Ah, Castlevania: Harmony Of Dissonance! I too have a rather long history where this game's maps are concerned.
This game was one of the first I attempted to map several years ago, back when I didn't quite know what I was doing since all the sprites were missing. Still, I managed to do close to half of the game before losing interest.
I picked it up again two years ago and made a lot of progress in re-doing everything again with much better results. At about that time, I exchanged a few emails with Zeric since I remembered that on an earlier incarnation of the VGMaps forum, he had claimed the game as his to map.
I think I had assumed, with no official news from him, that the project had stalled, but it hadn't. After a few emails where he admitted he was a bit angry at me stealing it from him, I agreed to him that he could have it while I kept working on my maps here because he was using the japanese name for the game and I somehow thought that he was actually working on Aria Of Sorrow.
Anyway, we both kept working on it at a good pace, but as always, I got sidetracked with another set of maps (several sets actually) which allowed Zeric to finished the maps ahead of me. I was a bit disappointed that all my work ended up being for naught, but I understood that I had set myself up for it three times over: by not remembering Zeric's claim on the game way back when, by mistaking which game he was actually mapping because of the japanese name, and by not following it through to the end as is my habit.
I've long had the ambition of mapping all three GBA Castlevania games, something which I've yet to realize because of my lack of focus. Now, only Aria Of Sorrow remains, and even though it would be tempting to finish those maps, I already have too many unfinished maps as is, and someone's bound to come out of the woodwork and publish his maps for the game while I'd still be doing mine so no thanks.
Anyway, back to Zeric, since it's his thread after all

What can I say about his maps? Well, they're about 99.99% identical to mine, which is to say that they're as perfect as they can be in my mind. What else needs to be said

"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." [...] The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
B*tch, meet reality. Reality, meet b*tch. - Me