thought into the purely aesthetic aspect of his work than we do mapping it.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on March 29, 2010, 08:43:36 pm
Hey, I didn't notice that. That's pretty cool.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 31, 2010, 08:40:59 pm
Here ('s an interesting thing I noticed about the background of Solar Man's level.

Wow.  That level designer must be some sort of perfectionist.  Nice catch.

Also, I just noticed that RMMH has started maps for both Mega Man X6 and Mega Man ZX.  They are available in the RMMH Extra Hall (  Hopefully they will submit them here too once they are finished.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 03, 2010, 01:03:24 pm
I have reached the Factory Network System. There are four sections. These are the most complicated of cyber world maps I've come across so far, due to the many lights that flash, the wavy lined conveyer belts and the scattered sprites. Thanks for mentioning the secret liberation missions Marioman, I'll keep that in mind and map em' out when my chance comes.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 04, 2010, 07:23:08 pm
No problem - glad to help.  Your submissions bring the current map count up to 110.  It seems that the Liberation Missions may make BN5's post-ending scenario a little longer than the ones for the other games, so I believe that I am going to leave the number on the list where it is for now.  I know that there are at least 10 more maps remaining, but I am not sure of the exact number.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 05, 2010, 08:00:55 am
I have finished most of the Battle Network 5. All I need to complete is the Undernet System and the Nebula Internet System. By the time I've succeeded in Battle Network 5, there will be a total of 130 maps.

One thing puzzles me is this. The Cruiser Network System and the Gargoyle Network System have three sections, but the Interordi website indicates there are four sections. Could it be that there is a noticeable between Team Colonel and Team Protoman after all i.e. one or two sections differ between versions? If that is the case, how can it be indicated on the website? I may have to play through Team Protoman to find out.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 05, 2010, 08:32:58 am
It appears that Team Protoman has an extra area before the ShipComp1 area in Team Colonel.  I am sure that the same is also true for Gargoyle Castle.  So I guess there is a slightly larger version difference in BN5 than there is in BN3 and BN4.  It does make me wonder if Team Colonel got anything extra in place of those areas.  Anyways, I've updated the list to reflect your final total of 130 maps.

Also, one of the MM10 special stages will be released this week.  Wonder how long it will take Revned to map it...

EDIT: After doing a web search on the extra BN5 area, I found one place that says that the extra areas are only available in the Japanese versions of the games.  I am not able to confirm this, but it may be worth checking out.

EDIT2: I have confirmed that the areas in question are only available in the Japanese version of the game.  For the record, the Japanese version's ShipComp1 and GargoyleComp2 areas are the ones that are missing.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on April 05, 2010, 10:12:51 pm
Not too long  :)
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: RT 55J on April 06, 2010, 12:18:58 am
This article ( and its accompanying images ( are pertinent to our interests.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 06, 2010, 04:46:25 pm
Not too long  :)

Hmmm...  I assume that you made that map as you were speedrunning the level?  :P  Excellent work.

This article ( and its accompanying images ( are pertinent to our interests.

*Looks at the images on the desk*  Too bad they're not Revned's maps.  It would be really neat if they were.  The April Fools joke was a little lame though.  I mean, who is going to really believe that Capcom is going to try to actually build stages from a Mega Man game?  Interesting read though.

In other news, I have determined that MM10's Challenge Mode has at most 31 unique rooms.  Many of the boss and weapon challenges use the same room layout, so that cuts the number of rooms down significantly.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on April 06, 2010, 05:53:01 pm
I actually got frustrated playing the level, so I put the controller down and started mapping.

I'm almost certainly not doing Challenge Mode, but if I did, I think this would be one place where I would have to include the enemies. The levels are very generic by themselves.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 07, 2010, 05:25:11 am
And the Special Stage 1 map is up, so the list has been updated.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Peardian on April 07, 2010, 08:43:37 am
I don't know if this has been brought up before, but I noticed Rockman Strategy ( isn't on the list or the site. Given the nature of the game, it might be potentially doable but I'm not sure.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 07, 2010, 10:56:13 am
I think that it has been brought up before, but at the time I wasn't sure if it was really an official release.  (There is next to no information about it on the Web.)  I have more or less confirmed its legitimacy since the last time it was mentioned, and the few screenshots I have seen indicate that it is potentially mappable.  So it's on the list now - thanks for mentioning it.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 11, 2010, 07:29:50 pm
This week Will continues to work through BN5 and has reached 120 maps.  It looks like he has only the Undernet and Nebula areas left.  (Aside from those extra areas which were mentioned earlier, but I am not sure if he is going to try to map them or not.)  Almost there...
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 14, 2010, 10:19:00 am
I have completed the entire set of Liberation Missions. All that remains is the remaining Nebula Internet System sectors and a single Undernet System sector, not to mention the Japanese version sections of the Ship and the Gargoyle.

I have discovered a certain something in my spare time. Mega Man's symbol has a striking close resemblence to the chest symbol of Galactus from "The Silver Surfer" 1998 TV series.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 16, 2010, 07:37:04 pm
It looks like Revned's Mega Man 10 maps got some publicity ( on The Mega Man Network.  The Mega Man Network is one of the largest Mega Man fan sites, and they don't usually post things like this.  So getting a MMN spot is quite an honor.  Congrats Revned.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 19, 2010, 08:02:50 am
A load of maps for the Nebula Internet System were submitted this weekend.  This brings the map count up to 125, and it looks like Will has 5 maps left.  (Nebula 2, Nebula 4, Undernet 1, Japanese Cruiser 1, Japanese Gargoyle 2.)  The good news is that the Liberation Missions are done, so there are just a few miscellaneous maps to go.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 24, 2010, 12:20:42 am
I have completed the Nebula Internet System. That means all the maps from the European and US versions are all done of Battle Network 5. While I'm looking into the Japanese version to get the remaining two maps, I've begun a few Battle Network 6 maps to whet your appetite. See if you can guess which of the two games I'm doing. Both versions have a difference in room colours and decorations as before, but I'll probably find major differences later. Unfortunately the walk through wall code didn't work on Cybeast Falzar or Cybeast Gregar.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on April 24, 2010, 09:30:50 pm
Will, I can't believe it, but it looks like you're going to end up mapping the entire Battle Network series. Whatever are you going to do after MMBN6 is finished?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 25, 2010, 08:00:13 pm
Wow!  Huge Mega Man update this weekend.  Let's see where I should start...

RMMH submitted the cloudy map for Mega Man Zero 4's Magnetic Zone, so that game is now complete.  For that matter, the Mega Man Zero series is now completely mapped!  Thanks RMMH.

Also from RMMH is a complete set of maps for Mega Man ZX's Area A.  It is nice to see that maps being created for that game.  The backgrounds are very nice.

And last but not least, Will's BN5 maps have been uploaded along with the BN6 ones.  Once the last two BN5 maps are up, the final map count will be 134.  Again, very impressive work Will.

See if you can guess which of the two games I'm doing. Both versions have a difference in room colours and decorations as before, but I'll probably find major differences later.

Seeing as you have this thing for blue (Blue Sun and Team Colonel), I would guess that you are mapping the Gregar version since Gregar is blue.

Unfortunately the walk through wall code didn't work on Cybeast Falzar or Cybeast Gregar.

Try this one:  3EC0468C 43E1540F

Will, I can't believe it, but it looks like you're going to end up mapping the entire Battle Network series. Whatever are you going to do after MMBN6 is finished?

