Author Topic: 2013/11: Final Fantasy Legend II (Game Boy) - maquiladora  (Read 27602 times)

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Offline JonLeung

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2013/11: Final Fantasy Legend II (Game Boy) - maquiladora
« on: October 31, 2013, 07:37:13 pm »

For this month's "Maps Of The Month" featurette, I wish to draw your attention to maquiladora's Final Fantasy Legend II (Game Boy) maps.

Years after your father disappears, you set out on a quest to find him.  He apparently was part of a secret group called the Guardians, searching for 77 pieces of a goddess's statue, known as the MAGI, which can bestow power to its bearer.  As you and your party collect the MAGI, you discover new worlds, and others also looking for MAGI who have evil intentions.  As well, bringing all the MAGI together may bring about disaster.

It's a JRPG plot, to be sure.  But this time, it's a story you can take with you on the go.  That's right, it's not (yet another) Super NES RPG, or an RPG on either of the first two PlayStations, but rather the original Game Boy.  And a pre-Pokémon one, at that!  We haven't featured a Game Boy game for the Maps Of The Month featurette in a long time, so here's a nice reminder that even only four shades of grey is enough for a good tale!  (Or four shades of spinach green, if you had the original hardware...)

So why Final Fantasy Legend II?  (Or "Sa-Ga2: Hiho Densetsu", if you prefer the Japanese title, as "Final Fantasy" was merely tacked on for marketing purposes.)  What makes these maps noticeably, well, legendary?  Well, you've got a dozen worlds, fully mapped.  Every town with full shop lists.  Every dungeon with all the treasures revealed.  It's all you could ever want, for a map set of an awesome RPG.  You even get to enter someone's body, how great is that?

So to acknowledge the effort put into mapping a legendary handheld RPG, maquiladora's Final Fantasy Legend II (Game Boy) maps will be known as's Maps Of The Month for November 2013.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2022, 09:04:59 am by JonLeung »

Offline Trop

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Re: 2013/11: Final Fantasy Legend II (Game Boy) - maquiladora
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2013, 07:37:20 pm »
The thing that I remember most about this game was the meat transformations.  Every few hours I almost had a new party just from all the monster meat my characters ate.  Double entendres aside the SaGa games sure are quirky.  This is one of the only ones I've played all the way through, glad it's finally mapped

Offline TerraEsperZ

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Re: 2013/11: Final Fantasy Legend II (Game Boy) - maquiladora
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2013, 07:54:56 pm »
What I've loved about the first SaGa "trilogy" is how each game features a number of separate little worlds whose connections always fascinated me.

In the first game, if you climbed the Sky Pillars and looked down from the outside of the Central Shrine, would you see every single world below you as separate little pieces of land, or as different locations on a single continuous world but separated by mountains, or are they all separate little bubbles linked solely by the Sky Pillars?

I also had the same fascination with the Tower in the first SaGa game but that's not important here. Maquiladora did a great job mapping this game and he/she deserves the recognition.
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