I'm super happy someone finally mapped one of the first two CD-i Zelda games.
Those two games might have horrible animations but the background graphics are gorgeous!
If you haven't played Kirby: Super Star before, you should! It's one of the better Kirby games, if not the best (though the DS remake, Kirby: Super Star Ultra, has even more stuff).The game is really interesting, I like it.
Refresh with Ctrl+F5 or Shift+F5.
Are we actually done all 2D-maps for all STH-games?
Speaking of the NES atlas, I haven't updated my spreadsheet that tracks the completeness of the American released titles since February 2020. There's probably been a number of NES games that've been submitted since then, so I'll be sure to find some time to update the numbers. ;)
As of now, my Genesis requests are almost totally fulfilled. All I have left is Treasure's intriguing McDonald's Treasureland Adventure (https://vgmaps.com/Atlas/Genesis/index.htm#McDonaldsTreasurelandAdventure)...I just played this game, and I think it's quite interesting with all its secrets and collectibles. I can do this, if no one else is started already.
I think it need a new request - for Sega Genesis Mini 2 full mapset. Can you create a new theme on the forum with full game list and them status (complete, incomplete, not exist)?
As Nintendo fan you should known that some NES games has non-linear or non-platformer structure and some areas aren't mappable for this reason.
Even something like Taboo: The Sixth Sense would have graphical assets. Like all the tarot cards. Doesn't this game have bare breasts? Eh, we can let that slide.
We're not trying to be like The Spriters Resource necessarily, but if all the screens/graphics are all we can get out of a game (or "game" with quotation marks), I would likely accept that.
I think something like Star Voyager could be quite difficult (my brother and I never did figure out how to play it, and it's become sort of a joke between us), but I'm sure someone could figure out something, even if they are original hand-drawn maps or diagrams or guides.
In any case, there is still a considerable number of quite mappable NES games not represented on VGMaps.com even after all these years.
Yes, but let's not forget, there's swathes of games across numerous systems not yet mapped, and I don't mean well-known games alone.
With so much focus on NES maps a bit too much lately, I'm feeling concerned about others not tackling other games' maps, not counting other matters occupying their time.
I'm still hopeful others will shift focus from NES maps to other systems' games' maps. There's still so much to cover.
Yes, but let's not forget, there's swathes of games across numerous systems not yet mapped, and I don't mean well-known games alone.
With so much focus on NES maps a bit too much lately, I'm feeling concerned about others not tackling other games' maps, not counting other matters occupying their time.
I'm still hopeful others will shift focus from NES maps to other systems' games' maps. There's still so much to cover.
I don't think that the NES has been focused on much lately - especially when compared to previous years. If you look at the majority of NES maps in the past year, many of them are from zagato blackfist, and some from mechaskrom. Others too, but I wouldn't say there's a ton of people focused on the NES right now.
I think it's just been mentioned at least a couple times about the plausibility of the entire NES library being mapped, because it is one of the most popular yet simplest consoles fondly remembered by gamers around my age, so it would mean a lot if we could ever proclaim to have the entire NES library mapped.
But ultimately, people will map what they like, so I don't think other platforms are necessarily being ignored in favour of the NES. Or that mappers that have been working on the NES feel like they'd rather be working on something else. No one's stopping them!
Personally, BESIDES the NES, I'd like to see more of the Super NES (favourite console of all time), the Genesis (could always have more Sega representation), and the PC (you will notice there are a lot of '90s requests - should be technically easy AND very nostalgic to those who grew up with a computer). Perhaps I'm just nostalgic for the '90s - and now I'm dating myself. (Strange to consider that this site launched in 2002, which wasn't that far away from the '90s!)
I may be encouraging the mapping of those platforms, for what little effect that actually has, but of course, I certainly welcome maps from any platform, even ones I've never or barely heard of, because I'm sure they are just as loved or nostalgic to others.
Just wanted to thank you, zagato blackfist, for mapping Shadowgate, Uninvited and Deja Vu. Shadowgate is an old favorite that I played a lot when I was young.
I've always wanted maps for these games and even thought about mapping them myself. You did an excellent job and also including all screens in a separate image was a nice touch.
Uh... what about Sword Master? I don't think that game's on the NES map collection yet. I looked. Did you even think of it? Its also one of NES' games that did include parallax scrolling... mostly.
Sword Master looks all right.