For the record, the BN series will not be done just yet.  There will still be the extra scenario from Operation Shooting Star and the Wonderswan game which will be unmapped.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 26, 2010, 08:10:58 am
That code did not work either I'm afraid. Is it a code for the "Code..." option, the "Gameshark..." option or the "Codebreaker..." option? The codes I'm used to typing are always for Codebreaker with 8 X digits and 4 Y digits. If the two previous codes didn't work because of a specific rom, then my rom name is Cybeast Gregar (E)(Rising Sun). Rest assured, I'll attempt to carry on before the correct code arrives.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 26, 2010, 09:33:44 am
I got the code from GameFAQs. (  After looking at it again, it looks like it is an Action Replay code for the North American version of the game, so it may not work on the European version.

Here is a Codebreaker code that I found.  See if it works for you:  82012114 0001
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 26, 2010, 01:35:43 pm
This is probably going to be the hardest hunt for a walk through wall code that actually works on any one of the Battle Network 6 roms. I've tried a compilation of different codes for the Codebreaker in all the different versions and it won't activate in the Real World or the Cyber World. I have researched on different cheat sites for it only to find the same Gameshark Code and codes that won't work. Well nobody has the actual Codebreaker cheat. It looks like I'm by myself. I have already started my first Internet map.

EDIT: I have other news which makes the completion of the Battle Network series one tough nut to crack. The Japanese version of BN6 has got in-game maps which never appears in the US and EU versions and the Japanese version of BN5 not only has the extra Ship and Gargoyle Castle sections, but also bigger modified versions of certain Cyber World maps. If the other games have such noticable differences, it's going to a long investigation to carry out.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 26, 2010, 06:19:18 pm
Wow.  I didn't know that there were that many differences in the BN games.  What's weird is that the differences are based on the language version instead of the game version.  (Red Sun/Blue Moon, etc)

Too bad walk through walls codes aren't working.  I would think that at least one out of the three would work.  For what it's worth, I found the code in my last post on an Asian website, so it may be for the Japanese version.  Also, you may want to try entering the code in the first post as a game modification code - I am not sure what type it is.

In other news, the last of the Mega Man 10 DLC has been released in some regions.  Maybe we will see maps for it soon?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on April 26, 2010, 06:23:25 pm
I'm dumping my Wii's memory as I write this, but I won't be able to do any actual mapping until next week. My last weeks of school (ever) have been the busiest (ever)  :-(
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 03, 2010, 09:51:20 am
Will is continuing to work through BN6 and has submitted a few more maps.  I assume that this means that you found a walk through walls code?  I haven't had any luck in finding one, but if you haven't found one yet I suggest placing a request on a cheat website such as GSCentral or The GSHI.  Hopefully they will be able to get you a working code.

Also, Revned has ripped the last two Special Stages for Mega Man 10.  This completes all of the "normal" stages and only leaves Endless Attack and Challenge Mode.  It is worth noting that MM10's Endless Attack has many more references to previous Mega Man games than MM9's Endless Attack did, so it will be interesting to see the complete set of maps if/when Revned decides to map that mode.  So far I have noticed areas from Mega Man, Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Mega Man 4, Mega Man 5, Mega Man 6, and Mega Man 9 in the MM10 Endless Attack mode.  I am still looking for references to other games, but all of the 8-bit games are represented here.

Excellent work to you both.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 03, 2010, 10:17:03 am
I don't actually have a walk through wall code, I'm just forced to make do without one until I procure one. Still you get good maps though. If I have to map without the code through the entire game, it's an ultimate challenge.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 09, 2010, 09:08:13 pm
List updated.

Will has started mapping the Japanese-only areas of BN5.  There are a lot more of those areas than I thought.  Good work Will.

Also, RMMH is continuing to submit their ZX maps.  This week they gave us a full set of maps for Area F.  (Area F has very nice backgrounds BTW.)  Thanks very much to them.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 17, 2010, 03:53:33 am
The new Battle Network 6 maps this week (especially the Academy Security Network System maps) demonstrates I am not inactive without the walk through wall code, although there are a few maps I have left out and didn't submit because I could fully map them, since I cannot view the out of reach areas. I shall continue as best I can. I am currently playing both the Japanese and US/EU versions of the game so that I can get the in-game internet maps to combine with the fully ripped ones. I am surprised all the other Battle Network games never had in-game maps, but that has changed for the first two since Operate Shooting Star's existence.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 17, 2010, 04:22:32 pm
List updated.  RMMH also submitted maps for ZX's Area C.  Thanks to the people at RMMH.

...I am not inactive without the walk through wall code, although there are a few maps I have left out and didn't submit because I could fully map them...
...I am currently playing both the Japanese and US/EU versions of the game...
Have you tried any of the previously posted walk through walls codes with the other versions of the game?  (At one point you seemed to indicate that you were only trying the codes on the EU version.)  This guide ( has an AR code for the US version.  There was also that Codebreaker code that I found on the Asian site.  (82012114 0001)  It may work on the JP version.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 22, 2010, 11:15:38 am
Thanks for that code. It really worked. Now I shall be able to skim through the areas without a problem. Soon I shall begin a map list to conveniently arrange what I've done so far. Currently I'm in the aquarium and any time soon shall meet Circusman.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 23, 2010, 09:18:37 pm
List updated.

Will, I am glad to hear that you got one of the BN6 walk through walls codes working.  Which one was it?  I will update the broken code on the first post with the working one once I figure out which one it is that works.  The maps are looking really good.  Hopefully I will soon be able to calculate a completion percentage for the main post. 

Also, RMMH posted maps for Mega Man ZX's Area G, and four(!) maps for Mega Man X6.  I have recalculated the number of maps for Mega Man X6 in order to match RMMH's mapping method, and there are only 8 maps remaining.  Excellent job.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 30, 2010, 11:07:56 am
The code that worked was for the Japaneses version. With that I can easily access the things that don't appear in the English versions. The very next submission I send will contain the map list I have already started working on.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 31, 2010, 05:02:40 pm
List updated.  It looks like you are working on Chapter 3 of BN6, so I will assume you are about 20% of the way through.  I also updated the BN6 walk through walls on the first post.  Thanks.

In other news, RMMH has started mapping Mega Man X7!  Their maps are available in their Extra Hall (  Traditional maps are available in the Stagemap section of the site, but you will note that there is also a 3D Stagemap section where they have uploaded 3D models of the stages.  These models can be easily viewed using a plug-in for Quicktime.  (See the README in the 3D Maps section for instructions on how to install the plug-in.) 

The addition of these 3D maps brings up a few interesting points regarding the mapping of 3D games.  One of the obvious barriers to capturing 3D environments is having readily accessible way to create/store/view them.  I think that RMMH is dumping their maps with 3D Ripper DX ( so creating he models probably isn't that hard.  The .FBX format that RMMH is using seems to work well, but the file size tends to large.  (About 100 MB for one stage.)  Also, while you can pan the camera through the maps, it can be sort of hard to move it through enclosed areas such as tunnels.  Any comments on how this method of "mapping" could be used for other 3D games?

[/ramble]  Anyway, RMMH also seems to show interest in mapping Mega Man X8 so I have added X7 and X8 to the list.  Very nice work.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Peardian on June 02, 2010, 11:02:25 am
I dunno. Having to download huge model files and a plugin to view them with QuickTime of all things seems like too much of a burden on the viewers. Until browsers get better/any reasonable 3D support, there won't be any easy way to handle them.

(On a side note, anyone with C4D can view those models, though the alpha channels on textures seem to be missing.)
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on June 04, 2010, 08:29:48 pm
Anyone seen Press The Button's "Capcom Turnaround" article (

It makes use of the several Mega Man maps from VGMaps, of course.

