Author Topic: 2014/12: Solstice (NES) - Guillaume Saint-Amant  (Read 27454 times)

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Offline JonLeung

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2014/12: Solstice (NES) - Guillaume Saint-Amant
« on: November 30, 2014, 09:33:20 pm »

For this month's "Maps Of The Month" featurette, I wish to draw your attention to Guillaume Saint-Amant's Solstice (NES) maps.
Morbius the Malevolent kidnaps Princess Eleanor of Arcadia, intending to use her in a ritual sacrifice to become the Evil Baron of Darkness.  Shadax the Wizard witnesses the kidnapping and makes his way into Kâstleröck, which is not only Morbius's stronghold, but also where six pieces of the Staff Of Demnos are hidden.  The Staff Of Demnos has the power to defeat Morbius, but its invisible pieces are only magically visible on Winter Solstice once a century, which is the very day that you are infiltrating Kâstleröck.  Will you, as Shadax, be able to save the princess, and the world?
Solstice (or, as on the box, Solstice: The Quest For The Staff Of Demnos) is a puzzle-oriented platformer.  Its isometric view makes it stand out visually and also challenges the player to be aware of their surroundings in this pseudo-3D environment.  Kâstleröck consists of 253 dangerous rooms in nine different areas, so it may be easy to get disoriented, and the perspective might make it challenging to map.  Thankfully Guillame Saint-Amant has figured out how to do it, with a thoroughly-labelled map that shows how all the colourful rooms are connected, even vertically.  Not only are the items indicated, but also the routes of enemies and the movement paths of traps and obstacles.  Without a doubt, this map of Kâstleröck is one of the most impressive and detailed NES maps that is proud to host.
So to recognize the effort in conquering Kâstleröck, Guillaume Saint-Amant's Solstice (NES) maps will be known as's Maps Of The Month for December 2014.

Offline GSA

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Re: 2014/12: Solstice (NES) - Guillaume Saint-Amant
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2014, 05:32:48 pm »
Wow! Thank you! It warms the cockles of my heart! This really means a lot for me, I feel deeply honoured!

Especially the kind words “one of the most impressive and detailed NES maps that is proud to host”. That's something! I'm so proud to be here among many talented cartographers I admire. And to get December, the month of the winter solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere), is a nice little touch that makes me even more happy!

Offline mechaskrom

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Re: 2014/12: Solstice (NES) - Guillaume Saint-Amant
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2014, 10:38:03 pm »
Congratulation! This map deserves it.

It has a lot of detail and info, but is simple to read and looks beautiful. The layout is really clever. In short, you made a really great map. :)

Solstice is an old favorite, great game with awesome music, and I'm really glad to see it getting a nice map.
Some tools and other stuff I've made:

Offline vorpal86

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Re: 2014/12: Solstice (NES) - Guillaume Saint-Amant
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2014, 06:19:30 am »
Yes, congrats. The maps come in VERY handy for this game. A lot of games just go forward or backward and it's not real difficult to get lost but in this game you can get lost pretty easy. It's almost just as easy to get lost here as it is in Deadly Towers a game that didn't get much respect.

It took some good work for these maps and they work! I may even play this one some more now.