Castlevania: Circle Of The MoonFor this month's "Maps of the Month" featurette, I wish to draw your attention to sprays's Castlevania: Circle Of The Moon (GBA) map.
Circle Of The Moon, the first of many portable "Castleroid" games, has a story not unlike just about any other Castlevania game...Dracula's alive again, his castle has reappeared, and it's up to a vampire hunter or two to defeat him. This time around, it's 1830, and the vampire hunters are Nathan Graves and Hugh Baldwin. But, hey, it's Castlevania, which is always a good thing, and it's in the vein of the 2D Metroid games since Super Metroid, or the PlayStation game, Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night, which are great games to even be compared to. And it's portable!
But, when fully mapped out, sprays's map certainly won't fit in your pocket. It's the biggest map on the site so far! (File size-wise, anyway) At over 16 megabytes, hopefully your browser can handle it! Every corridor, every room, every intricate detail within...every pixel!
Any map or maps of an entire Castlevania game are likely Map(s) Of The Month, and maps from a "Castleroid" game even more so. Why wait 'til Hallowe'en when I can honour Circle Of The Moon this June?
So to recognize the effort put into making the largest map on the site so far, sprays's Castlevania: Circle Of The Moon map will be known as VGMaps.com's Map of the Month for June 2007.