Probably a bigger deal than it is, this "turnaround" is a logical way to not "waste" screen space, when the map goes down only one screen height and then continues to the right.

When you fall from above, you're usually going to go to the far right of that previous screen, but when you come down, it'll be a waste of the left side of the screen if you just went right immediately from there.  Similarly, you could come down earlier, more to the left, but that would be a waste of the right side of the previous screen.  You could fall straight down the middle, but it's still as wasteful, not to mention boring.

You could have a map where the above screen loops back to the left before dropping down to the next screen.  But it seems more "natural" to go back then forward (within the same screen), instead of forward then back, even if the net effect of a crude "Z" shape is still the result.

Even so, I guess it's a neat article, in that provides a look at something that may otherwise have been harder to spot.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on June 05, 2010, 11:01:55 pm
Today a lot of new Battle Network 6 maps appear. My next destination will be Sky Town and there's a navi I have not encountered for the past five games: Elec Man.

The "Turnaround" article was a pretty interesting observation and I've seen it in games other than Capcom's, especially in the Ninja Gaiden trilogy. I wonder why they didn't indicate the images came from this site. Since our maps have a unique style, there can be no mistake about it.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on June 06, 2010, 09:06:05 pm
Wow, those MMX7 maps really are HUGE. But it's still really impressive they're mapping that game--I didn't think it was possible. I wonder if they're going to be fool enough to map Command Mission too? =P

Also, I feel really retarded, but I only just now realized something. Guess what year it is?

Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 07, 2010, 07:38:50 pm
List updated.

Anyone seen Press The Button's "Capcom Turnaround" article (
Yeah I saw it a while back - it's a really good read.  The recurrence of this design element makes wonder if it serves a purpose other than just being a level design element.  I heard somewhere (I wish that I could remember where) that the double doors before the Robot Masters were originally added to the games in order to give the NES a chance to clear its RAM before the boss fight.  Wonder if the turnaround was added so the NES would have enough time to load the next part of the level...

Another interesting thing about this article is that it has spawned two more useless but interesting articles on the Mega Man Network: The Great Mega Man Finger Phenomenon ( and The Mystery of Wily Castle’s Pipe. (

Today a lot of new Battle Network 6 maps appear. My next destination will be Sky Town and there's a navi I have not encountered for the past five games: Elec Man.
Shame on you for ignoring Elec Man.  :P  You have 54 maps up now, so I'm guessing you are at about 30%.  Nice job.

RMMH also got the Intro Stage up for Mega Man X7.  They have all but 4 of the X7 stages mapped on their site, so I would think that those maps will make their way here eventually.  Also added this weekend was Area G for Mega Man ZX.  It looks like ZX is about 1/3 of the way done now.  Thanks RMMH.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Peardian on June 07, 2010, 11:52:07 pm
Say, why are the cell phone games deemed unmappable? I know I've seen sprites from mobile phone games on tSR, so I know at least something like it can be done.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 08, 2010, 06:04:29 am
Say, why are the cell phone games deemed unmappable? I know I've seen sprites from mobile phone games on tSR, so I know at least something like it can be done.
Yes, sprites from mobile phone games do exist, but I believe that they were extracted directly from the games' code.  While I would not rule out the possibility that someone could extract maps in a similar manner (or at least extract the tiles and reconstruct the maps by hand), I have yet to see anyone successfully do anything like that.  The "unmappable" list is very tentative so if someone shows me that a game can be mapped (Mega Man X7 for instance), I will move it to the main list.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 13, 2010, 07:02:57 pm
List updated.  Will has more BN6 maps up.  It looks like he finished Sky Town and the map count is up to 65.  Also, RMMH submitted some more X7 maps.  They have all but 4 levels mapped on their site so they are really close to completion.  Good work to both of you.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on June 16, 2010, 12:24:28 am
I sure lost momentum when I got to MM10's Endless Attack. I guess the name doesn't really make the task seem any easier ;) Anyway, I don't know when I'll finish it. Lots of stuff going on in real life, and lots of other things are distracting me in my free time. But I haven't forgotten!
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 20, 2010, 07:59:39 pm
List updated.  RMMH has submitted more X7 maps which brings the number of mapped stages up to 5.  On the RMMH site, all of the stages have been mapped except for the two Crimson Palace levels.  RMMH has also started posting maps for ZX Advent on their site, so maybe we will start seeing some of them here too.  Thanks RMMH.

Will has also submitted some more BN6 maps.  He is up to 72 maps now, so I will guess that he is at about 50%.  Nice work.

I sure lost momentum when I got to MM10's Endless Attack. I guess the name doesn't really make the task seem any easier ;) Anyway, I don't know when I'll finish it. Lots of stuff going on in real life, and lots of other things are distracting me in my free time. But I haven't forgotten!

Nice to hear that you are still planning to map MM10's Endless Attack.  Good luck with compiling the maps and I am sure that we will all be looking forward to seeing the finished product.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on June 20, 2010, 10:40:59 pm
Very soon Mega Man will be doing a visit to ACDC. There is something I've come across that I am uncertain whether to indicate. There are extremely occasional yellow data crystals contain rare and valuable data around the cyber world. I am not sure if those are random encounters or specific triggering encounters. A little more information would help me.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 22, 2010, 02:59:56 pm
It appears that they are random.  From what I have read, it looks like there is a 24% chance that one of these gold mystery data will replace a green one when you enter an area.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on June 26, 2010, 02:13:18 am
This week I have been working at full capacity with Battle Network 6. Now 90% of the game is about done, since I have mapped the place you meet the final boss. Those maps should be arriving any hour soon. All I have remaining is the Underground Internet System, the Graveyard Internet System and some other areas that only appear in the Japanese Version.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on June 27, 2010, 07:46:59 pm
List updated.  Wow, that's a lot of BN6 maps Will.  It's amazing to think that you are only a few maps away from single-handedly mapping all of the mainstream Battle Network games.  Quite an impressive feat.  After such a great accomplishment it makes me wonder what sort of mapping project you will take on next.  (Or if you will just take a well-deserved break.)  Nice work.

RMMH also submitted some more Mega Man X7 maps.  Now all of the stages are available except for the final two.  Actually, RMMH has all of the maps except for one area of the last level available on their site so hopefully next weekend's update will complete the map set.  Another quite amazing feat.  Good job to the folks at RMMH.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on July 03, 2010, 11:08:33 am
Much of the Internet maps are finished, but I still have the third Undernet sector, the Graveyard Internet and the Immortal Internet to do. In a matter of time, the sixth game should be finished before I finish where I left off in Battle Network 5 (J).
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on July 05, 2010, 07:09:55 am
List updated.  Nice to see that you are almost done Will.  I am just amazed that you are so close to finishing the main games by yourself.  So far, you have 794 maps across all 7 games.  (104 of which are part of the growing BN6 map set.)  By the way, it looks like it was a good idea to map the Japanese version of BN6 because it appears that it also has areas that are not in the other translations.

Also, RMMH finished their Mega Man X7 maps.  The Palace Road and Crimson Palace areas are now available.  Congratulations to RMMH for completing this "impossible" task and good luck on your future projects.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on July 12, 2010, 07:48:46 am
List updated.

RMMH submitted a load of MMZX and MMZXA maps this weekend.  Included in the ZX maps are areas H and I which leaves only 36 of 66 sections to map.  Additionally, 13 ZXA maps are available and the number of maps remaining for that game is now 49 of 63.

