How Classic Video Games Have Influenced iGaming Developers




META: Have you ever wondered how classic video games have influenced iGaming? If you’re interested in finding out more about the influence classic video games have had on iGaming developers, then continue reading…

There’s no question how influential classic games have been on gaming developers today. And there’s also no question on how popular iGaming has become in recent years. It’s easy to see iGaming and video games as two completely separate entities, but they are hugely influential to each other. Classic video games have paved the way for gaming developers today to create the popular iGaming experience that is becoming increasingly loved by gamers even more every day.

Although the classic games can be seen as something simplistic and completely separate, they laid the groundwork for developers to enhance the gaming experience and provide iGaming as it is known today. But that’s not to underestimate the influence iGaming has had on video games today either. I dive into how the two gaming platforms have influenced each other, and how gaming developers have used classic video games as an influence on the iGaming experience we know today.

Graphic Power:

As you know, classic video games don’t look as slick as online games today. This is mostly due to the lack of processing power that games held in the 1970s onward. Gaming Developers worked with their best cutting-edge technology at that time, laying the groundwork for gaming developers today. However, the simplicity of these games proved popular at the time and remains a sturdy basis for games today to build upon.

The simplicity of these games remains timeless and lets developers point back to why the ease of these games worked, even though some could see them as too simplistic in comparison to the high-end graphics that are used on games today. Although the technology and graphics behind modern games seem to be only enhancing by the day, developers can look back on these classic games and revert to the simple game tactics that work, no matter how much the technology changes.

The Lines are Blurred:

The classic video games that have evolved since the 1970s and 1980s were seen as completely separate, and to many people, better, than iGaming. Classic video games were the go-to for many before iGaming was widely available to the average user, so who can blame people for having a favourite? But in today’s fast-paced technology-enhanced world, iGaming has quickly approached video games and challenged them for their popularity among gamers.

Video games and iGaming now influence each other rather than be seen as two completely separate entities. Developers are now seeing the potential of iGaming and the influence that video games can have on it, and vice versa. Another way that the two gaming varieties meet is through online casino games using classic as well as more modern video games to bring a difference to iGaming. There have been many slot and casino games based on video games, such as Tomb Raider and Resident Evil. These casino games are transformed from just having bright lights and flashy colours as a way to draw in their users, to setting themselves apart with popular video game characters.

Some may include the characters within the casino games while others might just be based in iconic locations within the video games. Many also incorporate the music and sounds of the video games in the iGames, making the overall experience that much more memorable and differentiating between other casino and slot games online.

Casino Games in Video Games:

One of the easiest and most prominent ways you can see the influence of video games and iGaming on each other is through slot and casino games. There are so many casino and slot websites for Canadian players and iGaming lovers out there to use, as iGaming has blown up in popularity. This is especially prevalent in casinos, gambling, and slot machine websites.

Although classic video games have influenced the evolution of iGaming, iGaming now has a strong influence on modern video games, too. Many popular video games out there take casino games and implement them into their gaming structure, including Red Dead Redemption 2 as an example, where you can play blackjack and poker in saloons. Another example is Fallout: New Vegas, where you can roll your dice and play card games in Vegas, as well as extra gambling side games.

The evolution of gaming has meant that the popularisation of iGaming has now started to influence video games, whereas before it was always the classic video games influencing iGaming.

Understanding the influence classic video games have had on iGaming today is an understatement. Developers can refer back to these classic games and see how far they have come, or to take some notes on how the simplicity of these classic games worked so well. Many gamers themselves have reverted to these classic games for a reason.

They are ever-popular and provide a simplistic gaming experience that a lot of the higher-graphic games just don’t provide today. They remain the blueprint for gamers and developers alike to continue to enhance iGaming and blur the line between classic video games and iGaming.
