Author Topic: 2017/01: Crystal Warriors (Game Gear) - zagato blackfist  (Read 23799 times)

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Offline JonLeung

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2017/01: Crystal Warriors (Game Gear) - zagato blackfist
« on: December 31, 2016, 10:09:18 pm »

For this month's "Maps Of The Month" featurette, I wish to draw your attention to zagato blackfist's Crystal Warriors (Game Gear) maps.

The evil Jyn are conquering the land, so Princess Arliel assembles her forces to reclaim the stolen elemental crystals and then take on the evil emperor Grym.  This is the story of Crystal Warriors, a Fire Emblem-style tactical game on Sega's portable, the Game Gear.

Though we have had quite a number of epic fantasy games featured here, including those of the tactical variety, this is the first time that a Game Gear game has been recognized for the Maps Of The Month honour!  Thank zagato blackfist for bringing this to our attention (as well as its Japanese-only sequel, Royal Stone (J)).  zagato has also provided the stats of the units that you will encounter on Princess Arliel's quest.  Plus, zagato had also noticed that the areas in each Round are actually continuous with each other, so he has also assembled a full map showing the game world in its entirety.  Now that's going above and beyond!

So to recognize the effort put into mapping this gem of a game, zagato blackfist's Crystal Warriors (Game Gear) maps will be known as's Maps Of The Month for January 2017.

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Re: 2017/01: Crystal Warriors (Game Gear) - zagato blackfist
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2017, 01:01:30 am »
These games were actually pretty fun to map. I decided to go with strategy guide maps and collect all the enemy stats. For that I needed to cast scan on the enemy units and fix the transparency on their sprites, as they would otherwise completely cover the tiles they stand on. Getting the actual maps put together was the easiest part of this project since most of the work was in the editing. Thanks for choosing this for MotM. :)