In other news, RMMH has also began mapping Mega Man X8!  For those interested, they have posted a WIP map of the Metal Valley Stage ( as a proof of concept.  Can't wait to see the finished product.

Thanks and good luck with the rest of the maps.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on July 15, 2010, 05:09:11 am
I have completed the remainder of Battle Network 6 maps, which just about accomplishes my campaign for the Battle Network series maps. Every now and then, when I feel like it, I will be checking through the maps for mistakes and redoing what may require it.

My next step is to start off Operate Shooting Star and seek out that extra scenario mentioned. The problem is that I cannot begin the game. Either the rom is corrupt or I'll need a better version of the Desmume Emulator. My current version is 0.9.4. What is the most up to date?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Peardian on July 15, 2010, 07:47:03 am
Awesome job. That's a whole lot of maps! :D

I have v0.9.5, which is from Nov 2009, but I don't know how much of a difference that will make. :P
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on July 15, 2010, 08:01:21 am
Amazing work Will.  It's incredible to think that one person has mapped the entire Battle Network series.  At one point I was not sure if any of the games would be completely mapped...

If you are going to try and tackle some of the DS games, you may want to read through this thread ( on Sprites Inc.  (Particularly this post (  As shown here (, it appears that it is possible to extract the maps directly from the game data without the need to piece together screenshots.  The examples given are for Star Force 3, but I would think that a similar procedure would apply to the other DS games.  I don't now if this will be a help to you or not, but it may be worth a read.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on July 18, 2010, 07:04:42 am
I've had no success finding a means to access the DS rom, but that can wait even for a long time. Now that the entire Battle Network series is up, I am wondering what the chances of one of the games being promoted Maps of the Month are. My approximation goes like this:

Mega Man Battle Network 1 - 75%
Mega Man Battle Network 2 - 70%
Mega Man Battle Network 3 - 55%
Mega Man Battle Network 4 - 35%
Mega Man Battle Network 4.5 - 25%
Mega Man Battle Network 5 - 85%
Mega Man Battle Network 6 - 80%

I am however hoping Battle Network 5 out of all gets the promotion.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on July 19, 2010, 08:38:13 am
List updated.

Congrats on completing BN6.  It will be interesting to see how many Map of the Month promotions are awarded to these maps.  Too bad you cannot get the DS games working.  I have seen videos of all of the DS Mega Man games, so there is surely a way emulate them.  By the way, are you considering BN5 officially finished, or are you still going to try and map those last 2 areas from the Japanese version?  If you are going to try and map the last few areas, you may want to look at the teleport code available in this thread ( on Sprites Inc.  It looks like you can use the code to select which area you are in.

Also submitted this week were more ZXA maps.  Now all of the maps through the Legion HQ have been submitted.  On the RMMH Extra Hall, all of the ZX areas except for Area N have been mapped, and ZXA has been mapped through the Control Center.  So most likely ZX will be completed soon, and ZXA should follow soon thereafter.

Thanks to you both.

P.S.  I don't know if anyone from RMMH reads this forum, but the door at the far left of the Extra Hall's Area J-5 map leads to Area J-3 and not Area J-2.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on July 26, 2010, 09:58:02 am
List updated.

RMMH submitted more ZX and ZXA maps this weekend.  The ZX maps are now complete through Area K, and the ZXA maps are complete through the Quarry.  (The issue with ZX's Area J-5 map has been fixed.)  Also, the final ZXA maps were posted on the RMMH Extra Hall today, so hopefully the complete set of maps will arrive here soon.

Thanks RMMH.

EDIT: And the last of the ZX maps have been uploaded to the Extra Hall.  Hopefully this weekend's update will include the rest of the maps for both games.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 02, 2010, 10:05:09 am
List updated.

RMMH submitted the remainder of the maps for Mega Man ZX and Mega Man ZX Advent and thus completed the maps for both of those games.  (A revised map for ZX's Area D-4 Part 1 has been posted on the Extra Hall, but the change is minor.)  This means that now 47 out of the 59 Mega Man games on the list have been completely mapped which makes the overall completion percentage about 80%.  What's interesting is that about a year ago the completion percentage for the list was only 60%.  Thanks to all who have contributed.

Congrats to RMMH on completing the ZX/ZXA maps.  (And here's hoping that IntiCreates finally releases some sequels to ZXA.)
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Peardian on August 02, 2010, 10:47:24 am
Wow, a fantastic job by the people at RMMH. MMZ/ZX/ZXA maps are always a pleasure to look at.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 09, 2010, 09:02:45 am
List updated.

RMMH has submitted in-game maps for Mega Man Battle & Chase this weekend.  Very nice work. 

With this submission, there are only 3 Playstation games that do not at least have a full set of in-game maps on the site.  If RMMH submits their in-game maps for Mega Man Legends and Mega Man Legends 2: Episode 1, then Mega Man X6 will be the only unmapped Playstation game.  (Unless someone figures out a good way to map Super Adventure Rockman.)

P.S.  There is a typo in the title for the third track in the top row of the Battle & Chase map.  That track is Sky Circuit 3.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 13, 2010, 04:50:31 pm
List updated.

The Mega Man map drought has ended this weekend with the submission of more Mega Man X6 maps from RMMH.  The maps for Commander Yammark (Dragonfly) have been ripped which only leaves 7 maverick levels to map in the game.  This level has to be my absolutely favorite level in Mega Man X6 and may possibly be my favorite maverick level in all of the PSX Mega Man games.  The atmosphere created by the graphics and music is absolutely great.

Thanks to RMMH.  Keep up the great work.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on September 16, 2010, 01:11:27 am
Leafing through the Japanese version of Battle Network 5, I have discovered that the Squirrel Statue System labyrinth differs a bit from the US/EU version. I'll get around to mapping that labyrinth right away.

EDIT: I got it done along with some other maps. It turns out that in the Japanese version of Battle Network 5, the blue background system maps have a different layout. Also I have tackled the missing section of the Cruiser Network System. I'll get to the missing Gargoyle Network System quite soon. If you're interested, the Japanese version of Battle Network 5 also has "The Last Supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci in the Bohemia Cruiser Hallway instead of the fireworks picture. Fancy having a real life artwork in a completely imaginary world in a game.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on September 20, 2010, 05:56:51 am
I have completed every differing map in the Japanese version I could find including the missing Gargoyle Network System map. I'll be sending them shortly. The compilation of Japanese and EU/US maps for Battle Network 5 has reached a total map quantity of 145. My part for the GBA Battle Network series is done, hopefully once and for all.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 20, 2010, 05:04:30 pm
Awesome.  I am impressed that you found yet another area that differs depending on the language version.  Nice to see that the Battle Network series will finally be finished.  I'll update the list as soon as the maps are uploaded.  Congratulations.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 26, 2010, 01:00:23 pm
And Will's BN5 maps are up.  The main games in the BN series are now complete.  Congrats on single-handedly mapping all of these games.

With the completion of BN5, 49 out of 60 mappable Mega Man games have full sets of maps on the site.  Very impressive.  Thanks to all who have contributed.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Peardian on September 26, 2010, 02:01:10 pm
Did MMBN5 come out in Japan last or something? Or did they really take out all of the unique and more complex rooms when porting them?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 26, 2010, 08:57:17 pm
No, both versions came out in Japan first.  I have no clue why so much was changed from the Japanese version.  It doesn't make any sense to me either unless there is some sort of obscure technical reason for changing/removing the areas.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Maxim on September 27, 2010, 04:29:05 am
There has for many years been a tendency to dumb down videogames for the Western audience. I know one game, for example, where all enemies' hit points are halved when run on a non-Japanese system.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on October 02, 2010, 02:05:19 am
I finally have access to the "Operate Shooting Star" NDS game. Do you have an approximate or precise number of maps (excluding the already mapped GBA scenes and the minimaps that accompany the cyberworld areas) Marioman?