Of course, I accept ANY kind of map from ANY platform, and it's incredibly rare for me to reject anything. Of course, NES ones are nice if we do want to seriously try to have EVERY NES game mapped, as has been discussed here and there. So I wouldn't say I DON'T want Sword Master maps, of course not, I certainly do! If someone's willing to map it, go for it!
But I don't know about adding it to the list of my personal requests. These listed in the original post are ones that I would like to see in particular. (Yes, I legitimately want maps of Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure. Don't judge me.) I almost feel like I should actually be REMOVING some games from this list, to draw more attention to the ones of these that I want the most, to make them more likely - assuming this list even encourages anybody - and to appear a little less needy or flippant (if anyone thinks that).
I was also thinking of bolding or italicizing or somehow highlighting certain ones that are really surprising to me that haven't been mapped yet. But I worry if that might look more like incredulousness, or entitlement, like "why haven't these been mapped yet???" I already feel it's already a bit snobby to even have a list at all, why would I risk sounding even more demanding? (Even IF it totally blows my mind that we don't have maps of the first two Monkey Island games (PC), come on, they're classics! Or popular indie games in the last decade, like, where's Undertale? :P)
I don't see any NSwitch game in you request. It's kinda weird because it's a modern and popular conсole with many modern games
I don't see any NSwitch game in you request. It's kinda weird because it's a modern and popular conсole with many modern games
JonLeung, you also have Stargate in your SNES requests, but, like with Daze Before Christmas, Genesis version is the same, as you can see by comparing these (https://vgmaps.com/Atlas/SuperNES/Stargate-DesertCaves.png) two (https://vgmaps.com/Atlas/Genesis/Stargate-Level1-1.png) maps, so this request is also completed. :)
JonLeung, if I may, I found a whole map of "Alwa's Awakening", courtesy of 2 people responsible for charting this neat Metroidvania NES influenced adventure, Duckfist, for the whole map, and Stubbsy, for updating it to include secrets and making the map more complete. Its straight from a Steam Guide posted a long while ago. Sprites of all bosses and enemies included. Didn't need to do any ripping for this. I just only found it.I sent Stubbsy a message, as I'll need their permission to put it up. Let's hope that pans out.
I liked Dracula Untold. I'm not a fan of the interconnected movie concept, but I'd have liked a direct sequel to that one, Charles Dance as an old scheming vampire is exactly what I want in a monster action film xP Dracula Untold could've made for a neat Soulslike or Metroidvania too, shame we didn't get one.
That game caught my attention when the environment artist posted about it on Pixel Joint in 2017, it just took this long to be able to get it.
As for mapping PC games: (2D) retro console games at least are often easier to map than PC games due to emulators having tools to toggle layers, view tile data, etc, whereas with PC games, you generally have to do it the hard way. No idea what the situation is like for more recent consoles, but I'd imagine they'd have the same challenges as PC games - the rendering methods are much more varied than on older consoles, so visual debug tools are rarely available.
On a related note: I was surprised to see Final Fantasy Tactics Advance on the request list! I see now only the first few maps are on the site. As a GBA game with fairly small maps, it should be fairly simple to map using the map view in an emulator like VBA, and I mapped some of the early areas that way myself years back. I'd recommend that one to someone relatively new to mapping, as with only a few image exports from the emulator, you should be able to grab all the separate layers for each map.
I also mapped a good chunk of Black Matrix Zero, another GBA tactics game, that way back in 2007, but I unfortunately never finished that game because I got stuck on a battle I can't win.
As we end the year 2024 and step into 2025, we've now FINALLY got maps for the fan-favourite indie game, Undertale (https://vgmaps.com/Atlas/PC/index.htm#Undertale)!And at great timing, too. The game's 10th anniversary falls on that same year. What better way for the year to kick off with that? Won't Toby Fox be thrilled?
For a game so beloved by many fans since 2015, it's surprising that it's taken this long for a map set to be completed and submitted to VGMaps.com. In any case, we have these maps now, due to the efforts of long-time lurker, first-time submitter, Rew! Thanks for filling this Undertale-sized hole on VGMaps!
When I finally got around to playing this three and a half years ago (so, spring 2021, if my Steam info is correct), I remember having quite the challenge with the last boss (who I won't spoil here, though I feel like everyone already knows who, and a nine-year-old game must be approaching the statute of limitations for spoilers)... It was exciting to finally beat them, if only to say that I was able to do it at all. I don't get why some people don't like RPGs that are turn-based... you actually need reflexes for this one!