EDIT: I've reached the first extra scenario map. A walk through wall cheat would be handy if you can find it.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 02, 2010, 08:08:12 am
Awesome!  Glad that you got it working.  Here is an Action Replay DS walk through walls code:

Walk Through Walls (Hold A)
52063A88 02027198
12064A68 0000D103
D0000000 00000000
52063A88 02027198
94000130 FFFE0000
12064A68 000046C0
D2000000 00000000

Let me know if it works, and I'll add it to the list.  (Also, if anyone happens to find a walk through walls code for Star Force 3, it's the only WTW code that I do not have.)

As far as extra scenarios go, I believe that there is only one extra scenario in the entire game.  (The one with Clock Man.)  Note exactly sure how many areas that comes to though...

Good luck.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on October 02, 2010, 12:41:14 pm
Fortunately the code does work. Sadly layer removal doesn't agree in this particular rom so expect a slower process for the maps to be completed. I'll keep you briefed.

EDIT: Blimey! The extras in Operate Shooting are shorter than I thought. That scenario with Clock Man I ran into is the one and only extra added in the game. There are only a total of four new maps in the game, which I have already mapped out and the only changed things are graphics, sprites, plus some flashing trails in the Power Plant Network System.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 10, 2010, 09:01:12 pm
List updated.  Will's OSS maps are up so that game is now complete.  I knew that it had very few extras, but I thought that there would be more than just 4 areas.  Three of those areas are just generic item areas, so there is really just one area that has anything interesting in it.  What a letdown.

Congrats Will on completing yet another Mega Man game.  The 50-game mark has been broken now, and there are only 10 games left to map.  Sometime I should probably count the total number of Mega Man maps that there are on the site now...
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on November 03, 2010, 08:45:37 am
List updated.  Revned has completed his Mega Man 10 Endless Attack map!  Something that I find very interesting is that a comparison of Mega Man 10 and Mega Man 9 Endless Attack maps reveals that the MM9EA rooms are exactly the same shape as MM10EA rooms.  So I guess Revned didn't have to flex his Tetris skills as much as he did for the Mega Man 9 Endless Attack map, but I guess there was still some arranging effort in figuring out that the room shapes were the same.

Anyways, congrats to Revned on completing the MM10 Endless Attack map.  (An nearly all of Mega Man 10.)  Now the only area left to map in Mega Man 10 is Challenge Mode.  As Revned said before, it is a little insignificant, but it is still a mappable area so I'll leave it on the list at least for now.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on January 18, 2011, 02:15:48 am
I feel just like beginning on mapping the Star Force games after thinking about my experience with Operate Shooting Star. I have never played Star Force before, but just last week I've had practice with the first game. The walk-through wall code works fine. I don't know the differences between the Dragon, Leo and Pegasus versions but I've chosen to start with the Dragon version. When you use the special pair of glasses it reveals some energy wave platforms blending in the real world. Should I map the energy wave platforms together with the real world? Or shall I map those energy wave platforms seperately from the real world maps? There are bound to be some cyber world maps in addition. I shall give some feedback once I get used to the gameplay and explore some more. 
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on January 18, 2011, 08:28:33 pm
Excellent.  If I remember correctly, the only difference between the versions is the battle cards and a single boss battle in which you fight the boss which corresponds to the version of your game.  Other than that, there may be minor graphical differences here and there, but I don't think that there are very many.  (I could be wrong though.)  I am also happy to hear that the walk through walls code works.

Anyways, good luck with the maps.  Can't wait to see how you handle mapping of the wave roads.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on February 01, 2011, 06:15:47 am
After some planning and exploring and thinking it out, I have decided to combine the wave roads and wave objects together with the real world. My style is basically the same as the Battle Network maps you're used to seeing with mystery chip data (in this case mystery wave data) labelled. What amazed me is that it takes a click of the mouse pointer to enter from one wave place to another. A few prototype maps should be coming within the week.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 07, 2011, 07:59:05 am
List updated.  The Star Force maps are up and they look great.  Good luck mapping the rest.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 14, 2011, 08:33:02 pm
This weekend's update brought more Star Force maps from Will.  He has 13 maps up so far.  I'll begin to update the list as soon as I figure out approximately how many maps there are in the games.  Nice work.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on February 19, 2011, 02:53:02 pm
Progress has been slow this week, but in the meantime I have started to compose a map list for Star Force. AMAKEN Labs should be finished soon enough.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 21, 2011, 04:11:40 pm
And it looks like the AMAKEN Labs maps are up along with some others bringing the total up to 21.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on February 25, 2011, 12:48:09 pm
I am currently working on the SpaceSim Computer System. There are three sections. The primary problem is that the black background is the same as the black outlines, which taking time to sort out. When I reach the third section, I'll be meeting the second boss "Cygnus".
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Peardian on February 25, 2011, 05:14:18 pm
Hmmm... I wonder if you can do the same kind of thing as GBA and hex-edit the background color to something else. I don't know if your emulator has that capability, but I hope it does.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 28, 2011, 03:40:05 pm
Another SF map was submitted this weekend, bringing the total up to 22.  (I'm thinking about adding the current map count to the list until we figure out how many maps are left...)
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 07, 2011, 07:56:25 pm
List updated.  I guess Will got his SpaceSim Computer System issue worked out.  (Congrats.)  The maps were put up this weekend bringing the total up to 25.  Based on the average number of maps for the BN games and the number of bosses in SF1, I'm going to take a guess and say that he is 20% through the game.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 21, 2011, 07:55:35 pm
More SF1 maps have been submitted by Will this weekend bringing the total up to 38.  For those interested, today marks the 10th anniversary of the release of the first Battle Network game as well as the release of the Game Boy Advance.  Quite amazing to think that it's been 10 years since they were released.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on March 26, 2011, 12:08:33 am
Most of the Maps of the School in Star Force is finished. I now have three sections in the School Computer System ending with Libras as the next boss to face.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 28, 2011, 04:43:39 pm
List updated.  The map count is now 53, so I'm going to guess that you have mapped 43% of the game.  Nice work.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on April 16, 2011, 05:36:40 am
The School Computer System is taking more time than I anticipated, due to the numerous colour changes and sprites in the gameplay, but I've gotten the first section completed. Stay tuned for the other two.

EDIT: I've doubled my effort and time and have been able to complete the remaining two sections. Wait till you see more in Star Force.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 25, 2011, 05:06:28 pm
List updated.  Looks like Will finished the School Network which brings the count up to 56.  I believe that there are only 8 bosses left for him to clear.  (Ophiuchus, Gemini, Wolf, Cancer, Crown, plus the final boss.)  Can't wait to see more maps.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on May 08, 2011, 07:23:54 am
Progress on Star Force continues. Check out the lush jungle of the Snake Computer system maps when they arrive.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on May 23, 2011, 04:23:27 pm
Looks like Will is now working through the Dream Island area in Star Force.  He has 74 maps up now, and I believe that he is getting close to the end of the game.  It will be interesting to see what the map final count is.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on July 04, 2011, 01:16:47 pm
It just occurred to me that I did not update the list last week.  Will mapped more of Star Force and has 78 maps up.  I believe that he just has a battle with Gemini and then he will be to the final area.  (Unless there are some extra boss battles/areas that I am missing.)
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on August 10, 2011, 08:56:30 am
List updated.  Will has completed the ScrapComp area of Mega Man Star Force and is now approaching the final area.  (Bringing  the total to 84.)  Once the final area is complete, I believe that there will only be a few places to map in the extra scenario.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on August 28, 2011, 09:08:40 am
I am now onto the Space Station and its computer system. The Space Station real world has a lot of stars in its background which sort of slows my progress. I was not aware of the extra scenario, but I'll get to it soon.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 01, 2011, 08:26:07 pm
Almost there.  The map count now is 88.  I am not sure that the extra scenario will actually have new maps, but I do know that there is a series of doors that can only be opened by collecting all of the battle cards and you can fight a powered up version of the final boss once all of the doors are opened.  Sounds like there may be some new maps in there, but I could be wrong.

Edit: A new map is up, so the total is now 89.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on September 19, 2011, 05:33:30 pm
List updated.  Will has mapped more areas of SF1 which brings the map total up to 91.  It looks like he is only 3 boss battles away from completing the game.  Then it's on to the extra scenario.  (Provided there are actually new maps in the extra scenario.)

In other news, it looks like RMMH has started uploading more Mega Man X6 maps to their site.  So far they have updated most of their existing maps and have started mapping a new level.  Hopefully those maps will end up here sooner or later.  (Along with their Legends 1 and Legends 2: Episode I maps - I would really like to see those submitted to finish up the in-game maps for the Legends series.)
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on September 23, 2011, 02:06:06 am
The moment has come. I have mapped out the area for the final battle in Mega Man Star Force, meeting both the FM King and the Andromeda monster superboss. The Extra Scenario by the way consists of four maps. Shall get round to doing them ASAP.

EDIT: The whole of Mega Man Star Force is complete. In the Japanese version there is a Lunar Knights appearance and side quest but no new maps. I shall start on Star Force 2 later.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 03, 2011, 05:11:56 pm
OK, the last of Will's SF1 maps are up and the game is complete!  Congratulations Will.  It's great to hear that you are moving on to SF2.  I hope that the WTW code works for you.  Since there were 100 maps in SF1, your complete total BN/SF map count is now 868!  I'd say that you will be really close to breaking 1000 BN/SF maps by the time that you finish SF2.  If you decide to do SF3, you will most definitely pass the 1000 map mark.  That is quite unbelievable.  In addition, there are now only 8 mappable Mega Man games for which there is not a complete set maps on the site.  Very impressive.

Also this week RMMH finished another stage for MMX6.  So they have 6 stages left to map before the game is complete.  Can't wait to see that one finished too.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on October 15, 2011, 07:27:10 am
I have completed and submitted my first Mega Man Star Force 2 map (I chose Zerker X Saurian). The Wave Roads in combination with the real world maps are a lot different from the prequel. The roads are not very colourful, distorted with many animation movements which is going to progress hard for mapping, since I prefer to keep colour and pattern of  roads consistent. If I only had a code that could freeze the road animations I could work on them quicker. By the way Marioman, the walk through wall code you provided works perfectly on both Star Force 2 games. That means that every untested code in the menu box are all fully tested, so thanks for everything and hope to see the third star force code in future, not that I'll need it just yet.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on October 17, 2011, 04:11:11 pm
Excellent.  Nice to see this one started...even if it is only one map.  I am a little surprised that you are doing Zerker x Saurian though.  IIRC, you typically map the blue/green versions so I sort of expected you go with Zerker x Ninja since the ninja is green.

Thanks for testing all of the WTW codes.  I've updated the first post accordingly.  If you need more AR codes, I would suggest that you try requesting them on GSCentral, Kodewerx, or a similar AR code forum.  I am sure that the people there will be able to help you out with both the SF2 animation freeze code and the SF3 WTW code.  Even though you may not need the SF3 WTW code yet, you may want to start requesting the code now so it's ready by the time you get around to SF3.  Just be sure to explain why you need the code when you make the request.  Giving a reason for why you need the code may expedite the code creation process since you won't be viewed as just another gamer who is too lazy to beat the game legitimately.  Good luck.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on February 27, 2012, 06:26:36 am
I have found a Mega Man game that has not been listed but it exists as an arcade game released only in Japan titled "Rockman EXE The Medal Operation". It acts as a monopoly dice rolling game with the elements of the battle network series. Unfortunately the game is unmappable because this particular arcade game is played in a casino-styled arcade machine which has not been emulated, but the layout could be ripped if an emulated program existed. See it on
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on February 27, 2012, 07:13:10 pm
Yes, I am aware of this game, but I also believe that it is not currently mappable.  Though now that you bring it up, the game is missing from the "unmappable" list.  For the record, there is another arcade game called Rockman EXE Battle Chip Stadium which seems to be similar to Battle Chip Challenge.  I have also added it to the list too.  Thanks for pointing this out.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on November 11, 2012, 08:22:44 am
Check this link:

Mega Man 3 (NES) has one minor yet noticeable difference from the US and Japanese versions. Browse around the site if you'd like to check out the unused artworks and audio. At , Fireman's stage is certainly different as a prototype.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on December 11, 2012, 07:54:20 am
I never understood some of the really minor changes between regions.  I could understand things like fixing a difficult area, like Area 4 of Blaster Master (, or finding some reason to replace a whole area, like Area C of Shatterhand (, or perhaps a whole game, like all of Maniac Mansion (  I don't get the latter two but I expect there's probably some reasoning behind it.

However, something as that really minor difference in Mega Man 3...that's just silly.  I wouldn't mind if we had a map for the Japanese version for the sake of completionism, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it either.  Though if so, I should probably leave that to Revned if it's a mere single-screen (and title screen) replacement on his existing map.

Revned considered mapping Street Fighter X Mega Man (the surprise PC game recently announced that is a free download in six days) (, in case anyone is wondering.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on December 24, 2012, 10:29:37 am
TenguMan has started on Street Fighter X Mega Man ( maps...
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: snesmaster on December 24, 2012, 01:26:31 pm
Is there a reason you put the Street Fighter X Mega Man maps as being original?  They look like screen shots and not something drawn.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on March 03, 2013, 02:30:41 pm
Nothing like an awesome update to bring me out of the shadows.  Mega Man X6 is now almost completely mapped.  I noticed that X GOD from RMMH started uploading X6 maps to the Extra Hall again, but I didn't expect him to get all of the remaining maps up so quickly.  Happy to see this game finished.

So now I'm sure you're wondering why I stated that X6 is *almost* completely mapped.  The three maps for Metal Shark Player are available at RMMH but missing from VGMaps.  As soon as the last three maps go up, then that will complete the MMX maps for the Playstation.  (If anyone around here knows Chinese and can ask X GOD about the missing maps, that would be great.  Bonus points goes to anyone who can also talk him into submitting his in-game maps for Mega Man Legends and Mega Man Legends 2: Episode 1 and thus complete the PSX portion of this list.)

Also, I have added Street Fighter X Mega Man as completed to the map list.  This game is a nice gesture, and I'm glad to see it mapped so quickly.  Nice work Revned.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on April 23, 2013, 08:06:16 am
I emailed X GOD just now; I'm sure I noticed the missing Mega Man X 6 ( maps of Metal Shark Player's stages but forgot to follow up on them.

On that note, why is his/its name "Metal Shark Player"?  I can see that Capcom decided to be a bit more varied with the Maverick naming conventions from X 5 and onwards, but what's with the addition of "Player"?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: marioman on April 23, 2013, 08:40:05 pm
Thanks for contacting X GOD Jon.  Hopefully he will get the rest of the maps up soon.

As for Metal Shark Player, I don't know why they decided to add the word Player to the end of the name.  Beginning with X6, Capcom decided to have the same names for all localizations so that's why the names sound particularly strange beginning in X6 and extending throughout the rest of the series.  (For the record, the translated Japanese names for the X1 through X4 are also a bit strange compared to the English localizations.)  Now, X5's English maverick names are a totally different story...  It's a bizarre little piece of trivia but definitely worth a read (
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on June 17, 2013, 07:08:15 am
I am now taking the time to revise the Battle Network Series maps, to improve their quality and make some addition. Do you think that it is a good idea to bridge certain Hardware World (Real World / Lan's World) maps? For example "Lan's Bedroom" and "Kitchen & Lounge" can go together in the same map titled "Lan's Residence". That way, referencing rooms in certain areas is easier. Some of those maps will be difficult to bridge due to the some wide walls and close tight fitting layouts, but I'll sort it out (probably the DenTown blocks are an exception).
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on June 18, 2013, 03:25:55 pm
Will, is there perhaps a way to combine maps from the "real world" and the corresponding or connected maps from the cyberspace/network/software/whatever world?

Despite trying to start it more than once, I didn't really get into the Battle Network series (other than the GameCube game, Network Transmission, which was a platformer and not an RPG like the others).  So I don't know if my suggestion has any merit, especially if I'm not remembering it correctly.  Just an idea.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on June 18, 2013, 11:19:02 pm
The best I can do to connect the Real World maps to the Cyber World maps is to label where each jack port goes. I have now touched up all the Cyber World Maps and I am busily connecting the Real World Maps and adding some details. I do however have a couple of real world connection samples. With the newly bridged Real World maps I shall also provide a new Map List, once again in quasi Chronological order.

EDIT: I have made a bridged map of DenTown, I'm pretty sure that is my best effort in the bridging task. When you see the map, you'll noticed some parts of the streets obscured by the tall buildings, but it doesn't matter very much because these covered corners are not that important in the gameplay. Overall the result is fantastic.

I also have a treat for those of you who want to play Mega Man Battle Network 4.5 in English. Everything you need is at and be sure to get Lunar IPS.

UP TO DATE: The entire mapset of Battle Network 1 has been revised and sent. The differences you will notice are that all the cyber world maps have their data crystal labels centralised, the zenny labels have been shorted with a z symbol to reveal more map area and there are also several clues and hints added to some of the maps, such as code numbers in the School Network System and recoloured programs to represent the corrupted ones in the Power Plant Network System. Added to the Real World maps are icons to show where to find the hidden chips. Let me know what you think when the maps arrive and I shall continue to revise the other battle network mapsets.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: ChesterCheatah1 on January 23, 2014, 05:10:49 pm
Hey what about that animated game, Super Adventure Rockman (J)?  Can that be mapped like a flow chart?  With key snapshots of each scene?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on January 25, 2014, 01:08:27 pm
I suggested that too.  Still a good idea...there are clips of it on YouTube, if the game is really that hard to track down...

Speaking of YouTube, have you guys seen Andy Dick's latest Atlas Vid for Mega Man (or Rockman (J), if you want to be precise)?  It came out just yesterday.  It uses Revned's maps, of course.

Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on September 22, 2014, 06:28:52 am
I've been looking through Mega Man Powered Up and it might be possible to reconstruct the maps making use of the construction mode, since the tiles are flat and 2D as opposed to the 3D graphics in gameplay. It may not be perfect to the actual gameplay, but it means one can finally map out Time Man's and Oil Man's stages.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on September 22, 2014, 08:47:56 am
Interesting.  Is there also a construction mode for Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X?  Given that everyone seems to love Mega Man II so much, you'd think they would've also made a Powered Up 2...even if there aren't extra Robot Masters, to keep all games consistently at eight, it would be fun to play as them, as I hear is one of the features of the first Powered Up.

It would be nice to map up the remaining Mega Man games, because it really seems like Capcom doesn't care about Mega Man anymore, that it might actually be possible to have every Mega Man game mapped, if only briefly.  (Or at least the 2D ones.)

If you count each incarnation of Mega Man, I believe Mega Man is the character in the most video games, so the fact that we have most of the maps from the main games is certainly impressive already, but you know, at this point, why not a little more if possible, right?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Will on September 23, 2014, 05:06:57 am
I'm afraid there isn't a construction mode for Maverick Hunter X as it is a direct remake of Mega Man X, without any extras. However the Sigma Fortress levels are heavily changed in layout, which means mapping them if possible is definitely worth it. Unless the 2.5D platforms can be centralised and measure in grid, the maps will have to be improvised somehow.


Further research reveals that capsule, heart and part upgrades are changed in the stages from the original. In addition the upgrades, ride armours and enemy placements are changed when playing as Vile.


The 3D RPG Megaman X Command Mission, has got a 2D minimap of the various areas that you explore. It doesn't rotate, but its kind of transparent so some touching would have to be applied to make it a finished map, otherwise its rather easy to rip and assemble. Also the game has a web like 2D map system of each zone.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on December 03, 2014, 09:53:40 am
Will has revised his Mega Man: Battle Network 2 ( maps.  The various systems' entry points are now labelled, and many areas are consolidated as you would expect (i.e., all the "rooms" of the same general area are now in a large image showing how they are all connected, like what Peardian did with his Super Mario RPG maps earlier).  This brings the count of 161 maps down to an even 100.  I much prefer having fewer larger maps that are more informative than more smaller maps that are disconnected.  Not saying everything in one game should be crammed into a single image, unless it's natural and intuitive to do so (like in an interconnected-enough setting like the castles in Castlevania) - in general, what Will Mallia has done here works well for most JRPGs, I would think.

As Will has informed me, this evening I will need to (re)upload two of the town maps as they are not showing up.  Ironically for a game all about being connected to the Internet, its maps were having a number of issues last night during the upload.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Rew on December 29, 2014, 09:55:27 pm
I'm afraid there isn't a construction mode for Maverick Hunter X as it is a direct remake of Mega Man X, without any extras. However the Sigma Fortress levels are heavily changed in layout, which means mapping them if possible is definitely worth it. Unless the 2.5D platforms can be centralised and measure in grid, the maps will have to be improvised somehow.


Further research reveals that capsule, heart and part upgrades are changed in the stages from the original. In addition the upgrades, ride armours and enemy placements are changed when playing as Vile.


The 3D RPG Megaman X Command Mission, has got a 2D minimap of the various areas that you explore. It doesn't rotate, but its kind of transparent so some touching would have to be applied to make it a finished map, otherwise its rather easy to rip and assemble. Also the game has a web like 2D map system of each zone.

I know I'm late to the party here, but I'd love to see those Mega Man X Command Mission in-game maps, if you're able. :)
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on February 25, 2016, 09:52:22 am
Played a little bit of Mega Man: Legacy Collection on the 3DS last evening.  Bought it primarily for the gold Mega Man amiibo (I guess I'm a sucker for those).  I guess if Capcom won't make new games we can all play the first six games yet again?  As if the previous Anniversary Collection and various eShop rereleases hadn't already given us the opportunity...  Though there are now Challenges to do, those are new, like trying to get through remixed areas or do boss rushes in a certain amount of time.

Though you probably won't necessarily NEED maps for them, maps for the Challenges should be easy enough to create, if they are non-random (or even if they are) and only comprised of rooms from existing games.  In any case, we can now add Legacy Collection to the list of mappable Mega Man games...
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on February 13, 2017, 10:39:51 pm

Wow, can't believe it's been months later and I've barely played any Mega Man: Legacy Collection at all.  Which makes my next question sound odd, since we're already talking about Mega Man on handhelds...

Would it be worth getting a PSP just to (or primarily to) play Mega Man: Powered Up and Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on February 13, 2017, 11:00:39 pm
I played Powered Up when it was new and didn't like it at all, but maybe that's just me. You might be interested in PPSSPP ( if you want to explore the PSP library
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on February 14, 2017, 05:55:55 am
I'm curious as to why you disliked it this much. I've never had the chance to play it (though now I just might thanks to your link...) but there are already aspects of it that don't sit well with me: I'm not a fan of the the voice acting and the gameplay looks like it's quite different with enemies and bullets no longer going through solid blocks.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on February 14, 2017, 11:35:36 am
Powered Up certainly seems different, in a few ways, but the chance to play as Roll and the Robot Masters isn't appealing?  Or at least not appealing enough to overcome its faults?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Revned on February 14, 2017, 06:26:58 pm
I mean, it wasn't outright bad, but I disliked the art style and the added content didn't really feel worthwhile. Sure, I guess it's fun to try playing as different characters, but Mega Man himself gets to use all their weapons already...

I haven't played it in 11 years (!), so take my anti-recommendation with a grain of salt
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on December 04, 2017, 12:56:24 pm
Funny that you should mention "11", Revned...

Seven years since Mega Man 10.  Well, it will be eight, since this will be out late next year.

Do we like the new look?  As always, what I care about is... who are the Robot Masters?

Looks like the mysterious artwork found in Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 might actually be from this, as Mega Man appears to change forms (not just colour) when using different weapons!
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on August 05, 2022, 09:46:13 am

So there is also the Neo Geo Pocket Color compilation, RockMan: Battle & Fighters, a pocket-sized version of the two Mega Man arcade games.  It was recently announced for the Nintendo Switch as well as "Mega Man: Battle & Fighters", even though the game is only going to be in Japanese.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on July 06, 2023, 01:17:49 pm
I'm still surprised at the number of views this topic has, compared to others on this board.

That said... when is there going to be a Mega Man 12?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on November 25, 2023, 08:45:26 pm
16 years late, I finally decided to relist "Mega Man & Bass" under the Super NES to its proper Japanese name of "Rockman & Forte (J)", as this was a Super Famicom game that was exclusive to Japan, so I should treat it on that page as such.  If you use the bookmark that points to #MegaManBass (, it will still take you to the maps, just as how #RockmanForte ( also worked before and still works.  Basically, they both worked then and they both work now.

That being said, I also noticed that the later release on the GBA that did come to the rest of the world, we don't actually have maps for.  I imagine they'd be similar to the Super Famicom version, but they would still be nice to have.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on November 26, 2023, 02:50:38 pm
Despite being busy with other projects, on a whim, I made collages of the CD "Data Base" records (of the Robot Masters and other characters up to that point) in both Rockman & Forte (J) ( (Super Famicom) and Mega Man & Bass ( (GBA).  So, yes, now we have a spot for Mega Man & Bass...
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: degreatteacher on December 11, 2023, 01:21:08 am
Despite being busy with other projects, on a whim, I made collages and found her phen24 review here ( of the CD "Data Base" records (of the Robot Masters and other characters up to that point) in both (GBA).  So, yes, now we have a spot for Mega Man & Bass...

Wow this is great to know.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on January 03, 2024, 09:19:53 am

Protodude's Rockman Corner: Japan-Exclusive Rockman Cellphone Games Dumped, Playable Now! (

On that page, RockmanCosmo, the leader of a team called SciLab Secrets working to preserve lost Rockman games for Japanese mobiles, announced eight Rockman games (including games based on the classic, Legends/Dash, and Battle Network series).  There's also a link there for easy installation so you can get right to them.

Better yet, here's a link ( where you can download a later package that also includes Rockman Tennis.

(As I'm working on videos about my brother's Mega Man 2 haul at Christmas, plus another video where he plays all the games that relate in some way to Mega Man 2, I'm particularly interested in Rockman Pinball and Rockman Tennis.  Those games are exactly what you expect them to be.)

Some of those are mappable.  I don't know how much interest there would be, but I think that their obscurity alone is probably a good reason to consider doing so, to help prevent these curiosities from being forgotten/unknown.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: G.E.R. on January 04, 2024, 09:39:24 am
Is this an unofficial PC-port of the game, that based on J2ME emulator + .jar game files?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on January 04, 2024, 10:34:15 am
Is this an unofficial PC-port of the game, that based on J2ME emulator + .jar game files?

The page goes into detail about how they were able to extract the games and make them playable.  They never refer to the files as ROMs, but they do bundle them with the DoCoMo Java (DoJa) emulator, so it is therefore described as emulation rather than directly porting them to the PC.

It's pretty cool how things like these can be found and preserved so that they might not be entirely lost.  Makes you wonder how many things have gotten lost and forgotten because they're not popular or interesting enough, or worth the effort for someone to figure it all out.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: TerraEsperZ on January 05, 2024, 01:10:37 am
Sadly, we've already entered an era where game and software preservation has become very difficult if not impossible in most cases. I'm afraid on-going patches (including day-one), essential server-side components and, of course, software-as-service will eventually lead to huge portions of online content to essentially vanish forever.
It's bad enough for games but movies and TV shows will soon cease to be available on physical format altogether.
Piracy will eventually be unavoidable for those but for most online games, there will simply be no alternative :(.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: G.E.R. on April 08, 2024, 05:23:00 am
I saw game info and video reviews. Non-difficulty gameplay.
How do you think, are we need to map this levels? Will it bу interesting/useful?
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: Cyartog959 on May 18, 2024, 10:55:45 pm
I would like to bring this up, for Mega May Month.

I've seen so many Mega Man maps, but nobody's yet put up maps for Mega Man 11. I have no idea how long that game's maps are, by far.

If anyone's up to it, please chart out maps of Mega Man 11.
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on May 25, 2024, 10:10:43 am

I finished Super Adventure Rockman earlier this week!

If someone is interested in "mapping" this game by using a flowchart style, which I truly believe should be possible, I have a bunch of BizHawk save states for many of the junction points in the game, as well as before/after every fight that I could share with you.

The game needs more love - even if Keiji Inafune himself has disowned it.  There's only one guide for this game on GameFAQs (, so I think it would be neat to see it all visually represented in a flowchart, like rdbaaa's "map" of Panic! on the Sega CD (

The thing that would make it easier than Panic! is that Super Adventure Rockman is actually VERY linear.  When presented with a different path, they usually end up on the same route soon after, so it's more like the choices usually just change whether Mega Man takes damage or finds E-tanks or database cards.

So, potential mappers, let me know if you'd like my BizHawk save states if that would make it easier!
Title: Re: Mega Man Maps
Post by: JonLeung on May 25, 2024, 11:04:33 am
Another bit of news... two more Mega Man: Battle Network games, for Japanese mobile phones, thought to be lost to time, were found and restored by SciLab Secrets in late 2023.  These are Mega Man: Phantom Of The Network and Mega Man: Legend Of The Network.


As of today, you can get localization patches to enjoy them in English (!

I guess these are another two 2D Mega Man Battle Network games that are technically mappable.